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guru! guru! guru! ✘ OPEN, JOINING - CHARLIE. - 05-22-2018

© vixem.
(note: the words in italics are from his mother's perspective, the rest [in regular text] is from Gon's perspective  && mobile so please excuse any mistakes!)

    Being a mother is hard. There are many different circumstances that can lead to one becoming a mother and what happens afterwards, but in the end, it's all the same - you're stuck taking care of tiny creatures that can't care for themselves. You feed them, nurture them and guide them along the correct path in life. It's an incredibly taxing job that you do purely because these are your little babies, your precious muffins and you love them so dearly. However, there are not always happy endings. Being a mother in such an inhospitable environment calls for extremely difficult decisions to be made. When you've got a litter of four hungry little puppies crying to be fed every day, eventually you'll have to face one of the toughest questions of a mother's life: is leaving one pup behind worth it if the rest have a better chance of survival?

    Her pups were sick and starving. She had been giving them almost all of the food she brought back, but still she could see the ribs poking through their coats more each day. There simply wasn't enough prey to feed such a large family on the move. They were coming to six months old now, an important time in their development, which meant they would be even hungrier. If she continued this way none of them would survive, succumbing one by one to the dangerously cold environment. However, if they had one less mouth to feed, her remaining pups would be able to grow stronger. She turned to look at her pups behind her, focusing on the smallest pup. Gon was the runt of the litter and  slowing them down, even though he tried his best to keep up. There was talk of a group that had just formed in a valley underneath a nearby mountain. If Gon could make it to them, he would be well taken care of. It was the best thing to do for him and the rest of her pups, she was sure of it.

    "Come here, Gon. I've got a special mission for you." She spoke from where she sat on the edge of the hill-top, looking behind her at the tiny pups occupying themselves as they waited to continue their journey. She was going to take them where she had been raised, a place with more prey and fewer carnivores competing for it. That was far away though and she had taken Him as close to the mountain as she could afford to get. Now, she had to send him off and leave the rest up to him. "Listen closely, okay? I want you to go to that large mountain over there. In the valley below it is a group of animals that will take care of you. I want you to run there until you find them, okay? Stay with them and when you're bigger, you can come find us in the spot I've been telling you about." She instructed Gon when he settled beside her. She took a moment to look at the small pup, take in his lovely looks and bouncy personality and oh so generous view of the world, before nudging his backside with her nose to get him moving. As he ran off she sent a silent prayer to whatever was listening that he would be alright. She waited until she could no longer see his bouncing black form travelling through the snow before leaving, not knowing if she would ever see her son again.


    Gon didn't understand why his mother wanted him to leave. He tried not to complain when he was hungry and hid paws hurt. He had even do e his best to cheer up hid siblings when moods are down. So why was she sending him away? He wanted to go with his family to the better place, with trees and prey, not live in a valley with strangers. He couldn't muster any words after his mother finished speaking. Was he being punished? No, he thought to himself, mother always does what's best for us. If she was sending him off to live with these animals, then obviously it was for the better. Besides, she had said this was a special mission just for him! He would live with these valley-dwelling animals until he was big and then he would find his family and show them how much he had grown and how he had followed mom's wishes. Yes, he would do this and them come back and surprise her! With a cheerful spark in his eyes, Gon nodded at his mother and began down the hill towards the mountain. He might not have understood the reasoning behind her decisions, but he trusted his family so he'd do exactly as his mom said.

    It took nearly an hour for him to get to the valley that his mother had mentioned. He couldn't see any animals, but recent tracks and the mingled scents of many different creatures told him that there was, indeed, a group living here. He paused at the top of the valley, not sure if he should go any further. He was cold, snow clumping in his fur, and his paws hurt but he didn't want to give off the wrong message by entering their territory. Perhaps if he called out, someone would find him! "Hello! Is anyone there? I'm looking for the group that lives here. I was told this is where I'd find them."

