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MEDIC!!! //p, orion - Printable Version

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MEDIC!!! //p, orion - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 06-04-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

He really hadn't wanted to do this but Aine was missing and his son still wasn't waking up. Taking a glance at As' sleeping form he let out a small sigh and slung the pack over his shoulder. Inside contained jewlery, golds and silvers. A bribe, in hopes of fixing him. Since he hated Tanglewood and Aphra was in the Coalition he wanted nothing to do with them. So he turned his gaze on the next best target, the Typhoon.
Slipping out of the Pitt was easy, getting across the waters to the other territory too. Now all he was missing was a medic he could bring back. Sat at the shore, hidden behind some rocks, waited for somebody to come by but shielded his scent.

Re: MEDIC!!! //p, orion - Alexandre - 06-12-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
The salty waters of The Typhoon washed up and down the shore as Alexandre's paws dragged through them. With every wave, the male's tail swayed. Sunshine beat down on the area around him and highlighted his alabaster and stained pelt with ease. Heat caused a huff to leave him. Stopping in his tracks, the feline's orange eyes looked out at the horizon. His gaze locked onto something instantly. A silhouette in the distance traversed on the railroad tracks, only to stop at the shore and slide behind some rocks. The black being caused his head to crane. Peculiar.

Brown paws pushed forward. His features lowered and haunches slipped down to the floor, crawling towards the stranger. A pointed face looked past the boulders, spotting the stranger. His nose took a sharp sniff. Smells like The Pitt. Dry. Dirty. Nasty. What were they doing here?

Despite this, presentation was always necessary. Alexandre's back straightened out and he stood up, poking his head further past the boulder and exposing himself to Jormungand. Eyes looked Jormungand up and down quickly. Judgement passed quickly. "Well aren't you a man with some edge," he lightly cooed. The feline's paw moved outwards, attempting to lightly caress the Pittian's chin and lift his head forward. His gaze would watch as Jormungand reacted. "Definitely someone not supposed to be on The Typhoon's island."

He pulled away. His head tilted away and spotted the stranger's items. Still, the usual precautions were in order. "Why are you here?"

Re: MEDIC!!! //p, orion - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 06-13-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

A voice, approaching, hesitant and slow. The panther studied the form the voice belonged to, detected no threat. Surprise flickered across his face, briefly as the male caressed his chin, lifting his cranium. The panther chuckled, a deep, throaty sound, adding a purr to his voice. "I'm looking for a healer for my son. Ours is... missing, and I'm afraid my knowledge doesn't extend towards healing. You know anyone that could help?" His tail gently reached out to brush against the other's flank.

Re: MEDIC!!! //p, orion - Alexandre - 06-14-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
As the other purred, his paw pulled away as he did. Alexandre's eyes continued to survey the darker feline with his gaze looking at every nook, cranny, and scar Jormungand held. Sensitive ears perked at the mention of wanting The Typhoon's help, causing a smirk to rise on the male's maw and his hues to turn back up towards the Pittian. His head craned. If they needed a healer, the pirates could offer many, but none would be as willing as Alexandre. After all, the vampiric feline was more... exploratory. Willing to sway for a price, he continued to listen carefully.

A paw attempted to snatch at Jormungand's tail as it brushed against his side. The feline tried to pull him forward. Orange hues looked the dark panther up and down one last time, eventually locking eyes afterwards. "I can assist you," he cooed back. His claws aimed to twirl the other male's tail in his grasp, teasingly playing with whatever he could as he talked. "What's in it for me, big boy?"

Re: MEDIC!!! //p, orion - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 06-15-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

So he wanted to flirt? Alright, Jor didn't mind. He watched slowly as the other examined his body, looking at his scars. He chuckled. "Like what you see?" A gentle tease and Alexandre pulled his tail close. Jor could've done a thousand things to get him to back off but instead he took a step forwards so their muzzles almost touched, helped by the pulling of Alexandre. Orange optics looked into his after scanning his body one last time. A coo that he could help, twirling Jor's tail, then asked what he would receive. From his back, previously hidden from view from Alexandre, the panther used a gentle gust of air to lift the pouch filled with golden jewelry. He dropped it slowly on the floor, allowing the contents to spill out. "And a night with me, if you wish." He murmured quietly, a seductive grin on his maw.

Re: MEDIC!!! //p, orion - Alexandre - 06-26-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
That headed in a direction he did not expect, but did not necessarily dislike. Even so, the feline's slitted gaze narrowed at Jormungand as he spoke. His grip on the panther's tail loosened and it presumably fluttered away from his paw. Alexandre was not interested in his advance. Yes, he was a seductress on his own, but that was on his own agenda and he wasn't necessarily interested in an older enemy. The Typhooner liked to keep up appearances though. With a smile, he continued to watch and listen to the other's offers.

Three golden rings toppled to the ground before his claws. Their glint highlighted by the sunlight above appeared within his vision, catching his attention easily. A single claw raised one upwards. It dangled in front of his sharp features momentarily, only for it to lightly fall to the floor. With a free paw, he pushed the three towards his chest and carefully assembled them in a line, only to slide them up his wrist. "We have a deal," came his answer. Alexandre's tone was reassuring and affirmative. The Pittian would get what he wanted, especially after a fair deal that appealed to his subconscious interests.

Stretching outwards and straightening out with a yawn, he tilted his head. "Let's get going then." There was no time to waste... and he didn't want to be there for long anyways.