Beasts of Beyond
i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - Printable Version

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i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - LUCINDER XIU - 06-01-2021


he was so screwed. he hadn't told his parents about this, hadn't told anybody, opted to slip out in the middle of the night. now here he was, eyepatch on, paws stepping in water as he approached typhoon territory. unfamiliar smells made the cub's head whirl, he shook it and slapped himself in the face. he was a pirate. he could handle another.. larger group of pirates, right? pirates liked fighting, no?
so he found a rock, hopped onto it and shouted with a "arrrrrrrrhghhh!" he had no fear in his breast, he had never experienced it before nor did he have any need to. let them come. he'd take them ALL on! his foolish mind wandered as he nearly slipped but rightened his footing.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months

Re: i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - milks0da - 06-01-2021

If we're not supposed to dance
Then why all the music?

Wanderer tilted her head from her perch, pleasantly amused. She'd been trying to figure out how to get down from a nearby tree when she spotted Lucidner. A cub? Here on the borders? She thought.
They didn't appear injured or hurt in the least, save for the eyepatch. She blinked. No? Maybe the eyepatch was just something they wore? The cub seemed much to young to of gotten hurt. Not that it mattered to much, she supposed. She'd know why they wore the eye patch soon. After all, it might be part of his story, and there was nothing more people liked to do then talk about themselves. And there was nothing more Wanderer liked to do, besides listen.
"arrrrrrrrhghhh!" The dog dragon growled in reply jokingly. Her large tail wagged slightly. "Who be tresspassen' on me territory?" She asked in her best stereotypical pirate accent.

Oh no
Hope nothing intresting happens to me
template by orion

Re: i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - Alexandre - 06-01-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
The screech of a wildling echoed throughout the Typhoon's territory, signaling one's arrival. Whoever it may be, they were young. Not only this, but their confident scream, followed by the shuffling of feet and unfamiliar, indicated a stranger laid on their beaches. Alexandre's sensitive senses could only determine such. Even so, the vampiric feline was not concerned whatsoever. Children were naive. One was bound to come onto the railroad tracks and proclaim their alliance with The Typhoon sooner or later, especially in such a fascinating spectacle.

That said, paw steps approached with caution and followed as Wanderer approached them first. An orange gaze traced Lucinder's young stature and the accessories that donned it, letting out an impressed snort in succession. His short vocalization only turned into a laugh once Wanderer repeated the child's generalized pirate accent, causing Alexandre to double over with a smirk. "I sea what you did there," he complimented his groupmate.

Business was business though. The Roux lightly stepped past Wanderer and stared down at the cub, internally wondering why they crossed into dangerous territory to play pirate dress-up. "Better fess up why you're here or else you're going to be walking the plank," Alexandre remarked. He wasn't serious though. He didn't have the heart to shove a kid off The Anchored Tempest's deck currently.

Re: i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 06-02-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Despite The Typhoon being full of pirates, they didn't really act like the stereotype much. Maybe that was a good thing though, or not depending on who you were. Still, it was amusing to see a cub attempting to mimic the stereotype, and Vayne followed soon after Alexandre with a smile on her face. His pun was awful to hear but admittedly, the Dealer couldn't stop herself from giggling at it. Vayne said nothing for the time being though, seeing as Alex and Wanderer had it covered.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - LUCINDER XIU - 06-02-2021


somewhere from the distance up high came a responding growl and all the fur on his back shot up and he jumped, flicking his tail in fright. looked around for the source, found a female dog who put on the worst accent ever and asked what he was doing here. regaining composure he puffed up his chest. "i'm lucinder and i am a pirate!"
he shrunk back as alexandre approached, the male easily towering over him by a long way. he then asked to state business and lucinder blinked. "um, i'm not really sure? i guess i just wanna see what the pirate life is like? can you make me a pirate?"


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months

Re: i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - daniel - 06-02-2021

Danny wasn't...great with kids. Or so he would assume, given how nervous he was around everything else, and things being too loud and sudden movements aggravated him. And for the most part, minus the odd children that never seemed to act in a manner that was expected, the ones he half expected to summon demons in their room sort of unusual, kids were both loud and sudden. Like this one, who suddenly popped up on the border making a song and dance about being a pirate. He had way too much to think about to worry about teaching a kid how to pirate, and drinks and weaponry were not things he would entrust this little guy with. Not in the slightest.

Not as amused as those who came before him, the wolf squinted brown eyes at the young stranger. He didn't want to be too rude or aggressive, granted, but what was there to say then? He didn't know where this kid came from, or why he was so adamant on being a pirate. Danny took his rightful place beside Vayne, as per usual, sighing softly. "You look rather excited, kid." Man, he was a killjoy.

Re: i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - LUCINDER XIU - 06-02-2021


upon danny's approach he squinted back at him with one eye. it was rather disorienting, having only one eye able to grant him vision but that would be just a minor setback to his piratey ways. the wolf made a comment saying he looked rather excited, and lucinder shrugged. "yeah, well it's not every day that i do this. plus i wanna be a pirate. and i'm meeting a bunch of you guys too!" he was sure that the military training he had drilled into him would be perfect in helping him pick up skills. to be a pirate, of course.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months

Re: i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - Alexandre - 06-02-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
A pirate, eh? The feline's head momentarily turned back towards his groupmates, offering a tilt of his head. How strange. Kids would be kids and they all had their own dreams. Alex's dream was different than most, but at least this one had a proper and concise path to follow. Even if it meant showing up here. Needless to say, his gaze returned to Lucinder after his quick exchange with those that gathered. A subtle snort left him. Odd.

With the leader's arrival, along with his awkward aura, Alexandre straightened out. His rump settled down onto the floor, tail wrapping around his front paws promptly. He leaned in. "Listen, sweetheart," he cooed out after Danny. "You're presumably welcome-" Orange eyes drifted towards Danny. "-to join us on adventures, but you're going to need to ask your parents." They were a bit young. Maybe their parents left Lucinder unattended and he ran off to The Typhoon? Or they were dead? Either way, the feline needed confirmation. Any answer would do, but he was pretty sure Danny didn't want to kidnap a child without permission from their parental guardians.

He really hoped they weren't dead though. Yikes... That would be awkward.

Re: i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - milks0da - 06-02-2021

If we're not supposed to dance
Then why all the music?

The dog dragon found their way down from the tree, taking a place over with the other crew mates. She didn't mention the fact that the kid both wanted to be and was a pirate, chalking it up to childhood. Had she been like that in hers? She wanted to accept the kid with open arms and lots of eyepatches and probably a wooden leg. For the look.
What was life without a good adventure? Without following your dreams? Let the kid be a pirate, parental permission or no - not that anyone needed parental permission in the first place. They remained silent, though, as they didn't consider themselves to be part of the Typhoon and therefore, shouldn't have a say in a matter such as this.
Instead she sat, and tried their best to keep their mind from wandering.

Oh no
Hope nothing intresting happens to me
template by orion

Re: i wanna be a pirate! // o, unexpected visitor - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 06-03-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
"Where are your parents?" Vayne piped up after Alexandre mentioned them, though she realized right after she asked that it probably wasn't a good idea to ask that, considering how common orphans were on this island. Hell, Danny lost his mother when he joined. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]