Beasts of Beyond
The Dump - Printable Version

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The Dump - Tecchou - 01-01-2022

Blighted by an usual mutation that grips the man's very existence, bi-chromatic coloration robes him with two-sided duality in black and white. On his left side, porcelain white takes hold of half his body in entirety. The purity in its brightness challenges even the cleanest of snow, as its owner puts a great amount of time and care in his cleanly professional appearance. The other side from the indomitable white: inky black, like corrupted swathes of darkness and imposing shadow, permeate the full right side of his body. As though the darkness of his right half swallows all light -- a silly impossible notion, the two sides seem to battle for dominance at first glance. Both equally as striking, equally as intaintable, and equally depicting his day-to-day actions as both a saint and a demon -- neither sides can fully justify what the true nature of his soul looks like, however. But it's close enough to the outside eye if one knows the man well enough, no? The differences between these two sides do not end here, certainly not. Just as his thickened coat has divided itself, his eye colors are not sparing any mercy either when it comes to conflicting sides. On the white side, red as deep and impermeable as wine warms the left side of his face, striking amicably through the aged eye orface of his wolf skull mask. On the right side, icy blue as cold as the chilliest winter cuts the other side, a stark contrast from the black fur that fails to taint with any shadow in this eye in particular.

For a doctor, the man is oddly massive and muscular for a profession that is typically categorized for small and weaker individuals. Those that choose herbs and medicine over teeth and nails, reassuring words of health instead of condemning snarls. However, Aleksandr strays away from such a stereotype. Once again -- almost repetitively at this point, duality plagues him. While he would typically stay far away from an altercation, his dedication to work and honoring his oath do not spare him from the appearance of a warrior. Experienced in gathering necessary herbs for his store, traveling miles outbound, and traversing a variety of terrain has had an effect on his physical tone -- as well as help him remain sure-footed in both speech and walk.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce faucibus, turpis molestie luctus molestie,libero ante placerat enim, vel tempor neque ex dignissim mi. Proin tincidunt, nisi id malesuada rhoncus, neque justo interdum leo, a pretium leo eros eget lectus. Suspendisse tempor, justo vestibulum bibendum luctus, augue tellus ullamcorper nibh, quis consectetur purus felis eu ante. Nunc nec elit dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris non bibendum mauris. Pellentesque vel viverra libero.

Etiam condimentum vestibulum mauris. Nullam lobortis, arcu vitae euismod sodales, neque mauris porttitor quam, ut sodales nisi dui quis lorem. Vivamus vestibulum rutrum lobortis. Pellentesque porta aliquet metus, vel vehicula turpis fringilla sed. Suspendisse nec augue dolor. Vivamus fringilla sapien vitae lorem cursus vestibulum. Curabitur mollis congue felis, nec rhoncus urna lobortis vel. Curabitur sit amet sagittis mauris. Integer eleifend pellentesque orci a pretium. Vivamus neque eros, venenatis vitae mauris nec, porta eleifend ipsum. Duis tristique, tellus ac blandit malesuada, metus nulla viverra diam, eget ornare nulla felis non elit. Nam vitae elit cursus, tincidunt tortor at, laoreet turpis. Nullam bibendum luctus nunc, non hendrerit odio vehicula ac. Maecenas luctus auctor tristique. Etiam aliquam, eros sed feugiat rhoncus, velit lacus mollis est, in vehicula sem nulla in velit.