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general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - Printable Version

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general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - Orion - 06-27-2021

this isn’t anything official, but anyone interested in some human rp?? i’ve got a few humanized OCs and would love to just generally experiment

[member=47]rhosmari[/member] [member=207]axiom[/member] ??

Re: general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - axiom - 06-28-2021

:eyes emoji: oh yes, i'll do human or furry anthro rp. ximen and rosemary are pretty fleshed out as human or human-ish in my head, but not vale because vale would just be a monster in a human world.

you got anything in mind, oh onion lord?

Re: general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - Orion - 06-29-2021

yes!! that is great to hear. my characters, except one, aren't super fleshed out but i have a general thought in mind for their appearances and how to compensate for missing aspects.

i'm thinking maybe something like factions? countries seems too large. modern and/or post-apoc. maaaybe kingdoms. i don't know tbh! i'm kinda cool with anything honestly.

Re: general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - Windowmemer - 07-05-2021


Re: general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - Orion - 07-05-2021

any ideas in mind window? perhaps any topics or rp specifics you're interested in?

Re: general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - Windowmemer - 07-06-2021

I mean like we could do this high school au
or our characters need to save the world

Re: general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - Orion - 07-06-2021

hmmm… I’m not super fond of high school rp personally? But I do like the idea of our characters needed to save the world perhaps?? (No matter how generic that sounds lol.) It would give us a point to stop the roleplay if need be.

Re: general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - Windowmemer - 07-06-2021

Like, our characters head off on a quest because there's this like evil wizard far far away who's already covered the world in like a frozen wasteland (maybe zombies?). All sorts of stuff could happen when the world's frozen
Characters in this case would be like early to mid 20's, with a job(but like adult novel angst type jobs so pretty unusual ones), very different backgrounds(how they were raised)

Re: general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - fulzanin - 07-06-2021

i have. so many humanized ocs. i will gladly jump in no matter what the plot is because :eyes: i Desire some anthro-ish rp and stuffs

Re: general, fantasy/hybrid human rp interest? - Orion - 07-06-2021

Ooo I’m kinda feeling DND vibes from that suggestion, Window? We could definitely work on a cohesive plot for that… maybe in a sense I could ‘DM’ but I don’t know!!

I have a lot of old human OCs I can bring in, so that’s why I ask… hmmMmM.

I’m looking more fantasy/supernatural, if anything tbh?