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HOLLOW ; dual joiners - Printable Version

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HOLLOW ; dual joiners - grassina - 05-22-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]● ● ●
"Well, I guess it's a damn good thing you're not leading the way then," the short, obsidian wolf retorted, voice heavy with annoyance. The words were directed at his traveling companion - a very tall coyote. The size differences were almost comical, but it somewhat mimicked their former human selves. The dark wolf supposed he should be used to this type of unfairness, for even in this form, he could not win.

Tim let out a sigh as they continued onwards, nearing the snowy tundra of Snowbound. The winds had become harsh and freezing, even for near summer. The wolf narrowed his eyes as everything suddenly became cold. He was not used to this. Not at all. Had they taken a wrong turn? God, they probably had. Before his companion, Brian, could mouth something, he barked, "Don't say anything. I know where we're going."

His eyes shifted from the cold place to the coyote for a few heartbeats, wondering if this were all really worth it. When they had last parted ways, he had killed the other. Granted, he had not meant to, but it had happened. He had been in anguish over that for some time, but after succumbing to his own cruel end, he found this existence was punishment enough. Brian hated him now, he was sure. The only real reason they were together again (as far as Tim knew) was because they had formed somewhat of a rocky truce. Nevertheless, fighting had ensued immediately. They bickered about everything. Always.

"Oh, and how is this just my fault?" he growled, arching a metaphorical eyebrow. "You're the one who said we should take that stupid shortcut. If we hadn't gone that way, we probably would've been there by now." His eyes were narrowed as he spoke, not looking at the other.

Brian continued mouthing words, and Tim was growing increasingly aggravated as the duo encroached upon the border. In fact, he was so peeved that he had scarcely noticed the scent markers. Luckily, he had stopped just before the boundary, whirling around to face the taller being. "You make me so angry sometimes, my God," he said, fur bristling. "Sometimes, you make me glad that I pushed you," he added, words spat with venom. He knew that was a sore spot for Brian, but did he care? Well, actually, kind of. But the words were there, and there was no time to take them back.

A fight had long since been brewing, and now, surely it would begin.

[please don't post until tricky does!! <3]

Re: HOLLOW ; dual joiners - tricky - 05-22-2018

    Somewhat was understating their relationship. The right description was a very rocky truce. Smacking hard against concrete had left a sore spot in both his back and his trust, considering the man who shoved him down lied through his teeth since childhood. Death had become a startling reality in the years leading up to his own end, as former co-workers and dare he say friends dropped like flies thanks to one loony director, but he didn't ever picture such an abrupt way to go.

    While he couldn't hold grudges forever, he was determined to make this particular one last a long, long time. Because of whatever... disease Tim carried, his life was completely ruined, and now he was stuck in the body of a mutt or a scruffy wolf or whatever he was. To add salt in the wound, he woke up from a comatose state with the same mustard yellow hoodie wrapped around his gangly form, dark gloves obscuring his front paws, and the same ebony fabric-mask painted with a crimson frown tucked inside his jacket. The man couldn't even get himself a fresh start with a lucky reincarnation. He had been assumedly a coyote for days now, right? Weeks? He didn't know; his head pounded with lingering sickness and he spent most of his time scrounging for food or avoiding becoming roadkill.

    Then he appeared out of the blue -- and for a heartbeat, Brian was almost excited to see his old friend through the midst of confusion and snow. Almost. If only he had lost his memories along with his body. It would have been stupid to let his anger get the best of him and smash Tim's sideburns in right then and there, considering both of them were in a strange place with only each other for help. Somehow an allegiance was settled -- which included Brian forcefully giving Tim back a plain mask, that was promptly stuffed away out of sight -- and here they were. Trudging through sleet in tense silence. Until the shorter canine had to open his trap and complain about directions, even after Brian pointed him to a shortcut. Soon enough it felt like they were stalking around in circles, an experience he didn't want to repeat again after his own house was turned into a labyrinthine wormhole of teleporting around and dead ends doubling on themselves. "You got us lost again, Tim," the hooded coyote grumbled, silent pace never breaking lengthy stride despite the narrowed glint of concern in hazel eyes.

