Beasts of Beyond
fire needs a space to burn ⫸ TW delivery - Printable Version

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fire needs a space to burn ⫸ TW delivery - teef - 06-08-2021


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Minor gore mentions//

Mei had been listening to things for a while, heard the orders. The Pitt was Tanglewood's number one public enemy. Why not stir up some shit, like when Vale had shown verself in Tangle's territory, whether intentional or not. The Pitt was her top enemy as well, as long as she was within Tangle's borders. Her loyalty laid with them, and the few pretty women that the territory had- married or not. Women were nice, very nice.

Dragging a body behind herself, the croc would approach the border of the Pitt, looking back at the body she drug. It was a few days old by now, beginning to stink up a storm. She'd gotten her trinkets from the body already - it was left toothless and without a few scales here and there, the biggest scales she could find. Dropping the body at the border, she gave it a few nudges with her snout, propping it's jaws open with a stick before stepping back.

Turning back on her trail, she looked back at the border with a satisfied snort. The belly of the alligator she had left behind was split open before she left, allowing its guts to spill on the ground. A threat? Maybe. Maybe a promise of what would happen in the future. Disappearing back the way she had come, she left only the scent of Tanglewood and her grisly delivery.

//out!// -

Re: fire needs a space to burn ⫸ TW delivery - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 06-08-2021

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male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

The stench of death hung heavy in the air and the male approached slowly, seeing and optics lighting up a dead alligator with its guts ripped out and maw propped open. Jormungand stopped next to it, tasting Tanglewood scent all over it. The scar on his chest burnt and he hissed. Manipulated a gust of air to blow the scent back across the other borders. He wouldn't provoke this time, merely return the present.

Once the kill smelt fresh and nice the panther began to rid the corpse of its bones, teeth and scales, finding flat leaves to make a small pouch to put all the things in. He'd report it later, once he had collected everything he wanted.