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deceptive fate, offering protection ⫸ gators - Printable Version

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deceptive fate, offering protection ⫸ gators - teef - 06-08-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Mind mentions of blood and removing scales/teeth at the end //

Moving through waters heavy with brackish garbage and waste, whatever nature had left behind itself. What a consequence, that she had to navigate this mire of ilk. Algae blooms and all that shit. Not that it mattered much in the grand scheme of things. She wasn't hunting pond skimmers and water deer. No, her prey was much bigger, a dear 'cousin' so to speak. The local gators already feared her, which amused her. So what if they feared the 'invading' croc, she wasn't going to stop doing what she wanted. Let them amass an army against her if they so dared, not that she thought they would, and if they did, oh-fuckin-well.

She was after an older one this time, one of her proven rivals from since she'd arrived. This one was responsible for a few scratches on her hide, specifically the left side of her tail and left hind leg where the 'thigh' met 'calf'. She wasn't appreciative of the scars it had left, she had to get it back for that. Annoyance ripped through her, finally picking up on movement ahead of her. Looks like it wouldn't be a long wait to get into the thick of her hunt.

Hiss leaving her, she slid forward through the waters, eyes narrowed on the tail cutting through water ahead of her. It was him, the one who had given her these scars. The scars didn't bother her so much as she liked this body, she just didn't want to have to possess or shift into another. Holding back her growl of anger, watching as she followed him, waiting until the gator crawled out onto the bank of the swamp, lunging forward and snapping her jaws shut around the thick of his tail, dragging him back into the water, her own tail lashing as he responded quickly to her attack.

Disappearing under the water in a great fray of water and sediment, creating even grounds for their vicious fight. Time passed uninterrupted before she emerged the victor, with blood on her maw, the body of her prey in her jaws. He was heavy, she would admit to that. But she lugged him to shore, leaving leaving body there to catch her breath, brow smarting with pain. Damn, every body she had, they liked to get after that left eye. Looking at the body, she would grunt, setting to prying up scales from certain areas. She wanted them, a trophy of her fight with him, with any of the factors she'd killed. Maybe she'd make a necklace with time of her girsly trophies, including this bastard's teeth. Sitting back, the crocodile would huff a breath, blinking away blood that slipped into her eye, taking a break from the difficult task. -

Re: deceptive fate, offering protection ⫸ gators - Kiara Kokytos - 06-08-2021

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

"how pleasing." came the collected voice of the female as she slowly padded towards the scene, surveying everything with a glint in her optics. some nice spoils, she mused. not that the sin was going to fight an alligator herself. "mind if i have some of those scales and teeth?"

Re: deceptive fate, offering protection ⫸ gators - teef - 06-09-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Turn of cranium to the sin, eyes roving over her. Looks like she'd decided to settle in the right place, what with lovely women all around. Not that many of them sparked her interests, she was more keen to flirt with them and break hearts. She was a siren after all, she wasn't going to lure them to their watery deaths as she so normally would. Appraising the other before offering a low hiss of reply, crocodile resting there, "You can have some scales, sweetheart, but the teeth are mine. That's if you can remove them without help.", she knew how hard it was to remove the scales off a gator or crocodile hide, hell, she'd done it as a child, pulling scales off of dragons for certain things back then.

Gaze turning away to look out over the waters. Could the female do it? Hell, even with all of her practice now, it was still a difficult task no matter the experience and took time to remove the scales with minimal breakage. Letting her eyes slide to half lid, resting beside her kill. She'd keep the corpse for herself, either for snacking, or for other more devious things. What she wouldn't give to keep the skull, but no, she had plans for this bastard. Maybe she'd keep the next skull. -

Re: deceptive fate, offering protection ⫸ gators - Kiara Kokytos - 06-10-2021

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

small grin would flash on her maw as she padded towards the corpse, musing how best to take the scales with minimum damage. she wasn't Pride, she was Greed and she wanted them no matter what she had to ask. "how does one remove them without damaging it? i don't want to ruin your kill."

Re: deceptive fate, offering protection ⫸ gators - arrow - 06-12-2021

What was this? Pulling apart a kill? Arrow raised her brow in interest, raising her head from where she laid in a loose curled up position on the ground. Tired, she supposed, from all the nonsense and whatnot. However, never could resist the urge to poke her nose around in the harmless business of others, and this one involved the fascinating specimen that she had encountered earlier. There was a horrible crack of one of her joints, unsure which one it was, as she pushed herself to her paws to move closer just in time to hear the conversation. Removing did that little game go again? "Just get real close to the base, wiggle em off from there I think. Like...peeling?" She squinted, as if really trying to remember, but that hamster was long dead in that wheel. A single brown paw tapped her brow, looking at the sustained injury. "You doin' alright there?"

Re: deceptive fate, offering protection ⫸ gators - teef - 06-14-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] A tilt of head, letting her approach unhindered as she rested, her own haul at her side. Giving a dip of her head in Arrow's direction, grateful for her explanation. "Yes, you'll have to get close to the bottom and gently wiggle it out, just like Arrow said. Think that you're pulling leaves off of a pineapple, rock it side to side gently and slowly." Maybe a pineapple wasn't the best anthology but who was she to count her chickens?

Noticing the movement of the Luminary's paw to brow, she grinned, "I'm just fine, sweetheart. Just a little scratch.", she chuckled, "Wouldn't be against ya making it better, though." Maybe she was marching herself to the grave but the oriental had quickly grabbed her attention upon arrival, and had kept it. -