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she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - Printable Version

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she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - guts - 05-21-2018

Aizawa hadn't been around much lately. He didn't feel that bad about it, though, unlike most people would. However, he was bothered by how he didn't have much to do. Since Lionhearts had the privilege, he decided to go ahead and host a weekly tasks thing. It'd give him something to do, while also giving others things to do, too.

"Gather around for weekly tasks," he announces as he takes a seat.


Re: she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-21-2018

Weekly tasks. When was the last time he had done one of these? He didn't end up doing the one that Harrison had given him thanks to his night terror that basically pushed him out of commission once it did happen. Having nearly spent a week just laying around before he was finally able to walk around without any sort of issue. The albino serval also wasn't even the mood after what had happened with the giant hellhound that was starting to follow him around. He knew that it was probably the worst case scenario that could be happening right now. The assassin had a bad feeling that was starting to settle itself into his gut and he wasn't exactly sure what it even meant at this point. The Snowstriker was walking around with Mike directly behind him. The purple furred hellhound towering over the Zoldyck member, and his eyes looking toward anyone that would try and approach him. Killua had tried to drive him away, and there was very little luck. It was obvious that the Hellhound had been given the order to follow him around. Trying to keep the creature fed was a chore in itself, one that had been keeping him fairly busy but also in a bad mood at the same time. His large white ears perked as he heard the familiar voice of Aizawa. He was getting quite used to the black lion's presence at this point, and wondered if he had gotten used to living in a place like a clan yet. He tried his best to lighten his mood even if it was just by a little bit, a grin spreading across his jaws despite the hovering beasts. "Yo. You're doing weekly tasks now? I'm proud." Killua would state in a teasing tone as he raised one of his paws and dramatically put it to the middle of his chest. He kept it there for a second before putting it back down on the ground. "Give me something interesting." The assassin stated as he sat himself down on the ground. He was honestly more interested to hear what Aizawa could come up with.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-22-2018

At Aizawa’s call, Atbash made her way over. ”One for me?” She asked.


Re: she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - valemon - 05-22-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Weekly tasks. Although Val didn’t always get around to them - sometimes, he just forgot - they were a nice distraction. And, now they might also provide an opportunity to get to know his new clanmates. “Want one, please!” the cub announced upon his approach. He hadn’t yet met this individual, but he was a lion, just like he and Sekai.
© madi

Re: she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - guts - 05-22-2018

Aizawa would be lying if he said that he wasn't the least bit fond of Kilua. He was used to seeing him around everywhere, and he somewhat reminded him of his students, albeit a lot more mature. The serval was pretty mysterious, and while he found himself a bit curious, he wouldn't pry. He was doing him a favor simply not asking about the scars he had seen. "Thanks for the encouragement," he says, a crooked smirk on his face. "Hold some sort of game, something fun to take everyone's mind off of the recent happenings," he could probably come up with something interesting to do.

Then the lion looks over towards Atbash, someone he knew the name of but otherwise wasn't too familiar with. He'd seen her around often, and that was about it. "Have a class. Teach your clan-mates something,"

So, that left the lion cub, who he didn't know the name of. It was odd to see another large feline like him in such a place. Either way, he makes sure to give him something that wouldn't be too hard for him. "Cook or bake something and pass it out to the clan," hopefully he could find a cook book or something somewhere.


Re: she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - Blazic - 05-22-2018

Re: she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-22-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
A class, huh? That shouldn't be too hard. Maybe she could teach Snowbound a few things about her home. Atbash gave a nod at Aizawa and walked off.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - guts - 05-23-2018

As Atbash leaves, another person takes her place. Another unfamiliar face, it looked like. He hadn't seen her around much, but he just nodded as she asked his name. She had probably heard it around, though he wouldn't describe himself as someone who was well-known. "Hold a competition. Make sure everyone can participate," he says to the magpie, curious as to what she would think up.


Re: she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - arcy - 05-23-2018

Somewhat predictably, Izuku is rather late to this particular event. As he has been with ... a lot of other events right now. He's gonna get better about it eventually, just ... not right now. Anyways. Izuku pulls himself to his paws with a huff as he wanders his way over to Aizawa, scarred eyes squinting as his head aches. Weekly tasks, right ... Izuku takes a moment to shake out his pelt before managing to grin widely at Aizawa.
"I'll take one!" Izuku chirps with a swish of his tail, and then plops into a sitting position for the few moments he'll be hovering here. Hopefully he doesn't get anything too difficult -- I mean, Aizawa may know Izuku, but that doesn't mean the lion isn't going to try and give him a challenge. But his head is consistently aching now that he has the bandanna off, and Izuku ... does not really want a challenge, thanks.


Re: she gets away with murder — weekly tasks 5/21 - guts - 05-23-2018

Under normal circumstances, Aizawa would have given Izuku a challenge--but since he was handicapped right now, he figured he'd go easy on him. He wasn't cruel enough to give him a task that would hinder his healing. "Host a Q&A so everyone can get to know one another," however, he could definitely give him something to up his social skills, at least. Being timid like he was wasn't going to get him anywhere.
