Beasts of Beyond
THE CONFETTI OF SHATTERED MIRRORS // rampaging gore dragon - Printable Version

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THE CONFETTI OF SHATTERED MIRRORS // rampaging gore dragon - VALE - 06-07-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ mutated gore dragon
Shedding flame and ice like a snake sheds skin, the dragon crashed into Tanglewoods’ swamp. Wood and water flung into the air, freezing and bursting aflame, exploded into the air only to rain down around the behemoth in a hellish, feverdream interpretation of winter.

Mind deliquescing, Vale’s hold over Jack’s body slipped.

A murder of crows circled above. CAW, CAW, CAW they shrieked in alarm, in warning, but to who? To the three-eyed one devolving into multi-eyes below? Or to each other, as their false gold failed them?

The dragon dragged one leg, crushed beneath the dragon’s weight from such a landing, began oozing black sludge and hissing white steam. The dragon’s two-mouthed head turned to it. The maw upon its throat, viscous white saliva trailing down the fangs, SHRIEKING, attacked and bit the putrid flesh. It splintered and tore. The meat sloughed off the bone before the second bite could hit, and fresh flesh bloomed while the maw chomped, chomped, CHOMPED.

But the second mouth? The glossy beak where any other dragon would have a muzzle? Any dragon but this one. This fuck-up of ice shards and sulfur smoke, this monstrous beast of rotting blood, this dragon which regrew limbs as fast as it consumed them, began to speak. The beak opened and closed, testing testing testing before the words tumbled out like teeth in a nightmare.

“Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak…” The dragon’s red eyes narrowed; all ten of them, dotted across its face, until one popped off and rolled into the second mouth. “And each separate dying ember wrought—” SHRIEK! went the throat-maw! “—its ghost upon the floor.

“Eagerly I wished the morrow;—” CRACK! went as vis tail smashed a tree and set it aflame. “—vainly I had sought to borrow!”

“From my books surcease of sorrow… sorrow… sorrow… for the lost…?” Then the beak closed, for one blissful second, until it opened again to wail. WHY CAN’T I REMEMBER IT ANYMORE!

The dragon circled. Unaware of verself. Unaware of the territory. Only aware of the scents of decay and blood, the feeling of heat and ice, as this body suffered the consequences of two minds waging war within.

“Nameless here for evermore.”

[member=217]Wisker[/member] [member=7407]JACK .[/member]
// powerplay permission given by wisker

Re: THE CONFETTI OF SHATTERED MIRRORS // rampaging gore dragon - Luciferr - 06-08-2021

another day, another nonsense.

Silent might have sighed at it and being rudely interrupted from his hunts by sudden fire and ice explosions nearby - and some strange, apparently addled - beast eating itself while throwing what appeared to be a bad poetry recital in the midst of a tantrum - if he were the type.

Two jaws gaped wide as black tongues licked out into the air, a voluminous hiss rumbling from its many mouths, inner and outer in annoyance.

But if this creature was determined to eat itself - silent would be all too happy to do the job for them.

First though, there was the problem of a few burning trees - which this was a swamp, thankfully the damp kept it from spreading like a California Wild fire - so the beast pulled the water from the air and the ice oh so helpfully splashed about by the tantrum thrower and doused the offending charred and now smoking trees.

his head made an awful crack sound as he turned back, bulging spine snapping with the movement - one problem solved, now, what to do about the overly large chicken.

Well, they did say you had to cook chicken well to be sure you got all the nasty out.

Two outer maws of a skull like visage cracked in a rictus grin as the jaws clacked together, viscous black drool pooling at the thought of fresh meat.

It stank of pittian, ironic, his former resource of one kind would be a resource of another to him - food was food was food, alliances meant little to the beast.

Twitching and settling itself into a stance ready for it - silent crouched on his many many legs, bouncing and coiling up the muscled limbs before with an almighty spring he’d aim to propel himself towards the creature, relying on momentum to aim to crash into the beast and bring it down, sparking lightning running across his jaws as he attempted to follow up with a bite of pure shocking electricity.

