Beasts of Beyond
Merger Opinion Results - Printable Version

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Merger Opinion Results - Orion - 07-03-2021


First all, thank you for being so communicative lately. We appreciate all insight and observations you decided to share with us with the member survey, along with the recent thread in the Helpful Hub. Regarding that though, a decision has been made. The discussion regarding mergers pointed heavily towards merging two specific groups together: The Palm Glades and The Typhoon. Due to this, as staff, we have decided to go through with this decision.

The final day to pack up and move to The Typhoon board + Discord will be JUNE 10TH. This is a week from now. From that point on, threads/posts/etc will be moved into The Typhoon.

Along with this, the merger of the two groups need to decide on a leader. If you are interested in leading, you can apply here. We look forward to seeing all candidates!

If you have any questions or comments regarding this change, feel free to DM a staff member, ask within #forum-questions on the Discord, or post a thread in the Helpful Hub.

Have a good holiday weekend,
Orion + BoB Staff

Re: Merger Opinion Results - Orion - 07-06-2021

The board's contents have been merged into The Typhoon. In the meantime, we are waiting till the 10th to lock down everything else.

Re: Merger Opinion Results - Orion - 07-09-2021

There is one more day until things are permanently merged.