    It was his fault, everything was his fault, he lied about everything -- Brian's blood came to a near boiling point as he failed to tune out Tim's shrill whining, loosing his aloof composure to snap back, "I've used that shortcut before; I've been here longer than you! Not to mention, I was always the one dragging you out of trouble every time you got lost out in Rosswood!" Pale fangs clenched together in a snarl, having finally reached the breaking point of his muted patience. "And the one who kept getting your memory back each time you lost it, and the one trying to warn you every time that bastard tried to kill you. But you can't even remember, can you?" he asked in a dangerously cold tone, light footfalls slowing as he distanced himself from the other. The lanky coyote didn't flinch as Tim whipped back around to answer, steely gaze frowning down at him. It was only the last phrase that roused a reaction from Brian, his youthful features instantly contorting into an expression of sheer hatred before he lurched forward to tackle Tim to the snow, using his gloved paws to slam his head against the mushed ice and pin him down. Funny, he could recall a time where he assisted Tim in tackling their shared enemy, baiting the third party on until his partner could ambush from the shadows. And now the pair were wrestling in the permafrost as if they never worked together in their lives.

Re: HOLLOW ; dual joiners - Luciferr - 05-22-2018

Hymn of Ruin
a dark shape passed over the two before an abrupt change in direction and a sudden deafening quiet before a very large obsidian shaped slammed into the ground, legs extended under him as he came to a running stop and moving to attempt to intercept the two with a sharp barked roar rearing up at the two strangers fighting on their territory attempting to pin them both to the ground with one hand round each.

just his day to get interrupted by squabbling trespassers, they had enough to worry about with whatever was poisoning things around the territory.

lucifer leaned back as smoke streamed from his nostrils and eyed the two with something close to contempt for what he'd witnessed "would you care to explain all that? and just what you're doing walking into snowbound territory past the markers?" mismatched eyes narrowed briefly.

if they proved themselves to stop fighting he'd let them up - thats if he'd pinned them both down anyway - really now had they missed all the signs of a lived in territory? hmph.

//low muse ;-;


Re: HOLLOW ; dual joiners - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-22-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Something had ticked Lucifer off, and Atbash was running after the large reptile as fast as her legs could carry her. However, just as she arrived, Lucifer had let out a roar and was trying to pin down the two strangers in their territory. "Lucifer!" Atbash let out a cry of alarm as she rushed to his side, practically gasping for breath. She took a couple of moments to catch her breath, not daring to try and stop Lucifer (mostly because she was too small to do so, but also because she didn't have the energy to do that). "There's no need for that!" Or, well, she didn't think so, anyway. One of the two strangers - a wolf - did seemed pissed off, but he didn't look like he was going to harm anybody.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: HOLLOW ; dual joiners - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-22-2018

Everyone had some sort of pride in themselves. Whether it would be something that they would be good at or something completely different. It wasn't hard to tell the look in someone's eyes when they were proud of something that they were able to accomplish or to show off in this case. There were many different talents any creature could have in their lifetime, and there were plenty of those that were on a journey to try and figure out what their goal in life was. He had seen it time and time again, and when he came to Snowbound he was honestly interested in the different types of talents there were to be shown. The assassin was interested to know what everyone was capable of doing, so he basically made it his mission to figure out what everyone was good at. When it came to fighting, there were very few creatures that were capable of meeting that criterion. Most of them absolutely refused to fight at all, and that was perfectly fine with Killua. It was a dumb move, yes, but if they weren't willing to train and fight for potential hazards, that was their own fault and not his own. The wildcat didn't have to really worry about training to get better against the rest of the clans that existed in this area. The clans were never really strong compared to the likes of him, and fighting was one of the many things that he prided himself on. When he first decided that he was going to join Snowbound, he expected that there would at least be someone else that would be willing to fight someone if and when they got attacked. The clans never really remained peaceful no matter how many times they tried to avoid any sort of conflict that they've gone through. The assassin had seen this attempted plenty of times of the clans that he lived in for a couple of weeks before moving on once he realized that there was nothing there for him now. When he did arrive in Snowbound, he was in a little bit of shock to find that no one seemed interested in fighting at all except for the raven that lived in Snowbound at the time, but she was injured so she couldn't exactly do much. When the clans were attacked, he was the only one that seemed to be willing to resort to violence, which was fine, but everyone else seemed to think that it was taboo when it was practically in everyone's blood to fight for survival. He was a fighter and more than everything he was a killer. The killer that his family was trying to morph their child into as much as possible so that they could have their perfect assassin. He didn't have a nice childhood, but it didn't seem like anyone was capable of being happy nowadays as most creatures were miserable. Except for a select handful of those that did live in Snowbound and surprised him all the time with the amount of positivity they constantly had. The assassin came to the clans to get away from his family so he wouldn't be a killer again.

