Beasts of Beyond
YOUR SUFFERING ENDS || TAKEOVER 6/21 - Printable Version

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YOUR SUFFERING ENDS || TAKEOVER 6/21 - rhosmari - 06-21-2021

Back to this place. To this swampland that seemed to be cursed with crocodiles and alligators. Herons, storks, cranes, everything that his former home did not seemingly have. He walked with a purpose, never once losing his footing as he pushed through sludge and raised water. He noticed that first, the way the water overflowed it's banks. Though he felt little about that situation. If they had suffered a flood it was only one of their making. Tanglewood seemed to be steeped in trouble and he was here to fix that. He would be the hammer that hit ever nail back into place. And if they did not like it they would have to deal or leave and if push came to shove then they would die for their incompetence. He was not here to hear complaints but to have a new kingdom. By stealing their's of course. The monstrosity rose from the thick swamp waters and stepped paw upon the town. Bouncing orbs shifting in empty sockets as he looked upon the village that had seen better days.

Mud scored some houses and some were caked in it. A pitiful sight really. Seemed they had endured some trouble after he had long since left with his captive and one whom he had no idea had held such a high title here. But she was back now, wasn't she? Yet not alive. No. She was merely a corpse hanging from bleach bone jaws. Well, what was left of her anyway. He had taken a nibble or two, skin and flesh torn from the black oriental's body. Though that had not been her cause of death. Her throat melted open, burned, oozing blood. That had been her death. Still he carried the corpse of the former Luminary and placed her body upon a grave. He cared little for whose it had been. Merely glancing up at the statue before he turned and looked out at the animals he could see. All ragged and worn. Some caked in the very mud from the flood that they had recently suffered. He would make sure that things were better here.

A backend tongue slithered from bone jaws and swiped across his cheek, sliding almost into his eye socket before eye spoke. "Gather Tanglers, for I have some words to speak with you all today." His metal claws rippling on top of his natural ones, never once did he relay any emotion for he could not. Not with a face of bone and no flesh to emote with. He merely stared forth. "Here stands the end of your former legacy. Leaders have come and gone and from what I see none have proven to be very helpful in keeping you from suffering." He pointedly looked down at the corpse of Elsweyr, nothing but prey, a meager meal. "So I am stepping up here and now as your new leader. Whatever they call it. Though what it is called matters little. Whoever was your former leader they are no longer necessary. I will not be adhering to opinions. This is not a democracy, this is a takeover." And the former Dragon King meant what he said.

Light became luminous around his skull as heat waves formed and wavered from any hole within his head. The smell of burning was noticeable and yet the horror seemed not to care before lava dripped from between his clenched teeth. "My first order of business we are allying with the Pitt. I heard that Tanglewood was having problems with the desert dwellers and I'm ending that right here and now. No more issues, no more problems. We can begin working on ourselves. It's smarter to keep your supposed enemies closer after all." Better as well but his love for Vale drove this decision before he shook his head a bit. "Now, next we will start to clean the mud from this town. Clean up any rubbish and debris and start to make at least a fortification around the town so that the next time the waters rise we can at least keep dry and not have to deal with damages."

Re: YOUR SUFFERING ENDS || TAKEOVER 6/21 - Atticus Roux - 06-21-2021

One luminary down, the next was upon them. Atticus had always assumed the next in line would be a prideful Tanglewood member, such as himself or Elswyer (again), but each had disappeared in their own right. There was no successor... and due to that, a new problem arose. Their mud-caked and disorganized territory was bound to be victim to The Pitt's wrath sooner or later. The canine knew better than to doubt them. As a former member of their wicked ranks and knowing their leader, Dante (unknowingly former now), Tanglewood had to prepare. It appeared they hadn't quick enough though.

Leathery, stained pawpads pressed lightly at Elsweyr's door. Jagged ears listened for movement inside after his soft knock, but none came. The wolf pressed on the doorway once more, only to push through anyways. Jaws parted. Her name was called. One and a half ears perked once more, but no response was heard. Again. Nothing. Once more? No. Elsweyr's home was empty, ragged, and left astray. His brow furrowed. Tail sulking downwards, he turned out back towards the marsh and exited her place. They needed a leader. He believed she would be the best candidate and had his support, but that wasn't possible with her gone. Atticus' mind momentarily strayed to Arrow and her's brief relationship before their descension, assuming that the former leader was grieving in private. She would have to be around here somewhere...

Maybe the graves? With a goal set in mind, the beaten male traversed through the territory promptly with his head down and eyes set on the horizon. Golden hues spotted a silhouette among the many trees. The larger being lurked near the gravesite of those that passed, but something dangled from his sharp jaws. Something... limp.

He grew closer. His dark pelt remained hidden within the underbrush. Atticus' chest grazed the floor as he walked along, only coming to a halt as the figure was highlighted in the light breaching through the trees. The fur on his nape stood up. The familiar, sickly tinge of blood and burning passed through his senses as his golden gaze landed on the woman he searched for. A lowly growl erupted from his throat.

Claws dug into the floor. The dark figure turned outwards and began their speech in no time, just as Stryker had done not so long ago. He emerged from the bushes with muscles tensed and haunches lowered, ready to lash outwards. Atticus listened though. The Roux had always let anger get the best of him, but he was smart enough to listen to the terms and conditions the first time around. Even so, his chest tightened. The Pitt was no ally to them. While he wished for a true alliance, Dante's leadership (which he still assumed was a thing) was not one he wanted to support, especially under a takeover. Fucking hell.

Gritting his teeth, the wolf was at a standstill. He was unsure what to do. Lashing out would endanger him and his groupmates, but keeping silent would do the same. It would give them more time to plan though. They had done the same under Stryker's tyrannical reign and succeeded, who said they couldn't do it again? Unless this asshat proved to be a good leader after killing their former, he would keep his sights set on a rebellion, but he wouldn't forget Elsweyr unprompted slaughter.

With his golden eyes surveying those that gathered, he awaited their response before he acted. He doubted they would react pleasantly.



kiara had brought him back and he had woken up in time to see elsweyr get carried over and dumped on the floor. he was confused, so so confused. where was arrow? wait. wait, no.
"no." came a quiet murmur as a takeover was accounted. his voice strengthened to a shout. "NO! I REFUSE!" tearstained gaze landed on atticus, wanting, waiting for him to speak up. surely he could see this was unjust? all the training that was drilled into him left in the split second he stormed over to brymstone. "you bastard. you fucking bastard. nobody wanted you here. you have NO RIGHT to take over forcefully. you don't deserve to lead." disgust was evident in his voice as he stood there, trembling with fury. he didn't care if the "new" leader killed him, let his death then be an example of what the rest of the clanmates would also suffer.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 7 months

Re: YOUR SUFFERING ENDS || TAKEOVER 6/21 - rhosmari - 06-22-2021

There were some that kept silent, some that coward back but he saw that there was little opposition. Good. He could begin with reconstruction,  one in which he knew would help them in the long run. He was about to simple get up and walk to a home that was empty when someone finally spoke. His glowing orbs shivered and shook as he looked for the crying out individual and that was when he saw the child running toward him. To spit vile words at and if the skull faced creature could smile he would have. If he could have felt anything it would have been amusement at this show from one that was merely just a cub. A sad thing really. A rumbling sound left his throat as he tilted his head a bit. "Bold and brave or maybe simply idiotic. You should save your energy for something you can change, child. Like actually helping with the cleaning project that is about to he underway." The hellish tiger sized creature looked down at the lion cubs for a moment longer before he looked away then.

He was unbothered really. The new Luminary would hold his place till he felt as if he needed to defend it. And with how weak Tanglewood seemed to be he felt little threats here. Now he would turn and start to make his way toward and abandoned house. Earth sliding and moving off the building as he went.



brym's careless tone in his voice angered the cub. how dare he just come and take over tanglewood from him? he was born with parents who were both luminaries and for them both to pass and have this bastard snatch the throne just like that wasn't right. he gritted his teeth, optics narrowing in hatred, boring holes into brymstone's back. from now on, he vowed silently, lifting his chin skywards in hopes his mothers were watching, i will train myself to become the best warrior there will ever be. and then when the time's right, bleak gaze slowly landed on the retreating form of the new leader. i will kill him and avenge you and take leadership myself. a gutteral snarl burst from his maw as the beginnings of an ember began dancing in his optics. he would rain hellfire upon brymstone and his crooks, teach them a lesson on stealing.
turned away with a flick of his tail, morphing into the seagull he had become earlier, winging off towards his house.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 7 months


straight for the throat you’re like an animal!
in for the kill, like you're an animal!
Ximen’s eyes squinted open. Caked in mud from the flood, he blended in amongst the gravestones and waterlogged earth. Eying Brymstone enter, he inhaled deeply—and caught Els’s scent between his teeth.

His fur bristled. What had this skull-fuck done—

Then he saw his sister’s body in the dirt. Already stinking of decay. Buzzing with flies.

Rage exploded behind his eyes. Ximen’s wings shivered. He inhaled, adding oxygen to the flaming rage beating in his chest, and the mud squelched under his paws—

He teleported.

Tears burned his golden eyes; he blinked them back, but they still blinded him.

He was shaking. Fuck, he couldn’t win a fight like this; even in favorable circumstances, Brymstone displayed command of two elemental powers and had the size advantage.

If Ximen wanted to assassinate the bastard, he’d have to be smart. But didn’t want to be. Why did he have to keep himself together while Tanglewoods crumbled around him? While Els died? Fuck martyrs, fuck the dead, fuck being a survivor.

He reappeared beside Atticus. The wolf was the only face in the crowd he could lean on, not with Arrow and Els dead. He couldn’t use his niblings as emotional support beams. It would be easier to run, but running meant leaving others to endure this tyrant’s reign.

Fuck. He was still shaking.