Beasts of Beyond
with ease || PG DESTRUCTION + GROUP MERGER - Printable Version

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with ease || PG DESTRUCTION + GROUP MERGER - Morrison - 09-05-2021

The signs of a hurricane were present from the shore for all of the Palm Glades members in no time. The whipping winds, wild waves, and the downpour had begun. All members that lived within the main camp were beginning to stoically panic, others were beginning to pack their bags and hide on the high ground, but it was never enough. Wind began to howl. Rain turned into pummeling daggers into their pelts. Their home started to flood. As the torrential storm thundered across the sky with it's dark grey hue, the hurricane grew closer with exhilarating speed. Unsettled, the looming feeling of impending doom swept over the territory.

Hurricanes were no stranger to the wolf. Paws stood on the edge of the sparkling beach. His wicked ears pinned to the sides of his head as his gaze squinted out towards the horizon. A cold gaze watched as the ocean whipped into action. The disaster before them was coming... and quickly. Teeth gritted together. They needed a plan before the beast struck. Indecision picking at his logical mindset, Morrison Pendragon decided to just follow his gut. Within moments, he darted away.

A dash of navy blue grazed past the vision of Palm Glades members. In an instant, the wolf took ahold of their attention as he cascaded to the roof of a home. Claws dug firmly into the roof and held their place as he stood tall. Settling with a huff, his desperate howl began. "ALRIGHT CUNTS-" He wasn't sure if they could hear him. The wind whipping in his own ears caused the pirate to not even be able to hear himself, but he held some hope. Instead, he began to gesture instructions alongside his words. "I'M GONNA NEED YA TO GET INSIDE A BUILDING AND HANG TIGHT." He pointed at the houses before him and then hugged his paws around his chest to gesture 'tight.' "'BOUT TO GET MIGHTY SHAKY." His paw was held outwards and shook. At this point, he was beginning to question if they were understanding him, but affirming gazes stared back. "BLOCKADE YOUR WALLS AND GOOD LUCK, LADS!" He continued his spiel by pushing forward with his paws against the harsh winds.

With a final touch of irony, he leapt down from his spot and let out a final howl. "SCREAM IF YOU NEED ANYTHING?" He couldn't hear anything except mother nature's wrath though...

Instructions were now finished... but would they work? With a narrowed gaze out on the members beginning to work, he bit his tongue. Each time he experienced the ocean's wrath, the result varied. Smaller islands suffered the most, but Palm Glades had inhabited a larger mainland. This time, things were different. No water could run off the other side, only in towards the middle. He could only hope for the best, but as the waves rushed in and the sky began to turn black, things were beginning to look bleak.

Mud-drenched paws trudged throughout the slippery landscape and slid towards the doorway of an abandoned home. Hefty force slammed the door wide. Holding it open with his tail, he gestured a group within. Their eyes were wide as they passed through the doorway and looked around, wondering if the wood around them would entrap them and become their coffin. 

Without a word, they settled. Morrison made short exchanges, risky quips, and tried to keep an eye out for those struggling, but the reception was lackluster. Their gazes had already glazed over with panic. It was not worth trying.

In the distance, the sound of crashing metal and clashing debris caused his ears to perk. Hot, shaky breaths echo throughout the home and short cries of worry whine out from the younglings. Morrison slowly rose to his feet. Shaky haunches swerve towards the blocked off window. He pressed his forehead against the wooden defense and narrowed his pointed gaze through it’s gap, catching the horizon in the storm-laden distance. It lacked... something.

The ferris wheel.

Metal clanged and whipped downwards in front of his eyes. His jaw unhinged in shock. Chiseled features pulled away from the window violently, avoiding his eyes. His fearful gaze looked back at those cowering in the nooks and crannies of the home. Screams from the outside caused their attention to go to their loved ones, others towards him. Some yells were cut off short. Others were drowned out by the storm. 

He gulped. His nose fell into his chest and he stared down at his paws. The world around him began to fade. 

Hours pass. It feels like days. Maybe years. No one wanted to know.

The sun was sickly bright. Humidity and the remainder of the downpour coated their pelt. Sunrays scorched his dark fur as he walked out the door and into the quarry. His paws immediately scraped past debris. Metal, wood, and organic materials caressed at his pawpads as he continued further with his gaze focused in the distance. Golden eyes subtly shook. Shock. His head darted downwards... Away from the destruction.

While debris was expected, the washed away and scattered corpses had taken away his breath. Not only Palm Glades members, but others from the seas below. For a moment, he stood in silence. The eerie feeling overtook Morrison. He could only imagine the rest felt the same, but he couldn't see the look on their faces. He didn't want to see. But he had to.

Hesitantly, his gaze rose up and out again. With a gulp, he watched as wanders hovered over the crimson stained corpses of their loved ones. Some in silence. Others in wailing cries. Not only was their home destroyed, but they had lost a large portion of their people... and home, truthfully, was where the heart was.

It was time to explore other options.

After some time, those remaining gathered. Several led the discussion, but the wolf gave way to the suggestion that led to their future. As a member of both The Palm Glades and The Typhoon, he implied they could perhaps join ranks with them. Some scoffed. Others craned their heads. In the end, that appeared to be the favorable and reasonable option, especially after their unfaithful alliance during the Coalition of the Condemned's war.

Time to move on. Start a new life.

Eventually, with permission from The Typhoon's Captain, they joined forces. Morrison came first. Some followed or chose to join as a group. Others came alone. A small few even chose to depart elsewhere, getting a heartfelt goodbye from the wolf. Nevertheless, The Palm Glades was no longer, but their destiny remains.

[Despite the timeskip happening soon, you are more than welcome to solidify your membership/past interactions with a thread.]

——————— wolf & the typhoon + palm glades & info ———————

Re: with ease || PG DESTRUCTION + GROUP MERGER - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 09-05-2021