After having thousands of bodies piling up he was over the idea of taking other's lives and wanted to know what it was like to live a normal life. He had met a couple of creatures throughout his life that helped him along this path, albeit a slow start he still managed to make his first friend that was located here in Snowbound. The only issue was the fact that it was easy for her to die if she got cut in the wrong place, meaning that he had to be on constant watch for potential threats that plagued the clans. Over time, Killua wasn't the only one that was powerful in the clans, and Lucifer probably took that trophy away from him. Not that he really cared because the older male seemed to be pretty interesting in his mind. It was almost impossible not to hear the roar that came from the massive dragon. It made Killua's head shoot up from where he was laying on a branch. Mike fairly close to him as usual and the 11ft Hellhound didn't seem to leave him alone either. What Killua wished to have Mike just simply disappear. There was nothing against the Hellhound, considering that the assassin grew up with him, but he knew that it was a symbol that was going to ruin him if he didn't get the other to go away. Killua got up onto his paws, and immediately knew that there was something going on nearby. The albino serval let himself drop down from the branch that he was on, his metal claws curving into the snow. As soon as his paws touched the ground, he was moving. It would be nice to go from tree to tree so that he could get a better vantage point, but he felt like this was much easier for him. The young male skidded to a halt on the scene, hearing Atbash yelling and seeing what seemed like Luci hovering over someone. Different scents mingled with one another, and he flicked one of his large white ears. The assassin had his air elementals up like usual, meaning it was impossible to catch his scent, and almost completely muffled his movements as he moved around to the front of where Luci was so that he could see what was happening. A wolf and coyote were pinned to the ground. What had happened? He hadn't been here to witness what had happened, but if Lucifer had attacked them then they had a reason. The massive 11ft Hellhound that followed Killua came up behind him, around the same size that the dragon was, but with fewer spikes. The purple-hued canine didn't show any emotion as it simply stared at the creatures. But the fur on the back of its neck bristled so it was obvious that the beast was pissed but didn't move, and wouldn't move unless Killua was endangered. Killua would let out an impressed whistle at the scene as he would sit himself down, his metal claws still unsheathed especially if they were enemies. "Well looks like this isn't your guys' best moment. Care to explain?" Killua questioned the two, doubting that they would try to lie their way out of what happened considering that they were surrounded by two larger creatures, and an assassin that could slit their throats while they were pinned down. Killua spoke in a calm tone, and there was no emotion expressed on his facial features. Bandages did cover his right arm and his throat though, but he could easily fight through his injuries.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: HOLLOW ; dual joiners - grassina - 05-22-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]● ● ●
When Brian spoke of Rosswood and being lost and losing memories, Tim could not help but become angrier. He didn't ask Brian to come save him all those times he was dragged into that hell hole. He didn't ask Brian to help him retrieve his memories. The coyote before him did that on his own, nothing more and nothing less. And saving him? As if. No way. It was the other way around, wasn't it? Tim tried to recall all the things his former best friend spat at him, but his memory was blurred once more. It was like looking at harsh television static and trying to make out the pictures: impossible. That being said, the only response he could offer Brian was a low growl.

Lucifer had arrived a second too late to prevent Brian from slamming Tim into the snow underfoot. The impact stole the dark wolf's breath, and a loud grunt escaped his jaws. Brian managed to shove Tim's head into the frozen precipitation as Tim was, admittedly, helpless. Tim opened his muzzle, about to bite the other male when the dragon arrived. His dark eyes widened for a fraction of a second, and he attempted to push Brian off and away, out of the way of the beast. Having slithered out of the coyote's grasp, the man would stand up and shake himself, sending snow flying.

