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First time for everything... a break. - Printable Version

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First time for everything... a break. - Orion - 07-19-2021

So this has been a long time coming, but I think it's time for me to relax a bit and take a minor 'break.' This has been in my drafts for awhile now... Seems like it's a good time to do so. With a lot of things happening IRL, I've been meaning to take one for awhile, but haven't had the chance to properly establish the time or place to do so. Things have been slowing down, and although it is my job to keep up the pace occasionally, I'd like to take this time to settle down for once and relax for my own mental health.

Roleplay is my passion. One of the finest hobbies I have, but truly, I am feeling drained. I feel comfortable roleplaying on Beasts of Beyond, but I am without muse due to things going on in life and I need time to rejuvenate. Truly, I do not want to force myself to post. Instead posts should come naturally and with muse that drives me to continue. Lately, that has not been the case. I will note that I have been exploring out of my comfort zone with roleplay too and lately I've been feeling a lot more comfortable on BoB with how things are progressing, thankfully. All I ask for is time. Then I will be back on my feet.

Along with this, I've acquired a new job. Not only this, but I have another offer upcoming and college. So I will most likely be juggling two jobs on top of my education. Overall, I am going to be busy. Before then, I want some time to prepare and set everything in order. Plus, with the pandemic, I have not been able to get out and be myself... This seems like the perfect time to get out and potentially come out.

When I say 'break,' I don't necessarily mean a full-on break. In my three years, almost four (which seems crazy :0), being the owner of Beasts of Beyond, I have never stepped away for a proper break. What I mean is that while I won't be on-site often to post, I will still be available for staff duties and messages behind the scenes. That's generally expected. Things such as monthly meetings, headers, events, etc, will all be scheduled per usual.

I do not know how long this break will last, but it does not mean I'm gone. I'll basically be taking a step back for a bit and letting things take it's course without much interference, whether that be good or bad.

Re: First time for everything... a break. - Orion - 08-04-2021

For those who have reached out to me, thank you. Mentally it’s been tough lately and I’ll admit that. Hence the break. Nevertheless, thank you for allowing me to take time to rest my head and take care of myself. Same to those who have also taken the time to sit down and talk with me about some questions I have too about the future of the site. Needless to say, there’s a lot on the table and plenty to come. With the opinions and direction provided, Beasts of Beyond is bound to get some new stuff going as soon as the winds pick up for me and the rest of us here too. During this time things are growing slow, but we are not dying. Instead we are having a new beginning and moving onto better things.

As I wane off my break, please look out for some threads/surveys/DMs asking for your guidance and opinions on how to proceed with RP and how to make things better! Along with this, presenting new and expanded ideas. The member survey is worked out wonderfully, but the more the merrier. So keep an eye out. It’s super appreciated. <333

Anyways, as my job schedule starts up a bit more and classes begin, I’ll be on a stable-ish schedule and will have time set aside for BoB’s community. I can’t wait to roleplay once again. Thanks y’all.

Re: First time for everything... a break. - Orion - 08-05-2021

A few more are reaching out for surveys and their opinions too, so ty!! Glad we’re planning some stuff :0

Re: First time for everything... a break. - Orion - 08-08-2021

Got into a car crash yesterday night, so apologies. Car is fine, I’m a little banged up, but overall okay. Just a heads up if I’m out for the day.