Beasts of Beyond
all I ever wanted to be was in your stereo ⛥ birthday - Printable Version

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all I ever wanted to be was in your stereo ⛥ birthday - merlin - 05-31-2021

⛥ drop of rum on my tongue with a warning ⛥

She couldn't say that there was much reason to celebrate her birthday, but there had been in the past. The future and the present was now, there wasn't much use in lingering in the past, but what could she do? There were faces that haunted her sleep, and voices of the dead she'd lost. Awakening hours before from the grips of her memories, Merlin had left where she'd denied denied the time being, subconsciously waiting outside of Atbash's door without calling for the other. It had been too early a morning to call her out for a walk.

Now as the sun rose, she walked through the camp, using her tail to adjust her balance when it was off, scarred flank heaving a small amount from frustration. At this time, she was in the center of camp, sitting down and resting under the statue, her head turned to the sky. It wasn't as if she would be able to see the spirits there. But she felt their touches, even as sunlight and warmth crept over her fur. A soft purr followed, her eyes sliding closed as she soaked in the first few rays of sunlight, murmuring, "Happy birthday to me.", she would speak, "And happy birthday to you guys too, wherever you are. You don't need to visit me, I'm okay. I'm not joining you for a long time anyways", she would continue, voice dropping off as she listened to others awakening around camp - she should probably move.

Re: all I ever wanted to be was in your stereo ⛥ birthday - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-31-2021

you're the cause, the antidote ,
the sinking ship that i could not let go !
Had Atbash known Merlin was waiting outside for her, she would have opened the door for the other. Or hell, gone out for a walk that morning if Merlin wanted to do so. Her species didn't really need sleep after all, even if the body she possessed did. Hell, with her having a spare body, she could even take a walk with that as well. But alas, the savannah was not aware of Merlin waiting outside her door that morning.

When she awoke of course, Atbash stretched and yawned, preparing herself for another day. Ever since Rosemary had visited, the Shadow Reaper felt like she had a lot of burdens on her back and it made sense, considering she was technically the deputy. Next in line. Stars, the thought scared her. Leading yet another group...? I don't know if I could do it. Snowbound had fallen because of her. She failed them, and many others didn't know of them anymore. Stars, Jacob. I'm so sorry. He trusted her to lead the Tribe and instead she let it fall. But she had to stay in the present; keeping the past in mind wasn't going to get her anywhere. And so, mentally shaking off the thought, Atbash exited her home.

"You're up early." The savannah chirped as she approached Merlin, a tired smile on her face. "Good morning though." It was nice seeing Merlin around again. Relieving, quite honestly. Atbash inhaled, still trying to get her earlier thoughts out of her mind, but also trying to breathe in Merlin's scent to calm her.
female f1 savannah | shadow reaper [hp, deputy] of tanglewood | former hailcaller [leader] of snowbound | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: all I ever wanted to be was in your stereo ⛥ birthday - LUCINDER XIU - 06-01-2021


birthday? he liked birthdays! trotted over, bright and early, pelt still a mess and bandanna over one eye the cub approached the pair. "you're merlin, right? my mothers have spoken of you before. i'm lucinder, arrow and elsweyr's child. my siblings are somewhere back home." he shook out his fur with a large yawn, then covered his mouth with a paw. "'xcuse me."


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months