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dragon's blood | renlys return - Printable Version

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dragon's blood | renlys return - Renlys - 06-29-2021

Powerful wings beat out a steady rhythm in the heady summer air, disrupting the stillness that had fallen across the savage climate of the Pitt.  Renlys flicked his tongue to taste the air he flew through.  Vale was near.  The dragon let out a rumble not dissimilar to a cat's purr.  Vale was not his bonded, but Vale was good.  Vale meant food.

Renlys' scales clattered together as he alighted upon one of the larger trees he could find to support his weight.  A vast jungle stretched out below him, with pyramids placed where the trees faltered.  The dragon shifted his weight from leg to leg.  He could smell his smaller friend, but he could not see them. 

Hrmph.  Renlys snapped his jaws together in annoyance.  He would probably have to go down to ground level if he were to find them, and he did not like going down to ground levels.  Dragons belonged in the sky, not among floor-dwellers.  For the time being, he would wait on his perch.

Re: dragon's blood | renlys return - AEGON - 07-02-2021

The return of another would not alert Aegon. He was brand new and held no former relationships within The Pitt, only those immortals who conspired with him occasionally. Even so, making acquaintances never hurt. Mortals were oddly fascinating, after all. They were another face for the mind's collection and a soul for the underworld's future.

Eyes traveled up towards the dragon in the treetops. His paws paused on the jungle floor and he stood silent, watching as they readjusted and looked longingly for another. Strange. Aegon merely craned his head. He had no business addressing  joiners, but he did enjoy prodding at trespassers. This one clearly had a size difference though. Straightening out, he cleared his throat. "Care to explain why you're here?" he rang out. "You're a little too far into The Pitt's jungle to fiend excuses." Little did he know, the large creature before him was a former member. Maybe Vale would explain later.

Re: dragon's blood | renlys return - VALE - 07-03-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3 eyed crow
“It is quite alright, Aegon, my friend!” Vale shrieked as ve took off from the ground.

When Renlys had first appeared in the sky, the crow’s three eyes had not wavered from the dragon; flying to greet the behemoth, however, was too much in this summer heat. Vale had enough experience with flying alongside dragons to know it was easier to wait.

Attempting to land on Renlys’s nose, Vale noisily flapped vis wings. As if the dragon wouldn’t be expected to see what was right in front of his face! But, who knew, when introspective pondering was all the rage and Vale verself was a tiny little birb?

“Renlys, you’re here! Does that mean Brymstone’s not far behind?” Vale truly was glad to see Renlys; Brymstone’s lack of detail on the Iron Forged’s collapse led Vale to believe the friends ve’d left behind had met unfortunate ends, and vis happiness reflected in vis weird red eyes. “Or, hm, lemme guess, you like the Pitt’s hot-as-fuck territory, eh? Tanglewoods is all swampy, after all.”

Re: dragon's blood | renlys return - Renlys - 07-05-2021

Renlys wrinkled his snout up in distaste as Aegon shouted up at him.  Explain?  Renlys was a dragon, the last of his lineage, the great Stormbringer of the Bay of Storms.  His birthright was the sky and anything that he desired would be his by fire and fury.

Thoroughly offended, the dragon clicked his disapproval, and prepared to shriek in annoyance when Vale appeared upon his nose, doing vis own squawk of excitement.

The dragon unfurled his wings and purred in response, beating his large appendages in happy hello. 

"I could not find his grace among the trees and I could not land safely, the trees are too small and thin to hold me.  The desert is vast and warm on my scales.  I will stay until my bonded needs me."

Renlys nodded towards where Aegon stood.  "Is that your bonded?  He does not look draconian, but I would not judge if it be your steed."

Re: dragon's blood | renlys return - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 07-06-2021

Beezlebub was a dragon, despite all the things pointing to them maybe being a bee... or a cat. They were a dragon by their genetics, although they probably were a far cry from what one would deem normal. Small, buzzy, and hyperactive. They buzzed on over to the gathering of people, for a moment hoping that the large form would be that of their partner. Brief is the disappointment that flickered into the little dragon's head, but it is overshadowed with delight.

"Hi there! I'm Beezlebub! This place is super warm, yup. A little bit too warm for some, but, like, I'm great at finding shade." The buggy dragon would ramble away as they hovered in the air before the far larger dragon, four eyes gleaming with delight.
dragon + the pitt + they/them

Re: dragon's blood | renlys return - VALE - 07-06-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3-eyed crow
“Hm, I don’t think Aegon would want to be anyone’s stead. But he would make a fine one, I’m sure,” Vale said, shaking vis head. Vale joked about a lot of shit, but this rider-dragon thing was important to Brymstone and Renlys, so Vale took the matter seriously. “I do not have a stead. Which is fine! Don’t think anyone in the Pitt has one, either, it’s a miracle we all get along as-is.”

One red eye glanced at Beezlebub as the bee-like dragon approached. Honestly? Vale thought it good ve added the last bit, otherwise Renlys might start asking if the little fuzzball was vis stead, which made even less sense to Vale, but ve thought it might make more sense to Renlys, since at least Beezlebub looked dragon-ish compared to Aegon.

“Well! If you’re staying in the Pitt, might want to prepare for your blooding. Though both of these not-steads haven’t done it either, so, eh, not like there’s a rush or anything.” As ve spoke, Vale motioned with a wing to Beezlebub and Aegon with a shrug. “But if ya do it, you get lots of food and a smol ceremonial present. I think? Iffy on that second part. I’ve only been ardent for… less than a month! Almost a month! So, yeah, idk, might make it so completing the blooding ritual is like… cause for you to be dunked in the Nile by me. That’d be funny. Though it’d be hard to dunk you, Renlys, with your whole…”

Vale trailed off, motioning with vis wings to Renlys’s whole big-ass dragon body. As if that needed to be stated.

Re: dragon's blood | renlys return - AEGON - 07-07-2021

Rounded ears turned down as Vale's shriek brushed past. At least this wasn't another visitor. Especially one from Tanglewood that begged for mercy and simultaneously threatened them, which was quite contradictory to Aegon. Despite that, he kept his hopes high. New flesh. That wouldn't hurt, especially if the leader knew them already. Snake-like eyes narrowed as he watched the leader land on the dragon's nose. He let his mind run as ve did so, not speaking out about the fact that he presumed Renlys would end Vale in one snap of their large jaws. Luckily, all seemed swell.

A steed though? No. The lion's brow furrowed and attempted to exchange a glance with Vale. "No," he lamely replied. "I'm afraid you have mistaken for a horse." Or a whore after midnight. "I would prefer not to be... ridden." He would try anything once, but the horseman was afraid many had already tried that, per his title. Instead, he straightened out and placed his paws firmly upon the ground, standing tall and independent. Aegon, horseman of death, was done with that cruel joke.

He momentarily looked over towards Beezlebub and offered a subtle smirk in greeting. They seemed pleasant per usual. If they were as great as finding shade as they proclaimed, then perhaps he would take them up on that offer sometime.

The blooding was something the Pittian had yet to hear about, as his stay hadn't been that long. As Vale gestured ver's wing in his direction, he merely craned his head and made an internal note to inquire further about that. Having his head dunked into a red river by a small crow seemed almost comical though.