Beasts of Beyond
same old brand - open; new skull + air elementals - Printable Version

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same old brand - open; new skull + air elementals - rhosmari - 06-07-2021

Emerging from the forest came the dark predator, her paws quiet and leaving bloody paw prints in their wake. She had been gone for much of the night, redoing trials that she remembered her own tribe having done for generation. Just something to keep her remember just who she was. Or what she used to be. Alone, with only her own resources to guide her she spent a night alone in the most dangerous part of the swamp. Keeping to herself and surviving. She could only come back after being proof back of her survival. A skull and one that would be a showing of her own strength and prowess. Telling how she was an asset to Tanglewood and how she would do whatever was in her power to protect and provide for them. Even though blood caked her small form it was not her own. Instead it was the blood of the animal she dragged with her into the camp. It was a black and silver furred fox. She had gotten into a rather terrible scrap over some food with it and unfortunately it had become prey.

Now the corpse had no head as its skull was on top of her own. Hiding her expression. She had cleaned it of course, painted it with stripes of black and yellow. And she wore it proudly. Though how she had killed it was an odd occurrence for the woman. The smoke that threaded its way from her body had done the job. Snaking forth and filling the lungs of the creature. She watched it suffocate after they had physically fought for a while. Hmm. Shaking the thought from her maw she dropped the headless body upon the ground. "Anyone up for lunch? She has caught and brought back a fox!" She was proud of her catch.

Re: same old brand - open; new skull + air elementals - Atticus Roux - 06-10-2021


One and a half ears perked upwards at the sudden noise, only to hear a familiar voice that followed the sound of flesh slamming into the marsh's ground. While lunch sounded nice, he wasn't so sure about eating fox. Despite being a feline at heart, the wolf had no intention of cannibalizing another canine. Atticus Roux had no intention on feasting today. Even so, the paws of the short, bulky wolf wanted to see what Elsweyr had managed to bring back and traversed towards the echoing slam.

His approach came to a quick halt at the sight. Golden eyes widened at the headless creature and looked back up at the lanky feline, noticing the skull now atop her head. "Is that...?" His paw loosely gestured towards the silver fox. Atticus' mind dwelled on where the rest of the head went, but he kept that to himself and tried to remain neutral. Things like this were a regular occurrence in The Pitt, unfortunately. Over time, he had grown used to the gorey sights.

The wolf momentarily looked back down at the corpse. "I'm going to have to pass on lunch though," he finally commented. Atticus was not looking to indulge on his own kind.