Beasts of Beyond
The Proving - Printable Version

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The Proving - ¿¿ - 06-08-2021

        Poppys drive to be magnificent provided 4he need to prove himself to the others. He needs to be one of the best and is excited with the thrill of battle. So he decided to spread some of his dominance to hunting. Crouching around looking for the biggest prey he can find it must be impressive.

Re: The Proving - teef - 06-10-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] An amused hiss left the crocodile from nearby, watching the hybrid moving through the territory. She merely followed after him, curious to watch what he was doing. Watching the sphinx-dragon that held her bloodline's herald, she remained in the back, observing. What an interesting thing to watch it move. Cracking her jaws into a yawn, back plates stiffening as she stretched, calling out, "What are you doing?" -

Re: The Proving - ¿¿ - 06-10-2021

        Turning to interact with his sibling since hunting would have to be on pause while in a discussion. "I am hunting  I need to find something big to bring back." As usual poppy spoke with pride since it is something nessesary to who Poppy grew up to be. "I want to be someone to be looked upon with awe, magnificent like pops so I must work hard." He nodded along with his speech as he spoke his goals.