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Salad Man Plots - Printable Version

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Salad Man Plots - Artaxerxes Cadeyrn - 06-28-2021

What I am Okay With
o1. Battles and Spars.
Im okay with battles or small spars, but if you aren't comfortable with sparing, im sure Xerxes wouldn't mind teaching you a few things.
[/i]o2. Enemies.
Totally okay with this, actually! Some enemies would do well for character development.
o3. Mushroom Picking
Yeah, Artaxerxes doesn't really like his mushrooms at he moment so, feel free to take as many as you'd like!
o4. Group Visitations
This is more of a note to myself, but if you have a character somewhere, Xerxes wouldn't mind traveling places to meet them.
o5. Mentors
I think it'd be a fun idea, having a stuck up fox being taught by someone who doesn't take crap from nobody! The lesson could be anything really.
o6. Love Interests/Crushes
This is a iffy topic, mainly due to how new Artaxerxes is, but i don't mind too much about characters flirting, don't expect it to go any further though unless i feel as if it'd be a fun dynamic; i'll probably message you about it if i feel it could progress.
o7. Healing Helper
If any healers/herbalists, or doctors need anything from him and his coat, i can throw him where ever.
o8. tba
o9. tba
1o. tba

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;"]What I am Not Okay With
o1. Maiming
Don't hurt my baby boy. ;-;
o2. Ownership Attempts
I'd understand if it were a group trying to imprison him, but if its a singular person i'd rather not even go down that road. Mainly due to how new he is, and the fact that i don't have the mental capacity for that at the moment.
o3. Romance Threads
See o6. above.
o4. Parental Roles
He's a grown man, he can take care of his self just fine thank you.
o5. Killing
No, absolutely not.
o6. Showcasing
This kinda goes hand in hand with the ownership attempts, please don't <3
o7. Blackmailing
Maybe sometime in the future, but right now? No
o8. tba
o9. tba
1o. tba

Hey! It's been awhile! Apologies, but i have a new character now and i'd like to get the ball rolling for said character. You can view his profile here! If you have any ideas for a thread or just general plot ideas, don't be afraid to drop down ideas.