Re: THE CONFETTI OF SHATTERED MIRRORS // rampaging gore dragon - ¿¿ - 06-08-2021

      Seeing the monstrosity of a dragon trespassing in Tanglewood Poppy got excited about the situation and didn't think twice about attacking the thing. Avoiding the canabolising fangs of the thing poppy attempted to attack the legs of the creature. He carged to the side behind of the creature from the trees. Another dragon to kill the perfect thing to test his strength and his ambitions to be like papa.

Re: THE CONFETTI OF SHATTERED MIRRORS // rampaging gore dragon - teef - 06-08-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] The collision of noise above the water caught the crocodile's attention, diverting her from the NPC she was devouring, quickly finishing her unlucky snack with a final swallow and snap of her jaws, shrinking back into the water from the roots of he tree she had rested against. In her jaws sat the NPC wolf's head, waterlogged and long drowned, spine snapped in an earlier death roll. Head kept firmly between her teeth, slicing through the water towards the scene of noise and strange voices.

As she approached, a scent filled her nostrils. Pitt. Fuckers. Holding back a growl, she listened to the horrible screeching of the damn creature throwing its own tantrum, observing it eating its own leg and watching it regrow. Like a rabid creature it seemed. Tongue clucking in her mouth, watching, waiting as Silent appeared. Awesome, the Big Fuck was here. The oversized not-rabid dragon thing ahead of them was their target. She could fuckin respect that- after all the fucker had interrupted her snacking. She wasn't too mad - there was a bigger chunk of flesh to eat right here. She wondered how not-rabid dragon would taste like. Chicken maybe, but overly greasy?

Eyes narrowing as a sphinx cat and dragon hybrid flashed by, a scent on the hybrid that alerted her. Antlers like the Patriarchs. Body like the Patriarch and her own. The gene pool had spread. This one was new, maybe her brother had known this one before she'd possessed his body and he'd returned home. Didn't matter now. Watching as the hybrid attacked, amusement filtering through her like wildfire. Ah, the Lingré family was a bunch of chaotic fuckers like normal, new or not, at home or here.

Making her own appearance, the saltie twisted her body, throwing the head at the monstrosity of vale and jack, trying to hit the head mauling its own leg, not bothering to announce herself. Water rippled around her, sliding over and around her body, her eyes gleaming with sharp and aggressive interest as she cut her way through the water. If it was in the water or on the ground it was prey. The siren didn't give a shit, she could get it from the air if it tried to escape. Hunger boiled in the pits of her stomach alongside her annoyance. Snack interrupted and time stolen by this interaction. Annoying thing. Surging forward with the aid of the water, feeling as if it was as hungry as she, aimed at the beast's legs, aiming to sink her teeth into the leg it wasn't mauling, the water around her body lashing out in thin whips to attempt to smack and entangle the other legs of the thing. -

Re: THE CONFETTI OF SHATTERED MIRRORS // rampaging gore dragon - VALE - 06-08-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ mutated gore dragon
Black sludge dripped into the mouths of all who bit into the decaying dragon. Puss popped. The stench rolled for kilometers, summoning vultures to join the circling murder of crows, and burrowed into the attackers' fur. Simply existing in Vale’s presence rolled the stomach; touching a tongue to vis putrid flesh would leave the taste for weeks to come.

“Hahahahaha!” the beak laughed, throwing vis head back as the throat-maw shrieked in agony. “Stop! It tickles! Hahahahahahahahaha!”

Rotten flesh sloughed off and tried to stick to the attackers’ teeth. Newborn maggots crawled out of their eggs, seeking the warmth wetness of the Tanglers’ throats. The dragon paid no mind to Mei and Poppy; the little things would stop, in time, or they would drown attempting to eat vis decay.

When Silent, the other two-mouthed drake, bit into the dragon, the beak shrieked in high-pitched laughter. Vale did not feel the pain; Jack fought for control, even after Vale shapeshifted his body into vis image, and so Jack would suffer. For this wasn’t an attack on Tanglewood; this was Jack’s punishment, and these backwater fools acted as Vale’s tools.

The burned flesh within Silent’s maws shivered and squelched. Gashes opened in the blistering skin and overflowed with white teeth. As Silent munched on Vale, Vale’s freshly formed mouths attempted to CHOMP into Silent’s two tongues.

“See how your friend hurts you?” Vale’s mind whispered to Jack as they thrashed. “You’re either on your own or with me, so take my hand. If I let go, you’ll drown in this wretched skin.”

Vale’s ten red eyes cried blood; the beak lifted to the sky, and CAWED back to the CAWS of the circling murder. Vale shook verself from underneath Silent, leaving strips of squirming flesh between his claws.

Flames licked down Vale’s cheeks, eating vis tears like an inferno devours gasoline. The eyes POPPED, raining down in an attempt to cover Silent in grisly fluids. The beak CAWED, CAWED, CAWED, as the inferno spread and grew, the fire like a living beast in how it consumed.

[member=10687]mei[/member] [member=2955]SILENT[/member] @Leka "Poppy" Lingré [member=7407]JACK .[/member]
// powerplay permission given by wisker

Re: THE CONFETTI OF SHATTERED MIRRORS // rampaging gore dragon - j a c k . - 06-09-2021


TW: discussion of martyrdom

Tears, from the first visceral face. Ice blue iris swimming in a sea of blood red. Jack's body was a shaking, quaking mess. Reduced to nothing but ver image of ruin, of rot. It was a disgusting thing, to be reduced to rotting flesh and still have the whole presence. Where vale could claim ignorance, could claim numbness Jack had no such pleasure. His body was a host to a being who's very intentions was to punish.

Jack, as an aspect of winter- reduced to a leashed puppet of meat, the humiliation was one thing- yet the pain. Vale truly was of the pitt if this was how they treated their own. In one outcry the dragon sought to tore itself free, ripping the created beak from it's own flesh away- desperate and sobbing over silent- shirking pain. Inside his head Jack roared, it was hard to tell if the sound around the being rattled with the torrent of fire and ice, or the guttural roar of Jack's own vocal cords sobbing his single commands. consume, shriek, call for help

but no one would answer

all allies were scattered to the wind, and it left something bitter in them, it left something vicious that tore away at vale sharpen to pinpricks. Jack wanted even, and seeing silent- the once corpse god who Jack followed into war eagerly against this ruined clan of rot attacking him without an act of mercy.

For once, Jack allowed vale's vile nature to reign. His own working in tandem in the air around them freezing, blistering even the rotting dragon's own walking corpse. Air around them stilled as each place that made contact with them would freeze on contact. leaving hopefully chilling frostbite that would take hours days to thaw.

"[glow=red,2,300]SILENTREIGN[/glow]" the dragon howled, an echo of Jack's original voice cutting, guttural- hoarse and shrill all in one. "[glow=red,2,300]YOU LEAVE NOTHING BUT RUIN IN YOUR WAKE[/glow]"

Jack's large body shuddered, convulsed, their wings made of ice were flightless with the explosions of heat, shattered, melting wings coated in black tar-like blood of a dying carcass- their dying carcass lifted high into the air with a threat, but the whole form convulsed, shuddered.

"[glow=red,2,300]KILL IT. KILL ME DEAD![/glow]" Whatever composure the once guise of an imperator had shattered the instant something crawled inside his body, it was laid to waste as he felt his own body rot, maggots rolling inside his spine and burrowed into the winter that had once laid dormant. It was nothing, in comparison to this puppeteer turning him into a mere plaything. He wanted out wanted it gone, he wanted to welcome the final heave of breath and the end of all things if it meant vey were once and truly gone. The traitor turned executioner. The first leader turned into the blade Jack would only bear to wield against himself.

Jack, internally could only scoff at vale's croons. Like a clever manipulator vey were- Jack refused to listen, but at his lowest, at the sight of silent he could only prey for mercy- for death. Anything was better than the loss, the realization. He knew before Vale had come for him that he was alone, seeing the so called friend openly maim him? It meant nothing. He only craved peace- he wanted quiet, there was nothing quiet about vale. He wanted out.