    He waited a few minutes but didn't hear any animals approaching him. Maybe they couldn't hear him because he was too far out. Surely they'd understand why he decided to carry on once he reached their camp. He would explain to them how cold and tired he was, how he wanted to make sure he was found and how his mom had sent him here. Yeah! They'd have no problem with him, then. They'd probably welcome him with open hearts and warm food, even! Once he ate he could find a warm place to curl up and sleep. After travelling all day and then running here his paws felt like they were about to fall off, never mind the grogginess that was dragging at his mind. Deciding he better get going, the oddly coloured husky pup continued on into the valley towards the middle, where he hoped the camp would be.

Re: guru! guru! guru! ✘ OPEN, JOINING - Luciferr - 05-22-2018

Hymn of Ruin
considering the current climate - and what was some kind of event of tragedy beginning to unfold in front of them all with apparent slow sickness cropping up, that might've been too hopeful at the moment.

still when the dark shadow fell across the oddly coloured husky, there was no attack - oh there might've been words about trespassing but this was clearly a child - so lucifer merely coughed to get attention before the dark dragon moved to speaking - truly it was something of a relief perhaps for snowbound to have him constantly outdoors at the moment, it meant he often intercepted people before they got too far in if they were bad news,

which he didn't think this one was.

strange white-red eyes looked the younger over before asking "I assume you've sought out snowbound for a reason then?" shelter seemed most likely, why else would one be sent for them that held no other group scent that indicated an ambassador of some kind.

though he did note the pup seemed skinny? and it troubled him - were circumstances dire enough for someone to have sent a child here to them perhaps? he'd seen such things before.

he frowned before speaking up again "Lucifer Grimm is my name - what is yours child?"

/luci the eternal dad


Re: guru! guru! guru! ✘ OPEN, JOINING - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-22-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
At least Lucifer wasn't attempting to hurt a child; that one was reassuring. Atbash seemed to end up following Lucifer a lot, and today was no different. What could she say? She felt protected around the giant dragon, and he seemed to be nice enough. "Are you cold?" Atbash added onto Lucifer's questions in a worried tone. The husky pup did seem terribly skinny and the weather probably wasn't helping with that. "I can get you something. My name's Atbash Cipher." There, they were acquainted, so that he wasn't accepting something from a stranger. Not that Atbash would harm anybody.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: guru! guru! guru! ✘ OPEN, JOINING - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-22-2018

Having families when it came to the likes of the clan was honestly quite common. If there weren't any families in the clan and if they didn't start accepting members that were outside of the clan, they were just doomed to die off like the rest of the clans that Killua had ended up coming across. Family was one of the ways that clans had survived as long as they did, and it was that aspect that surprised Killua. They were always willing to hear what others had to say, and they were always willing to listen to the different viewpoints that all of them were going to have. Since he joined the clans a long time ago, Killua was far too used to arguing with others that had flawed logic and obviously weren't even that smart all things considered. Killua argued with those just for the fun of it, but if someone got him in a heated argument it just meant that he was bound to get violent sooner or later even if he knew that he was right and the other was wrong. No one usually bothered to hear his opinions on the factor that he was just a kid, and with his attitude, one could say that he was a brat and nothing else. Which in some regard he was on the bratty side compared to apprentices that were born within the clans. He had been given almost everything when it came to the Zoldyck family, and when he didn't get something it was quick for him to become upset. Although, he never really asked for much when it came to others. All he really cared about was making sure that no one ended up bothering him or trying to dig for information that he wanted to keep secret. If a creature could manage at least that, then it wasn't his problem with what they did in the clan. Now if they became a threat, then it would become an issue. He didn't exactly treat his job all that seriously, but when it came to the physical side of things he was considered to be one of the more stronger creatures that lived in Snowbound. The assassin had a completely different fighting style than the likes of the rest of those that were in the clan and he had a smaller body that he could use to fight others as well. Killua was lucky that he had been born into a body that was the second fastest land animal in the world, meaning that he could easily maneuver around those that were slower than him, or were really just trying to kill him. There were only a couple creatures in the clans that he could talk to without constantly getting into a heated argument. Melantha, Stark, and London were the two creatures that he could talk to without getting annoyed. Although there was Izuku, except he hadn't seen the other around that much and the maine coon was basically blind right now so he wasn't going to try and argue with the injured. Killua was different than Gon in the factor that he didn't have the same admiration for his family compared to the canine. Instead, he wanted to do everything he could to avoid his family and he was given tools early one to be able to defend himself against those that would potentially kill him. Belonging to an elite family would just mean that other families were bound to hold a grudge against him. And use that grudge to hunt any sort of Zoldyck member down. There were only two creatures in the world right now that knew of his last name, and that was Argus and London. London was told what his last name was because he thought that the clouded leopard deserved to know the truth.

