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ON OUR WAY TO SUDDEN SKY // vale be big boss - Printable Version

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ON OUR WAY TO SUDDEN SKY // vale be big boss - VALE - 06-08-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3-eyed crow
“Pittians, gather!” Vale cawed. “Dante’s skipped town, so you know what that means! I’m in charge now. Unless you’d like to fight me for it, eh?”

Vale circled lower and lower, slowing and slowing, until vis feet landed upon the decrepit throne. A mockery of tradition, choosing to call vis first meeting upon the pyramid ve destroyed, but what was a new ardent without upheaval? Vale would’ve dethroned Gael all those months ago, but, for the cursed immortal, this outcome sufficed.

“For those unaware, Jack and I had a itsy-bitsy disagreement. The ex-imperator and I have resolved our differences out in Tanglewood’s shitty-ass swamp. He is forgiven! If he survived.” Vale’s rightmost eye winked dramatically. “But! I do not recommend anyone else try eating me. You’ll get the same treatment, hahaha, except most of ya’ll ain’t got no dragon bodies I want to possess!”

The crow tilted vis head. If ve had a mouth, ve would’ve smirked a mile wide, but instead the eerie three-eyed gaze drank in everyone in the crowd.

“For my first order of business, I am clarifying our ranking system. It is Pitt tradition that anyone may challenge anyone else for their rank—even ardent! though I trust all of you understand how insane you’d have to be to try!” Vale crackled into maniacal laughter, fluffing up vis wings so much, five black feathers drifted to the stairs below. “As the ardent, I will judge the outcome of all challenges. Including challenges for ardent! My clan, my rules, biiiiiitches.”

“Also, since we’re, you know, brutal as fuck and fight each other for positions… why the fuck do we have a healing high rank? Fuck that shit. Dante’s idea, not mine, but I love it so much I’m keeping his idea even though he took the HIGH road out. Haha, get it, ‘cause he wandered off when he was HIGH?”

“In the place of fleshweavers, I’m introducing a new rank. Bonecollectors, which means you got the responsibility for holding the feasts for successful bloodings, as well as any other celebrations that strike your fancy, and my undying appreciation for being a social brute.” Vale scratched the underside of vis beak. “If anyone’s interested, lemme know, because I’m too fucking lazy to host every damned blooding feast myself.”

“I’ll be keeping an eye out for promos to bonecollector and marauder. Tanglewoods’ damned pissed at us—” Pissed at Vale, but who was pointing fingers? “—and all ya’ll better prepare for a fight. I’m talking crafting bone armor, learning yourselves some medicine, sparring practice, reinforcing the perimeter… you see some shit that needs doing, you do it, that’s how you impress me.”

Vale nodded along, as if to the beat of a silent song—actually, the beat to a song, but only the song playing in vis mind—and hummed. “Ah, and a warm welcome to Beezlebub. He’s a little fucker, so nobody squish him, aight? No squishing the fresh meat. Unless he deserves it.”

// tl;dr
- dante disappeared, vale is leader now (staff approved)
- vale and jack had a whoops gore violence thing on tanglewoods' territory; tanglewoods is most likely pissed and looking to get even
- vale is re-establishing that all positions can be challenged for via combat, with vale as the official judge
- fleshweaver rank abolished
- bonecollector rank added; this rank is equal to marauders and deals with managing food resources, events, and celebrations; this rank can also be challenged for like any others
- vale is keeping an eye out (or all three) for future marauders and bonecollectors
- welcome to the pitt, [member=18691]BEE + JOT[/member] !

Re: ON OUR WAY TO SUDDEN SKY // vale be big boss - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 06-08-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Hearing the news of Dante leaving was quite a shock to the panther, they had been really good friends too. A huff left the male as he arrived, taking a seat next to the new ardent. So Maurader was being opened up, huh? He'D give it a try.

Re: ON OUR WAY TO SUDDEN SKY // vale be big boss - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 06-08-2021

Their first meeting! Or, they were pretty sure it was their first. Regardless, their wings would hum as Beezlebub fluttered on over. Such exciting news, although fighting for a rank was probably something they would struggle with. Because they killed instead of fighting, of course! Not because they were so tiny that any combat would probably wind up with them getting swatted like a fly, nope nope!

Bitches was a new word. A happy cheer as they settled on someone's back, likely unwillingly. "Woo!" Beelzebub cheered, as Tanglewood was confirmed on the menu. Which was good, because they'd already went once to go and try and get a kill in. They'd go back again soon, likely, to make sure that the swamp knew that the dragon meant business. Bone armor, though? They probably would need pretty tiny armor, considering they only stood at four inches tall. But it would be helpful, as long as it didn't weigh them down!

"Hi everyone!" They squeaked once they were addressed, abdomen briefly wriggling as if they were waving. "Looking forward to killing with ya!"
dragon + the pitt + they/them