Beasts of Beyond
Ick - Printable Version

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Ick - ¿¿ - 06-08-2021

          This is Poppys first time in a swamp and a fever has started to poke it head with in him. Maybe he squatted to low in the water, ate to many suspicious looking bugs, or just let the dirty swamp elements have contact with his sensitive areas (mouth, eyes, and such). Now itch is on his skin and he needs to scratch developing some wounds and abrasions on rashes.

Re: Ick - teef - 06-10-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] The scent of injury and wounds would draw the croc in close, thinking she'd found an easy meal. Surprised by the sight of one who shared her bloodline, her eyes blinked, observing silently with a kept distance. Looks like he might be in pain, I should look for some kind of ointment or something. Mmm. If only Linlin was here, he'd have a better idea, she caught herself thinking with a tender frown.

Well, she could cause a little hell, it was well within the bounds of shit she'd do, not that she had any particular attachment to this youngest brother of hers. The group may be in need of supplies to stock up on, what with rumbles of war and all that. Nodding to Poppy, "Feeling okay?", she would ask with a tip of her head. -

Re: Ick - ¿¿ - 06-10-2021

        Sensing movement coming near Poppy broght his attention to the visitor. Reconising familiar blood from them but not them which is odd but contradictory. This is a sibling of his and would be okay to interact with. "I seem to have fallen ill so if I'm omay remains to be seen." Poppy spoke to his sibling with respect and as he knows sickness is unpredictable he remained honest.