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Here be adventure || O; intro! - Printable Version

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Here be adventure || O; intro! - milks0da - 05-31-2021

If we're not supposed to dance
Then why all the music?

The Wanderer watched. The grey and white dog dragon sat in a cozy corner of the Capricorn Tavern, warm drink in front of them, one that was more likely then not a crap ton of alcohol. Were they old enough to drink alcohol? The question briefly flew by, but was easily dismissed with a "eh" and a healthy helping of the stuff.
To tell the truth, Wanderer didn't know a lot of things. Their age, family, and even name alluded them for so long that they had just stopped caring - but what they did know was where they where. If they weren't mistaken, that is. It'd make a funny story. They smirked, eyes washing over the crowd.
The Typhoons. Home of cut throat pirates and treasure and stories - but everyone knew that. And everyone knew it was the place of adventures. Their mouth practically began to salivate. Stories. They flitted from people's mouths, dribbled from their wounds, and hid in their little movements. But only if you watch.
And so they did.
And they watched.
And they watched.
And they watched.
And they got bored.
And they watched.
And then they got up to get another drink.

Oh no
Hope nothing intresting happens to me
template by orion

Re: Here be adventure || O; intro! - Alexandre - 06-01-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
Pirates in the Capricorn Tavern weren't uncommon. In fact, it seemed to be a tradition. While some headed to sleep during the night, others stayed up to drink and clink their glasses together to embrace their life within The Typhoon. Today was no different. With the hustle and bustle coming from the drinking tavern, the feline felt the need to go converse with what remained. The multicolored male sauntered through the doors with a soft push. Paws came to a halt. His orange gaze swapped between groups that gathered inside, only to land on an unfamiliar, young face in the corner.

Strange. They were young too. Hopefully they weren't drinking, right? Maybe eating a small meal, but he couldn't exactly tell from a distance. Super senses could only do so much. Clearing his throat, Alexandre began to approach and offered a curt nod in greetings. "Greetings, sweetie," he lightly purred. "What do you have there?" A paw attempted to swipe the drink in his direction and smell it's contents. He pulled away promptly, pushing it back with a smile. Didn't seem to be alcohol (or so he thought). He had little to no experience with the beverage anyways.

"Strange," the feline mumbled. Looking back up at them, he offered a tilt of his head. "My name is Alexandre, it's a pleasure to meet you... and your name is?" Vampiric canines peeked out from underneath his lips as his maw upturned into a smirk. New faces were always welcome.

Re: Here be adventure || O; intro! - milks0da - 06-02-2021

If we're not supposed to dance
Then why all the music?

Names. Weird things. For as long as they could remember, it was a right they did not have privy too.
Wanderer went by many things. Titles, mostly, like Wanderer. Sometimes descriptions like 'dragon' and 'long one' were also used a while ago when they didn't care too much and they could lie easily. Say their parents - they must have parents right?- were eccentric, a bit too much if you asked them, and had named them something brain emptying stupid for a kick. In reality, that memory was long lost. They had no family, no memories, no name to call their own. To give themselves a name felt cheap. Unearned. And so did the grief of these things that were never theirs.
And so, when Alexandre asked her, Wanderer simply lied.
They had simply lifted an eyebrow and watched the tom sniff their drink and push it back towards them, already awaiting the question. They were nearly done with their drink, and it was spicy enough to burn anyhow so they didn't really mind someone sniffing it. Gear turned in her head, trying to think of a funny name while the tom sniffed the cup. However, it was interesting that a random cat came up and sniffed it to begin with. Her head tilted to the side. Odd.
They blinked, jostled from their thoughts when Alexandre asked a question she wasn't sure she had been paying attention too.
"Mika."They replied off handedly.
"What's strange, sweetheart?" She lightly joked, glancing at the cup. "Something in the water?"

Oh no
Hope nothing intresting happens to me
template by orion

Re: Here be adventure || O; intro! - bubblegum - 06-05-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Goldie formerly had been a pretty popular sight in the tavern, in her days of leadership. More often than not, she didn't drink much, not that she had ever been seen more than a little tipsy by her crewmates anyway. She did come from a long line of heavyweight drinkers, after all, and she knew how to handle herself responsibly. Ever since her concussion though, the story has been different. She'd at first felt very overwhelmed by the crowd the tavern brought, headaches plaguing her and dizziness swirling around her due to the noise. The feline had simply avoided it altogether, not wishing to cause anymore trouble, or deal with anymore on her end, for that matter. The female still didn't visit very frequently, but she at least could handle, for the most part, the movement around the tavern even on a busy night. She didn't go to drink still, though, as she's been hesitant about the idea of alcohol ever since waking up. Her mind was still already fragmented as it was, the last thing she needed was to affect it in some other negative way.

However, as her duties as a healer, it was important she introduced herself to the idea of mixing drinks once more, along with get more integrated back into the Typhoon as a whole due to her absence. So, this is why she finds herself within the building tonight, pawsteps quiet as she maneuvers herself around the drinking pirates. It wasn't a great start to socialization, to avoid joining any already formed crowds, but she'd rather not deal with any drunkards if she could help it. Perhaps not the best place to do that, but she knew that she wouldn't be the only one in here only looking for a conversation rather than a drink. Though she wouldn't mind the idea of the relief it's supposed to bring.

The caracal spots Alex, and then a stranger beside him. She decides that this would be a good enough opportunity to join conversation as any, and makes her way next to her adoptive sibling, expression neutral, though her eyes slightly nervous. "Oi, I hope you two weren' havin' a private conversation." The female would greet with first, offering a nod to both of them. It didn't seem as if they were though, so she'd allow herself to continue. "Mmm, I think I prefer apple juice m'self. Or smoothies; I hear you can get some good ones here." She'd state casually in response to Mika's former comment.