Argus needed to know because she was willing to help him stop the voice that was inside of his head. The one that was controlling his emotion and constantly feeding him emotions that were not his own. It was a pain in his ass, but not only that he constantly worried about whether or not the feelings he had were actually his own instead of crafted ones for him to go through. Killua did have admiration for two creatures that did live in his family, and that was his grandfather and his father. He didn't hate all of his family, just the majority of it. Yet, despite all the horrible tortures that they had made him go through, saying that it was for the greater good, Killua wouldn't want any of them to die. Killua enjoyed being around his father, albeit the dragon did make him a little bit nervous. The other seemed to look at everything from a logical standpoint, but he wasn't a complete emotionless being like Illumi was when it came to dealing with life. His grandfather was even better, as he didn't seem at all upset about the things that had happened or he didn't even really seem all that upset when Killua would go complain to him. He wondered what the two reptiles were doing right now while he was trying to create a normal life for himself to live. One that was void of killing and one that simply had him existing in a place like this one. Like the rest of his family, Killua wasn't afraid to use force when it came to trying to get what he wanted. Killua having attacked both his mother and brother when he decided that he was going to run away from the Zoldyck estate by himself. There was only one family member that Killua did fear, and that was his oldest brother Illumi. The black tiger more than capable of taking on someone that had confidence in his abilities. After all, the tiger had trained him since he was just a kitten and practically knew everywhere he could strike him to make him feel actual pain. Most of the time he was numb to any injuries that he went through, he would still know that the injuries were there but for him to react with either screams or vocalizations of pain was basically impossible. He had too much nerve damage even for someone at his age. Illumi petrified his younger brother, and Killua knew that if the other appeared now he would be in no condition to try and take him on. Especially since he was still healing from when he nearly killed himself during his night terror as of late. Illumi was a threat not only to Killua, but also to those that Killua was starting to care about. Considering their last interaction, the other had practically beaten him to a pulp and ripped out his claws, he doubted the next interaction would go smoothly. Punishment was common in his family, and it wasn't uncommon for family members to be physically punished for going against the head's wishes. Killua wasn't exactly the heir yet, so he couldn't make his own decisions and had to listen to his father. Like hell he was. He just wanted to live a normal life where he didn't have to worry about if someone was going to kill him, or when his next paycheck would be made. Killua didn't even remember when he had first started running from his family. It seemed like time blurred in itself, and it was a struggle to figure out if he had actually made the right decision sometimes. Making incredibly slow progress when it came to social interactions because he had never been taught how. Difficult yes, but not impossible and he was too stubborn to give it up. This place mattered to him, no matter how many times he would try to deny it.

