Beasts of Beyond
LOVER BE GOOD TO ME - returning?? - Printable Version

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LOVER BE GOOD TO ME - returning?? - infectedmouth - 08-02-2021

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[align=center][shadow=#f56b2c,left]GETTIN' HICKEYS FROM MY BED BUGS,[/shadow]
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pshhh uhhhh
am i coming back??? is this gonna be the comeback of the century?????
i have been gone since september, jeez
it's been quite a while, huh,
eleven whole months

Re: LOVER BE GOOD TO ME - returning?? - infectedmouth - 08-02-2021

update: upon learning about this site's inactivity, i'm moving to penprints!!

Re: LOVER BE GOOD TO ME - returning?? - Orion - 08-04-2021

i am on break rn and actually bringing up some new ideas if you wanna chat on discord ^^ ive been surveying members on where to go from here and so far there’s a lot of positive ideas

Re: LOVER BE GOOD TO ME - returning?? - infectedmouth - 08-06-2021

*foams at the mouth* I lIED IM STAYING

Re: LOVER BE GOOD TO ME - returning?? - Orion - 08-07-2021

*drools whipped cream*