Beasts of Beyond
CAUSE I'M NOT HERE AGAIN / typhoon - Printable Version

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CAUSE I'M NOT HERE AGAIN / typhoon - bubblegum - 06-06-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Maybe bringing herself here after what's happened was not the most rational decision. This would not stop her from being here regardless, clearly. The marsh was something she was more than familiar with, however, and the safety she felt nearby it, along with the heartache, was not forgotten. Nor was it lost in the absence of her partner. This, knowing or not, had held family to her for a while. It was hard to feel different about it. At least, in her present state it was. "Hi, um," comes her voice, calling out at the border of the swamp. "it's me...Goldie, from the Typhoon." She'd elaborate slowly, eyes shifting around. "I was wonderin'...if anyone's seen S-Sophiea Pendragon?" her words are slow as she works through them, struggles to piece them all together at first. The name shakes in her mouth, lingers for a few more moments, as if she can't quite let go of it. The caracal's eyes display a sadness in them, as if she already knows what the answer to the question will be. But was it wrong of her to lose hope so easily? To admit defeat? Hadn't she already done that, going back to the Typhoon? But there really was no other choice. She had to go back when she did, even if she hadn't known it in full at the time.

And, while the former question was the main purpose to her visit, she had another reason, too. One more closely pertaining to recent events. The female feels something in the back of her head, something bothering her in ways she can't quite put into words. There were feelings, something whispering to her a sense of deja vu. The feeling of her claws sinking into another. The sound of her voice snarling, demanding retribution, fair pay. Like this has happened before, that she had some reason to be angry. Anytime she tried to think of it, however, something stops her, as if a wave pushes her farther and farther back the closer she tries to get. Instead she just feels sad, and tired, and nervous. And this would be reflected in her words. "An', an', I was wonderin', if we'd done somethin' wrong? T' be dropped as allies, I mean." Perhaps it was pathetic, to be questioning this. It wasn't like the Goldenluxury Roux former Tanglewood would have known. But it wasn't her anymore. And this was her genuine question to them.

Re: CAUSE I'M NOT HERE AGAIN / typhoon - Kiara Kokytos - 06-07-2021

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

a pleased hum left the female's maw as she strolled over, grin large on her face and ears flat. somebody was shouting wildly along the border as if they hadn't got a clue in the world. "sorry for dropping you guys," kiara would begin, eyeing the caracal and noticing the look in her face. "we've just had a lot of changes recently, so don't take anything too personal." the sin would wave a casual paw. changes in leadership, changes in rules and regulations. blah blah blah.

Re: CAUSE I'M NOT HERE AGAIN / typhoon - Atticus Roux - 06-07-2021

The border appeared to be a popular spot for the Roux's lately, whether they were leaving or coming in. Needless to say when Goldenluxury's pawsteps rang out, he approached with caution, only to notice another and Goldenluxury at the border already. Atticus' head craned. While he was surprised to hear about The Typhoon's alliance being dropped, Sophiea's disappearance picked at his brain. Their interactions were minimal, but he could tell by the former (or so he thought) leader's voice that whatever occurred was pressing and hurt her greatly. The wolf's maw pulled into a frown. "No, I'm afraid not," he grumbled back. Disappointment lined his sharp features, only to inquire back moments later. "Have you seen Moth or Sweeney at all, perhaps?" His ears drooped a bit. The subject was still sensitive to the both of them apparently.

The next question caused him to draw a blank. His attention moved to Kiara as she spoke, remaining silent. Her answer seemed dismissive. To reassure the Captain, Atticus lightly added on his own knowledge. "I'm unsure. I think you might want to talk to Arrow about that," he chimed in. The leader would have to show up eventually, right? If not, he could grab her. "I'm sure none of you did anything." Right...?

Re: CAUSE I'M NOT HERE AGAIN / typhoon - Luciferr - 06-08-2021

”not that it’s my business or purview but I believe people already told you they left? Or so I hear Atticus” came a drawling dual toned voice as a lanky grotesque figure moved out of the shadows of the trees, eyes-less gaping socket holes turning from Atticus to goldie with something like abject boredom - and it couldn’t help but think briefly why Atticus was oh so fixated on Sweeney, he could understand his mother perhaps in an abstract sense of misplaced blood loyalty but far as Silent knew, Sweeney would have despised Atticus’ Turn from the Pitt - from what he remembered of the girl, she’d been a staunch loyalist - but that was the least of his concerns.

Right now it seemed the topic of the day was clan politics, how droll.

Silent’s teeth clicked as he spoke, shrugging tendril writhing shoulders ”I’m not familiar with current politics on the whys of it all - just that the Pitt remains enemy number one as ever” said the former Pitt leader to the former typhoon leader, my how times do change, but being a former leader was hardly an achievement to him, simply something that had happened and was now done.

Means to an end, so to speak.

Reclining back on his haunches, the creature stretched his jaws wide briefly in what some might say was a yawn before merely proceeding to watch on quietly, no more to say but no less interested in what amusement this might bring.