The clans he had spent times in could frustrate him, yes, but he never wanted anything bad to happen to those that lived in them. Simply being associated with him meant that they would ultimately become the target of his family wrath. Something that he couldn't have happened. Since the appearance of the Zoldyck Guard dog made its way into the territory, the assassin knew that there was something off. There were too many factors as to why Mike wouldn't even try to follow him. It had been months since he last saw the Hellhound anyway and the other was tasked with guarding the gate that leads to the mansion that he once grew up in. Mike shouldn't be here, and yet here he was. Killua couldn't get rid of him either, because each time he gave the 11ft tall Hellhound a command, he would just stare back at him. Annoying Killua even more than he already was, and he couldn't exactly kill the beast because that would simply raise suspicion to the rest of those that were in Snowbound. They considered killing horrible, and he wasn't about to show what he was capable of either. There were some animals that lived in Snowbound that did have their suspicions though once they first laid their eyes on him. He was used to to it though and wouldn't react to such things. The albino serval was laying on a branch up in a tree, a lollipop in his mouth. His sapphire blue eyes were staring down at his bandaged right arm, that was slowly healing, but he was going to need another week before it was completely healed. The assassin felt the familiar pounding in his head, and he couldn't figure out why he was having a headache in the first place. His brow furrowed as he closed his eyes as if that would make the headache go away. His eyes opened themselves again when he felt the tree that he was in slightly shake, and directly in front of his face was the large eyes that belonged to the 11ft Hellhound. Killua wasn't shocked to suddenly have the other's face in his own, as he was used to it back when he was just a kitten. Killua raised one of his arms and pushed the other's face away in annoyance, hissing at the Hellhound. He liked his personal space, and he hoped that Mike would eventually get the message. Yet, he knew that it was a fleeting wish. Getting up onto his paws, he swirled the lollipop in his mouth before letting himself drop down onto the ground. As soon as that happened, a massive shadow appeared over his body, causing his head to immediately snap up to see the end of Lucifers tail. He had to admit that the guy wasn't hard to miss thanks to his massive size. Killua was used to dragons, and he didn't get terrible vibes off of the older male. The other seemed to have spotted something though, and the serval though he might as well get busy. His paws made no sound as they made their way through the slowly melting snow, a neutral look spread across his facial features despite the pounding in his head. It only took him a couple minutes with his long legs to come across Lucifer and Atbash looking down at something. The scentless Snowstriker moved himself around Lucifer's massive body onto to see that there was a dark husky on the border, and Killua felt himself freezing mid-step.

His throat clenched as he looked at the husky that was in front of him. Younger than he was, in horrible shape. But so similar. To the first friend that he had ever made and was forced to kill. The husky had been a black and white husky similar to the way that Gon looked, and it made his stomach flipped. This was no way this was the same husky. Although reincarnation wasn't uncommon when it came the clans, Killua refused to believed that after months the husky would come back to life. The hesitation only lasted about 2 seconds before the massive Hellhound approached behind Killua, noticing the others unease. He turned his head finally to look at Mike, his lips curling to look at the Hellhound as he spoke commands to it. The large beast usually made other's afraid, and the canine probably didn't need that right now. "Mike stay. Don't move." Killua growled the command low, making his voice hard to be heard by other's that were around him. The bandaged covered Snowstriker than turned his head in the direction that the husky was in, and stepped up beside the rest of those that had already asked their questions. Despite the others young age, Gon was already the size of Killua. Typical of canines, and he knew once the other was at his age, the other would be bigger than him. At least he was larger than any of the domestics that lived in Snowbound. He flicked one of his large white ears and kept his metal claws sheathed as best as he could. "You seem pretty happy just walking through a territory you know nothing about. Could have gotten yourself killed." The older male would almost scold the odd colored husky, looking the other and accessing his injuries and his current condition since Jacob wasn't here. He was a husky, so he could deal with the cold, but the other still had a thin enough coat that it could be dangerous. A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as he raised one of his paws and conjured up at a wool blanket, catching it in his jaws, careful of the lollipop that was still in his mouth. Killua would drop the blanket at the other's feet, but it was obvious that the serval was keeping his distance even if the other was younger than him. "So you don't freeze to death. Where did you come from?" Killua questioned, a bad habit of his. He was digging for information, and he wouldn't introduce himself probably till later, if at all. Killua would sat down in the snow like it was now issue, raising one of his paws to adjust the bandage on his right arm. He could feel Mike's eyes burning into the back of his head, causing him to fidget. The pain in his head grew even more as he looked at Gon, and he didn't know why. Probably just memories that he wished he didn't remember anymore. "You're basically free to stay here and do whatever you want. Be careful though, the water here is currently toxic and you could die from eating too much snow if you don't stay warm. So ask someone to conjure you up some water, if you even know what that means. London, me, and a couple other's should be good" What the hell was he doing? Why was he teaching a pup what was going on? He should just leave the canine to just fend for himself because everyone else in the clan will be more than capable of taking care of him. After he was done speaking, Killua clamped his jaw shut, and his jaw remained tense. What was happening? Were these even his emotions again? He didn't know, and right now wasn't the time for him to suddenly get paranoid.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: