Beasts of Beyond
POOR SUMMER | {OPEN, SPAR} - Printable Version

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Something was wrong. But that wasn't the issue. The real issue was why he didn't know what was wrong and why he felt the way that he did. Was it because of all the stuff that was recently happening? Or something else? He hadn't exactly done anything amazing the past couple of days and had no reason to. The wildcat had just been going about his day making sure that he wasn't opening the wounds that he had given himself. The young male had paid close attention to the wounds that he had given himself almost a week ago. Maybe even longer ago. He couldn't remember as it seemed like time was starting to blur between everything. It was annoying to say the least, but his temper hadn't exactly been in the best place since a certain someone had arrived. The large beast that happened to be the guard dog of his family had managed to find him. Although, Killua believed that it wasn't just a coincidence that the other had managed to find him. There had to be something else. There just had to be because he wouldn't accept the fact that Mike had gone out on his own to try and find him. That wasn't possible. The albino serval knew that Mike followed the commands that were given by his family and nothing else. He would refuse to listen to those that were strangers, and he wouldn't refuse a direct order that was given toward him. This meant if he was going to live the territory that his family was in charge with, it meant that Mike was given an direct order. Depending on who it was from would give him an idea of how bad of a situation he was in. If it was one of his siblings that was allowed to give the guard dog an order, it wouldn't be all that bad. But if it was his grandfather or his father, then there would definitely be an issue that he couldn't back away from. This immediately meant that the Snowstriker was going to end up fairly stressed out trying to figure out what was happening to him and his family. Not only that, but those that he was starting to care about were ultimately going to be put in danger if he wasn't careful. He would need to keep them safe, and that meant that he was going to need to get stronger at the same time. He couldn't afford to get weak and just have his brother walk all over him like he had once done. In the clan that he was forced to leave because he was afraid that the male would destroy the creatures he was drawing so close to. That was all his family wanted for him after all. They wanted him to cooperate. If he did, they would probably be lenient on the things that they would tell him to do. Killua wasn't sure how much he was willing to believe them though as they were all born liars. He knew he was in danger. But he always had been. That was never going to go away as long as his family existed in the first place. He had to keep his family away and that was all there was to it.

The albino serval flicked one of his large white ears as he walked through the snow. It was almost impossible for him to remain silent with the 11ft tall Hellhound that was starting to follow him around now. A pain in his ass, but he could always try to ditch the Hellhound if stealth really needed to become a factor. The assassin needed to work on his form, and as well as doing this he would be able to figure out how strong others were compared to him. Which he considered himself to be one of the strongest in the clan. Other than maybe Lucifer, but the dragon had a large and armored body on his side. Killua had his powers and his claws that were his main weapons, and with the powers that he had he could easily kill someone that was larger than him. He lashed his shortened tail behind him as he flexed his claws into the ground. His jaw clenching and unclenching as there was a pounding in his head that started earlier today. He didn't know what it meant. And it terrified him. Killua wore a frustrated look across his face before finally standing up again. He turned to look over his shoulders, looking into the eyes of the emotionless Hellhound that wasn't capable of feeling emotion. "Mike. Sit. And stay. You got that? Do not move from that spot." Killua growled the command toward the Hellhound, watching as the other seemed to decide that the order seemed to be good enough and actually sit himself down. A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as he walked a little bit of a distance away from the massive beast, looking over his shoulder once to make sure that the other didn't move. Killua still hadn't healed from his injuries with his night terror, and slightly, blood crusted bandages covered his neck and his right arm. The young male didn't seem to care all that much, as he wanted to let loose some steam. He was more than willing to attack someone that was larger than himself, and if he allowed powers, it meant that the would be able to document the powers that clanmate would have. "Alright. Who wants to spar me? Everything goes. But giving serious injuries probably isn't a good idea." Killua would say calmly. Anyone that fought against him would have every right to come at him like they were trying to kill him. He wouldn't injure those that fought against him though, and more than likely he would just use brunt attacks instead of using his claws. If he used his claws, it wouldn't be much of a battle. He was going to limit himself to a certain amount of powers, and his injuries were bound to slow him down unless he really did want to rip through the stitches that were under the bandages. The pounding in his head didn't stop.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: POOR SUMMER | {OPEN, SPAR} - guts - 05-22-2018

This world was apparently dangerous, according to what Izuku had told him when he first woke up. With the way he had explained it, he had made it sound like some hellscape. Aizawa thought he had just been exaggerating, but when he turned up very injured one day, his mind had changed. Although his attitude hadn't change much, he did have an inch of cautiousness with everything he did--but that was to be expected. Being in a different place with happenings that were out of the ordinary, anyone would be on edge.

He grew into a clever fighter after years of training to become a professional hero. His actions in battles were calculated, and he was still that way, even in a new body. He wasn't sure how to use his physical form, but his battle skills were still well-honed. He just needed to figure out a new way of fighting.

"I'll participate," he says, tone blank as usual. He pads up to the serval, who he's a lot bigger than--but he knows that he's a lot more than he seems. He's seen it himself before, and he knows he has the same advantage over him, as well. The only difference between them was that Kilua actually knew how to use his power.

But Aizawa could also feel it--there was something off in the air. He was somewhat convinced it was just him, and that he was having a weird day. It would wear off eventually. Still, it was hard to ignore.


Re: POOR SUMMER | {OPEN, SPAR} - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-23-2018

(aaaahhh I love Aizawa!!)

Killua was taught when he was only three months old the harsh world that waited for him. But at the same time he didn't have a full grasp of what was actually happening. The young serval didn't know exactly what they meant because he didn't have enough experience for himself, and simply had to base what his parents were saying by simply trusting them. He learned that trusting his family at that age would be the best method, because he wasn't about to not trust those that were taking care of him since he was born. They were family right? That's what family was supposed to do. He never faulted them for the way they raised him. He didn't care about the factor that he was tortured for a majority of his life because something like that didn't even remotely bother him. His siblings went through it, and it was only a matter of time before he had to go through it himself. Whether he wanted that to happen or not. He probably had too much trust in his family at that time because he basically believed every word that they said. What he did fault his family for though was keeping the world hidden from him. Not allowing him the freedom that he so desperately wanted. His mother immediately throwing a fit when he asked if he could go outside and hang around the territory that was their own. Half the time she would say no unless he decided that he was going to bargain with him. Which happened several times so that he could just manage to get himself outside. Ultimately, he started to figure out different ways of getting to the outside world without asking his mother for permission. It had worked for some time until one of the butlers that served his family decided that it would be a good idea to tell his parents once they caught him sneaking out of a window to and go and explore. He remembered the exact amount of lashings that his family had given to him as punishment.

If he did something wrong, it wasn't just a simple scolding that he received like some children around his age. Instead, he was physically tortured for hours on end. Now, it didn't exactly bother him considering that he was used to it and the nerve damage across his body was enough to keep him feeling most pains. Especially from a whip, which had been the most used tool out of all of them in the dungeons underneath the mansion of theirs. Killua wasn't looking for any sort of pity when it came for what his family did to him. If anything, he was searching for acceptance and redemption. He had a feeling that he would never end up finding redemption due to the horrible tragedies that he has committed in his short lifetime, but he was still willing to try and make up for the things that he did. Even if wasn't all that much all together. Out of all the creatures that lived in Snowbound, he actually was quite fond of the black lion. He wasn't sure why, but the other seemed to be easy to talk to and had the right mindset when it came to certain things. He doubted that Aizawa was a softy like the rest of the creatures that lived here. Besides, the guy knew Izuku, and Killua actually liked the maine coon. He felt bad for the fellow apprentice when he got severely injured inside of Snowbound territory a little bit ago. The large white ears that were perked on the top of his head heard familiar pawsteps coming toward him. No one in Snowbound bothered to hide the pawsteps that they made. The large radar-dish-like ears twisted the direction that Aizawa was coming toward him with. He turned his head to look over at the lion. Was the other going to participate? He could feel Mike's eyes change where he was looking and locked onto the form of the larger wildcat. Killua looked over toward the Hellhound and sent the other a glare, which the guard dog seemed to take as a hint to knock it off and that the other wasn't an enemy. Pain ripped through his head, nearly making him let out a hiss of pain but he kept himself from doing so. He had felt worse pain after all and pretended like there was nothing wrong. A grin spread across his features as the lion was wanting to take him on. "Alright old man. You get the first attack. Let's see what your made of with that air elementals of yours." Maybe it was strange that Killua kept tabs on the others powers. But he was supposed to be the strategist of the clan. So, he was going to use that excuse. The other also knew that he had air elementals, at least for what he could remember. Killua remained in a simple standing position, and none of his muscles were tense.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: POOR SUMMER | {OPEN, SPAR} - valemon - 05-23-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Val heard Killua’s announcement and knew for a fact he wouldn’t be participating. He had no knowledge nor experience in fighting and was actually quite against it. Since learning of a thing called ‘diplomacy’, the cub believed words should always come before - and in the best case take the place of - fighting. But, even he knew there were situations that you couldn’t handle. You couldn’t avoid other groups or individuals attacking you, so it was probably in best interests to get some practice. Valemon was just holding it off as long as possible.

So, he settled himself off to the side, curious as to how this would go. Anything was allowed? To Val, that didn’t sound like the best idea. However, they wouldn’t actually hurt each other, right?
© madi

Re: POOR SUMMER | {OPEN, SPAR} - guts - 05-23-2018

(thank u!! + yall get to see how bad i am at rping fights lmaO)

Aizawa's own home life hadn't been the best, but if he had known all that happened to Kilua, he would say that his backstory didn't hold a candle to the serval's. It was a shame, considering he was still young. But a world such as this required you to grow up quickly. It was either that or you'd be viewed as a naive fool, who'd eventually end up dead sooner or later.

He glares at him at first, frowning. Then a grin breaks out on his face. It has a somewhat ominous tone to it, but it's mostly friendly. "Old man? Interesting," he grumbles in a monotone voice. Then silence settles. It's not clear on his face, but he's trying to concentrate, urging his power to do something. It takes a long moment of standing there before his eyes flash red, and a sudden gust of hard wind kicks up snow.

Keeping his eyes focused on where Kilua had been, he rushes forward while he has the advantage, hoping his opponent couldn't see him through the swirling wind of snow. He aims to pin him down, trying not to squish him under his weight if he's successful.


Re: POOR SUMMER | {OPEN, SPAR} - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-23-2018

(Oh god don't worry xD I usually keep mine fairly short bc there's no use to making it a long post)

The aspect of fighting was something that everyone could feel. Every animal had it, and sometimes it was simply called instincts. Such as what happened when Harrison was taken and Jacob wasted no time in attacking someone. Those that usually didn't fight seemed to always fight when someone they cared about was in danger. But that wasn't good enough if they weren't willing to fight for those that didn't matter all that much to them on a personal level. Technically it was his job to keep everyone safe, and so far he was doing just that. There wasn't much he could do when it came to the aspects of the humans, so he was still making sure that no one was going to die while he was in the clan. He had kept his end of the bargain and had upheld it up to this point. The wildcat wasn't the one to break a promise once he made it, of course, unless he was manipulating someone for his own benefit. But he should have no reason to do something like this while he was living in Snowbound. He should be comfortable enough not to have to manipulate others to do what he wanted anyway. Killua was a fighter, and no matter what he always would be. He was practically in his blood like the rest of his family. Although, he wasn't going to become like the rest of his family. He refused to. But there were different methods that his family would ultimately try to use to get him back. Any means necessary. That made everyone a target. He needed to get stronger, and if that meant risking his life while against an opponent that was the quickest way to show some form of progress. His sapphire blue eyes turned to look at Valemon that was standing off to the side. He didn't expect the likes of the lion cub to try and take the likes of him on. He could already see with the way that he acted that he didn't like the idea of fighting, especially with the look in his eye right now. Killua thought that stopping fighting completely was idiotic and a good way to get someone killed if they were careful. Sometimes the clans still made no sense to him no matter how many times they tried to explain their reasoning. It went against logic, and that was mostly based on what Killua was in general. He approached everything that was presented in front of him in a logical manner and nothing else. It was a hard habit to break but he was getting there. His attention turned back to the black lion that was about to spar him.

