Beasts of Beyond
it's the right time for the wrong intentions ⫸ luring & perfumes - Printable Version

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it's the right time for the wrong intentions ⫸ luring & perfumes - teef - 06-08-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] There'd been an itch in her, an itch for causing some chaos, just to do something. Shit felt too calm all over, and she decided it was time to spice it up a little. There was a reason she was a siren - her voice had abilities to capture attention and lure in some prey. Not that everybody she lured in would become prey. It was time to work on her luring abilities, and everything else that came with it. Which meant her favorite thing - creating perfumes. In the older ways.

She had some oils prepared from when she'd lived with the Coalition so long ago, when she'd possessed her first body. She just had to burn them now, sitting at the bank of the swamp, resting in the twilight. The perfumes made of flowers were burning, releasing fragrant smokes into the air. She enjoyed these scents, soothed by childhood memories of her mother burning the very same ones. Inhaling, she began to sing softly, in a gentler tone than what she normally spoke in. She didn't know what she was singing, or all of what she was singing, but she knew it meant something inside. She had memories, maybe that's what she sung of in that unknown language, more sound and lilt than words, true to her siren nature. It oddly enough brought relief to pressure she didn't know she held. Maybe she would lure someone in, as she was hoping to, it had been forever since she'd sung to lure - positively or negatively. -