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Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - Printable Version

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Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - Orion - 06-14-2021


As many of you noticed, we're going through some changes. We don't want to make any larger decisions without your input, so today we are asking for YOUR help. Recently, Beasts of Beyond's activity has decreased over time and many of us feel spread thin, so as a result, staff were thinking of solutions. We have a few in mind and are open to more suggestions too! Here's what we have.

Merger between The Typhoon and Palm Glades
Two of the most obvious groups that would go together on-site would be The Typhoon and Palm Glades. Both groups center around an island theme and share very similar ideals, hence their long-standing relationships. This includes when the Coalition of the Condemned raided The Typhoon and Palm Glades turned on the Coalition of the Condemned. Since then, many family members and relationships are shared between the two groups. Overall, their merger would be beneficial and provide a closer relationship.

Whether that is prompted by a plot or something that happens over time, this merger would be a mutual agreement between the two groups.

— This merger would create an even split between 'good' vs 'bad' groups.
— Both groups share the same ideals.
— Very similar tropical concepts are shared between both groups.
— Many familiar relations in both that connect between them.
— Merging similar concepts togethers makes things easier.
— Both warbound.

— Territory differences (island vs inland). Loss of ferris wheel.
— Rank differences/changes would need to be discussed due to the difference.
— Name change???

Merger between The Pitt and Coalition of the Condemned

Ideally, a plot for this would go like this: Tanglewood raids The Pitt due to their growing tensions. When The Pitt is in shambles afterwards, The Pitt seeks out shelter within the Coalition of the Condemned. After some time and imminent doom, the two groups merge to form a mixture of their ideals.

— Both groups share the same ideals.
— Both warbound.

— This merger would cause an uneven split between groups who are considered 'good' and 'bad.' Three groups, The Typhoon, Palm Glades, and Tanglewood vs the merged two.
— Loss of established culture that makes both unique and different.
— Contrasting concepts and traditions that are different can make hard merger (ex. cold vs hot territory).
— Rank differences/changes would need to be discussed due to the difference.
— Name change???

Other suggestions are open to be discussed also. Along with this, we will be updating the pros/cons list as the discussion continues on. Overall, if you had a choice, which would you prefer or do you have another idea in mind?

Re: Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - Orion - 06-16-2021

Going to bump this!

Re: Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - rhosmari - 06-17-2021

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Sorry this is so late and may also be super short. But as it currently stands I am in favor of a merger between Palm Glades and the Typhoon given that they are allies and their territories are mostly similar in a way. I see it going much more smoothly than Coalition and the Pitt.

I agree that merging is a good idea given the changes that have occurred in the recent weeks.

Re: Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - Orion - 06-17-2021

I definitely agree that it would be a smoother merger than the other two, especially since the concepts are very similar. Plus, if we did want to insert a new group in the future, there would be an open spot in that area for something else.

Re: Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - axiom - 06-19-2021

Opinions inbound! Keep in mind I'm biased because... In the Pitt, I played an founding character who eventually became a leader (Ninazu) and currently play the leader (Vale). Also, for the CotC, I played a founding character and once-leader (Ninazu). And for the Typhoon, I played a founding character and longtime-sometimes HP (Rosemary). And for the Palm Glades, I played the son of the original leader and a HP (Quasar).

I think a merger between Palm Glades and Typhoon makes more sense, because (1) they share similar ideals and (2) are already strong allies. They are different in some ways (ei the way the Palm Glades views powers and their usage as somewhat frivolous while Typhoon embraces powers), but I think those differences would be more plot-points rather than pain-points, if that makes sense?

I also think a merger between CotC and the Pitt would possibly work, but wouldn't necessary work well. While both groups are "evil" in alignment, their morals are very different--I see the Pitt as chaotic evil with an emphasis on the chaotic, while CotC is more neutral evil with an emphasis on "keeping it all in the family." In addition to the other cons Orion listed, both groups view loyalty very differently; the Pitt believes in-fighting is the best way to survive (except during Gael's reign), while family bonds are a founding reason for why the CotC exists.

While a part of me would love to see a "Pinkie and the Brain" scenario with Vale and Romulus leading a merged Pitt-Cotc, I think a merger between the two groups would destroy the culture of what makes these two groups unique.

Re: Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - Orion - 06-19-2021

I think you’ve made a lot of great points here. For example, you mentioned how the two ‘anti’ groups have two completely motives and themes. I wholeheartedly agree with this. The Pitt was built on business and blood, meanwhile the Coalition of the Condemned was built on British familial values. Overall, merging them would take some effort to meet in the middle.

As for the other two, I think it might be best to move forward with that, but I still would like to hear what others have in mind too. Doesn’t hurt to get a general consensus, especially after the survey.

Re: Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - Orion - 06-27-2021

As some opinions have been given in brief conversation over Discord and/or privately, this will be closed soon! Just giving one last push beforehand.

Re: Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - Lokisaurus - 06-28-2021

Just popping in to second the opinion that Palm Glades and Typhoon should merge!  I would love to see more civil plotlines rather than wars (because most of my characters aren't brawlers or fighters at all) and I like the idea of the Gladers and the Typhoon creatures trying to navigate a blended-family sorta story.

Re: Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - Orion - 06-28-2021

I think that would be a good idea, considering the place they're in now. Like you said, more 'civil' and bonding plots would be for the best, honestly.

Re: Needing opinions on group changes/mergers! - Orion - 07-02-2021

Per this month’s announcements, you can see that the Palm Glades and The Typhoon merger is going to happen. If you are interested in leading, please check out the HP/Leader applications within the Adoption Agency!

Thank you everyone for your time and opinions. It’s greatly appreciated. <3