A smirk spread across his facial features when the other didn't seem at all bothered about his old man comment. Anyone that was an adult to Killua could classify as being an old man. At least the other wasn't so serious to start scolding Killua for the way that he had addressed him. Killua actually had good manners if he wanted to use them, but that was a rare occurrence anyway. The Zoldyck's eyes track the others movements when he noticed the wind was starting to pick itself up. Oh, so he was going straight for it? Killua assumed that the other would try to throw snow his way as a sort of distraction, but this didn't seem to be the case. The small tornado of snow and lion came rushing toward him. A frontal attack? The lion was going to have to do better than that. Killua's long legs put him into action, and he knew he wouldn't have enough time to sidestep the larger predator, and so, he decided to use his vertical leap. Servals being capable of having a 10ft vertical leap, which is exactly what he assassin achieved, letting Aizawa run underneath him, and Killua landing behind him once he landed. He turned himself around and knew that it was time for him to try and counter attack. Luckily for the lion, he wasn't one for talk when it came to fighting. Using his own air elementals, Killua would try to take the others paw out from underneath him. Although there was a chance that the other could block said attack with his air elementals, but he was hoping for that. Because once that happened, Killua turned on his invisibility, leaping at a nearby tree, in which he would ricochet off, surrounding himself with fast moving air surrounding him, as he aimed to get inside of the small tornado that Aizawa created, and if that worked, he would aim to slam all of his paws into the side of the lion's face. It would probably have the same effect as getting hit by a rock since he hadn't increased his speed. Well, a 30lb rock. If that attack hit, the invisible feline would leap away, to stand around 5ft away and turn off his invisibility.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: POOR SUMMER | {OPEN, SPAR} - jacob w.c. - 05-26-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob avoided fighting whenever possible. It wasn't that he wasn't any good at it or he didn't know how, in fact his big brother, Babbo, and Pa had made sure he'd know how to protect himself if the time ever came, but he was terrified of hurting anyone. That was why he'd always wanted to be a doctor above anything else. Their only job was to help people and, even if you couldn't help someone, hopefully you knew someone that could or you could do more research on the situation. They were never to do intentional harm to anyone and Jacob loved that. Now that he was more than just a doctor, though, he admittedly didn't really know what to do with himself. He wasn't sure if he should try to fight more or if he should just stay as he was. Right now there wasn't a real reason to fight anyone so he supposed he'd just wait until the need arose and hope for the best. There were just things about himself he didn't want his clanmates to know. Maybe here they didn't need to know about all the tribulations that'd come before his arrival in Snowbound. Maybe here no one needed to know that he knew how to hurt people, no one needed to know that was expected of him. Maybe here he could just be the person that helped everyone and did his best to make things right without resorting to violent means. It felt like an impossible dream but maybe he could make it possible. After all, even with all the issues of feral animals lately, they were relatively peaceful. They weren't fighting anything that was sentient and he hoped to keep things that way.

Jacob came across the sparring group and settled down. He wouldn't really appear like he was in any condition to give a proper fight, especially with people like Aizawa and Killua, given his legs weren't doing so well today anyway. They'd already been shaking a bit when he'd approached the group and, admittedly, he was glad to be sitting down now. Jacob wasn't too sure about the whole 'anything was allowed' rule but he supposed that, as both medic and leader, he'd step in just in case anything got too out of hand but he trusted that the two would be careful and skilled enough not to give each other any sort of major injury. So, the husky settled beside Valemon and looked on with the younger boy in interest. Still, he couldn't hide the concern that rose up in him as he watched. He just hoped everyone would be alright. They didn't need a major injury on top of everything else that was going on. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP