Beasts of Beyond
her strength is surging like a raging tide ⫸ introduction - Printable Version

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her strength is surging like a raging tide ⫸ introduction - teef - 06-06-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] thrum of rain on water's surface above brought eyes to open, stirring along the underside of the swamp's deepest waters. it was nicer here than it had ever been in the coalition, and nobody knew her here, let alone that she had possessed her brother's body. a growl left her as she stirred, waiting, patiently for other movements in the water. she'd been in the group for some time, but her time had been spent quietly. the waters had become embroiled and fraught with more violence since she'd shown up. the siren was pissed, pissed that the other creatures around her still had to dispute the true queen of these fucking waters. lids sliding over as she blinked, watching as an alligator moved through the murk ahead of her, unaware of the saltwater crocodile laying in wait for it to move.

spreading her jaws as she exploded forth, snapping her jaws shut around the neck of the alligator, throwing her larger body's weight through the water, snarling to herself as she erupted from the water, throwing her body backwards as she turned into a roll. the struggle was over in minutes though the amount of splashing announced the presence of the croc and her alligator prey. when the waters fell silent, mei was left with the corpse of her kill in her jaws, swimming silently for the shore, aware of the echoing and deafening silence left throughout the swamp's trees and waters. they knew the bitch was there. she knew they were hiding from her.

clambering onto the nearest lump of land, dropping the corpse from her jaws with a dull thud in the surrounding air. chuckling to herself as she looked down at the body, rumbling to herself, "that's what you get, fucking annoyance. my waters, and the next one is lunch.", she kept her voice low, ever aware of the soft lilt and song-like tone her voice carried. damn her siren abilities. snapping her jaws shut, the saltie would move to return to the waters, looking up at the sky above, grinning at the moonlight she could see. perhaps she should change to one of her other bodies, take a walk and see what the other residents of the swamp were doing. not that they really knew her, but she had been in the swamp's waters instilling a new hierarchy under their noses. few of the other creatures liked to pick fights with her now, not that she minded. this was her land now, they ought to clear off or fear her jaws.

licking the small amount of blood from her teeth, the croc spread her jaws in a wide yawn. she'd seen some of them earlier, through the weeks, wandering through the swamp. she had even eaten a few of the more careless ones that tried to fight her without provocation. that shit didn't fly with her. well, maybe they didn't belong to this group. she'd eaten a few, but very few of them carried the smell of this land. invaders? she would prefer to keep the noisy fucks out of here. -

Re: her strength is surging like a raging tide ⫸ introduction - rhosmari - 06-07-2021

From the place she had been born and raised, her home, her tribe, they hunted and revered the crocodile. They showed no fear but also gave respect where it was due. After all crocodiles were considered the children of Cipactli, and alligators their cousins. They were treated as they should be but if they became a threat then they had to protect what was theirs. Still the woman had been careful as she wandered the swamplands, every step was calculated, every movement knowing and well one did not just miss the restlessness of the lands they lived in for a very long time. Her form slipped like the silent night from one mangrove tree and too another. Taking in the scene of a crocodile attacking and killing a cousin. Not for food it seemed and she tilted her head a bit. Odd.

The words she did not miss and a frown pulled along her maw then. So this was not just simply some crocodile but someone who was an invader to their lands. Not acknowledged yet by Tanglewood. Shaking her head slightly the night hunter would move along a branch and settle there, burning gaze lingering on the crocodile before the midnight hued oriental decided to speak up. "Actually, these waters and anything within these swamps belong to Tanglewood. So who might she be, hmm?" She was curious after all considering the scene before her.

Re: her strength is surging like a raging tide ⫸ introduction - arrow - 06-08-2021

”Easy, darlin’, any giant reptilian has more stake to our land than we do.”

And what was this? A fight amongst creatures of the water? Arrow whistled as she witnessed the carnage, one snappy dinosaur torn asunder by the bigger victor, maintaining safe distance but close enough to the scene to properly look upon it. She’d been beaten to the punch however, but that was of no consequence. She figured she knew how to keep the whole scene safe, though the curious part of her brain really wanted to touch the croc. Alligators were pretty usually seen around given the fact it was, yknow, a swamp, but a crocodile was new.

The feline cracked her shoulders, tilting her head one way and then the other, brow raised. ”You are a big girl ain’t ya? I could climb in those jaws if I wanted, but I don’t wanna get eaten just yet. You been chewing on my Tanglers, scaley?”

Re: her strength is surging like a raging tide ⫸ introduction - LUCINDER XIU - 06-09-2021


a growl of amusement from the male at his mother's words as he halted next to arrow, then changing his mind and kind of stepping in front of her to shield her with his body. optics remaining narrowed on the stranger he'd issue a loud bark that trailed off to a snarl, showing teeth.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months

Re: her strength is surging like a raging tide ⫸ introduction - teef - 06-09-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Lifting her head at the sound of a voice, eyes finding Xibalba with relative ease. A dark as the midnight sky she-cat rested above her, speaking towards her, asking who she was. Quiet the chuckle, hell, she barely knew herself half the time, about who she was, or what she wanted. Only natural for her, truly. A twisted answer was prepared upon her tongue when another showed up, speaking to the dark hued molly. This one was brown, a shade of cocoa, her own eyes sliding over the Luminary with interest. Spoken on her behalf, about having more claim to the swamp. She might not have been born here or raised in the swamp, but that was correct. Alligators belonged in the swamp, and the saltie was merely making her newest home here - they could be found in swamps, though less often than the gator. This wasn't a saltwater swamp, it was more freshwater but if she needed saltwater, she could travel out to the sea.

Crack of shoulders, head tilting, she found herself amused at the words spoken next. 'You are a big girl ain’t ya?' rang through the air, pulling a low hissing laugh from the crocodile as Arrow continued to speak. She couldn't help the amusement at her words, blinking slowly as she looked the molly over again. Her Tanglers, hm? Lined up with what the dark one said about a place called Tanglewood. Next came a child, a lion cub, she could presume, loud hissing laughter leaving the giant reptile as her body shifted in place, settling. His reaction was the most amusing, as if he hadn't seen the alligator that she'd killed, and how he edged in front of the cocoa oriental.

Spreading her jaws once the laughter had subsided, her voice still holding a gentle hiss, as if the mirth still hadn't left her, "Been in your swamp for a while, if it matters much to you lovely ladies. Sorry I didn't come up to say hello earlier, was making sure these lovely brutes didn't cause me too much trouble", she spoke with a nod of her head to the corpse. She'd fed recently, feeding was not a priority at the moment, if anything she'd killed it to prove her point to the other gators. Clearing her throat slightly, no shred of embarrassment in her, so what if it was a group's territory? She had little care left for the groups around, so long as she lived, let them attack her for being within their lands if they so wished. "I have blood kin in this swamp, Ive come to found in my time here. I am not here for them, I am merely existing where I can thrive, and keep off pests. No, little lady, I have not been chewing on any of those that bear the scent your trio wears. Smarter and fleeter of foot than to slip into the swamp waters."

"Only things falling into this maw have been others with different scents. Been keeping em clear of your land.", she would rumble, eyes flicking back to Lucinder, wondering what the child thought he could do against her eleven foot length and massive body, as a young lion cub. Kids were weird, she could admit that, though the noises he made produced another hiss from her, the siren looking back to Arrow, "I wouldn't mind much if you decided you did want to climb into my jaws. I'm not keen on eating those who have the same scent on em. I know a pretty lady when I see one, two of em, and you two are not some treat to be snapped up." she hadn't answered their question though, but at this point the croc was standing again instead of resting on her belly, "Mei Lingré, eldest daughter of the Lingré Patriarch residing in your land here. Should be a long golden snake." -