As he collected himself, trying to smooth out the red flannel button down he wore, two more arrived. One seemed to be almost in hysterics, and the other was as cool as the dragon that had asked them what the hell was going on seconds before. His eyes fell on Brian, narrowed, for a few seconds before turning to the Snowbound trio. The expression he gave them was softer than he offered Brian and much more apologetic.

"Er... Sorry about all that," he began, a bit sheepishly. He flicked snow from his ear and put on an air of confidence. "My name's Tim, that's Brian," he nodded his head to the tall, hooded coyote, "and we're looking to join... Sorry we crossed your borders, too. We tried our best to stay behind them, but our argument seemed to want otherwise." He let a small chuckle pass through his lips, hoping it would defuse this tense situation. The pair had already blown a good first impression, and Tim believed they need to salvage what they could.

Re: HOLLOW ; dual joiners - valemon - 05-23-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
A roar splitting the quiet of his walk was enough to get Val’s attention. Though, by the time he’d arrived on scene, things seemed to be handled. After a quick scan of everyone present, the cub was satisfied that they were  all okay. So, he no longer questioned what had happened, instead focusing on the individual who had said he wanted to join. No, ‘we're looking to join’, he’d said.

Val’s focus shifted to the other stranger present and he smiled. Had they come together? That was so nice. For a moment, he wondered how long they’d know each other, then his thoughts slowly morphed into whether something similar might happen with him and his sister. If he ever decided to leave, would Sekai follow? Would he leave if it was reversed?

Deciding he shouldn’t be concerned with ‘ifs’, he instead refocused on the joiners. “Welcome!” he greeted, oblivious to any tension resulting from the small scuffle previous. “M’ name’s Valemon.” He would wait for someone else to offer the pair a tour or anything else. After all, Val was pretty new here, too.
© madi

Re: HOLLOW ; dual joiners - Luciferr - 05-23-2018

Hymn of Ruin
Lucifer simply inclined his head to Atbash with a quiet rumble "I intervened between them fighting Atbash and no more" the dragon had been aiming to pin them after all and not to harm even though his size and strength would make that a simple task - he was better than what he had been.

his massive crowned head shifted to nod in greeting to Killua and his accompanying hellhound before his attention returned to the two and one of them finally spoke up, the black wolf glaring - ah brian was his name - at the other momentarily before explaining themselves, well clearly there was bad blood there.

he hummed "Not the best first impression you could have made" the dragon moving back to loom half protectively over the trio now by his sides - yes even the hellhound - before speaking again "I hope this will be the only time I stumble upon you two attempting murder of the other, especially if you are going to live with us" his tone held no argument - the dragon disliked conflict among members, they had enough to worry about with the enemies outside their clan.


Re: HOLLOW ; dual joiners - PIERCE - 05-24-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Pierce, like any normal person, wasn’t a huge fan of violence, though it was something he was far too used to. Even in the books he’d read as a boy, it’d been something that was deemed “normal”, though for a while, he’d assumed it was just because it was fiction. However, that was proved false when he witnessed friends being captured, other clans attacking his- hell, in the midst of it all, when he was about six months old, he’d been captured himself. It was then that he realized, even the most insane things weren’t that unbelievable, and really, things weren’t as safe as they seemed.

Pierce wasn’t into fighting, of course, but that wasn’t to say he hadn’t felt another’s skin beneath his claws, or held a knife in his paw, before for those sensations were ones he was quite familiar with, but he tried to avoid it. As long as his clan was safe, he steered clear of most confrontation, but lately, he’d noticed himself getting more and more fed up with people, so maybe he understood the occasional left-hook to those who really pissed you off.

Perhaps he would have been far more friendly toward these two had their first impression on him not been them tearing into each other, but he still offered each of them a polite smile, tail waving absent-mindedly  behind him. "Pierce Parker," the serval introduced, his gaze flicking between the two canines before him. "Welcome to the clan- you can let me know if you need anything."


Re: HOLLOW ; dual joiners - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-24-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Atbash blinked in response to Lucifer's words towards her, noting them. Even so, his large size surely might have done some harm? Not that he could control that, of course, but still. It was a little nerve-wracking to see a huge dragon plummeting for you, and it certainly gave Atbash a heart attack seeing him like that. Her attention went back to the two canines, mostly on Tim since he was the one who spoke of their intentions. "Ah, yeah, welcome," She said. "My name's Atbash Cipher."
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi