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stitching the tatters together // typhoon medic looking to trade - Printable Version

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stitching the tatters together // typhoon medic looking to trade - ROSEMARY - 05-28-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary circled down on a breeze to the town, her white paws touching down next to the shapeless marble statue. The dry vegetation crinkled between her toes; once she noticed this, the ocelot’s four eyes couldn’t ignore the signs of drought, despite the recent puddles. Yet she couldn’t recall any Tangler asking the Typhoon for assistance.

She cleared her throat. No matter. She had her own reasons for coming here. 

Two woven baskets orbited her and settled down before the witch. One contained fresh fish, preserved from ice she froze along the way, caught in the Typhoon’s ocean. The other, filled to the brim with a red fruit with eye-like markings, settled between her front paws. Despite its lack of life-saving properties, it was her favorite of the bunch; when she didn’t want herbal teas and needed a caffeine kick, she turned to guaraná.

Rosemary glanced from her baskets to the drought-ridden town; she immediately realized a number of different resources she could’ve brought that they would’ve needed more. She nearly blamed herself. But that was irrational, wasn’t it, when she knew perfectly well that she had no idea the Tanglewoods languished in drought conditions only a few hours ago.

“Tanglers? I’m looking to trade for a few medicinal herbs local to your swamp. And perhaps a book or two.” Her main pair of eyes squinted, while the smaller pair erratically looked around the town for a familiar face. “Is Moth around? I would prefer to speak to her about these matters. I wouldn’t want to exhaust your own herbal stores.”

peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: stitching the tatters together // typhoon medic looking to trade - Kiara Kokytos - 05-28-2021

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

watching the woman arrive with a small frown the sin would lift her shoulders in a shrug. "moth is... not here anymore. i can get my brother for you, if you'd like. he knows a bit about herbs and stuff." she studied the ocelot with her head tilted, noting  the split tail and four red optics that weren't usual for an animal like that.

Re: stitching the tatters together // typhoon medic looking to trade - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-28-2021

you're the cause, the antidote ,
the sinking ship that i could not let go !
The Typhoon. Word of their neutrality must have not reached them which... wasn't entirely surprising, considering Arrow just announced it. Atbash didn't wanted to be the one to tell them, especially given how it had made Goldenluxury hate her, before the former Captain lost her memories, but unfortunately... It seemed she might have to. "Moth is gone, yes. Arrow is taking over medical-related things for the time being, but uh." There was a pause, with Atbash trying to mentally force herself to continue. God, she just didn't want things to go wrong. She supposed Colere was also an option, as Kiara suggested.

"I'm not quite sure what Arrow would want or be willing to trade with, considering um." Atbash cleared her throat. You have to say it at some point. "The Typhoon have been declared as neutrals. Not-not enemies by any means, but yeah. I suppose you'll have to talk with her to see what she'd be up to trading."
female f1 savannah | shadow reaper [hp, deputy] of tanglewood | former hailcaller [leader] of snowbound | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: stitching the tatters together // typhoon medic looking to trade - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-28-2021

[glow=white,1,400]DO WE SENSOR OR DO WE FLOW ?。+゚.[/glow]
The last time Vigenere saw Rosemary Roux, the witch had been, ironically enough, visiting for trade as well. Looking for herbs native to Tanglewood's lands. She was, admittedly, one of the very few Typhooners that he didn't particularly mind. Unfortunately, the pirates were now neutral and he was curious as to how Rosemary had made her way into camp. Odd, but perhaps the word had not gotten around completely yet.

"Hey Rosemary." Vigenere greeted as he came to stand by his sister, pressing close to her for comfort; she was clearly worried about something, though as to what exactly? He couldn't say. "Good to see you again." Had she witness his death? He wasn't sure.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: stitching the tatters together // typhoon medic looking to trade - ROSEMARY - 05-28-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
The ocelot’s four eyes watched the Tanglers approach, each pair moving independently. “Moth’s gone?” Her forked tail-tips curled in on themselves, and she focused on Kiara. “Well. I suppose I will have to talk to someone savvy about medicine.”

Her focus shifted to Atbash and Vigenere as the siblings. One eye widened in surprise at seeing the former luminary alive (the last she saw him, his corpse leaked blood under Stryker’s paws). She considered him a friend, would’ve greeted him as such, but the friendly words died on her tongue.

Her eyes zeroed in on Atbash, all four orange-red irises eying the same target, unblinking as she processed this news. “This explains the odd looks from Tanglers as I flew overhead.” The smaller pair of eyes flicked over to Vigenere as she eyed the two simultaneously, trying to understand how two ex-leaders could nonchalantly talk about such a foolish decision.

Snowbound’s destruction and Stryker’s swamp takeover played in her mind’s eye. Now she remembered, she could believe these two supported such an obvious mistake in the making.

“Are you all sure that’s wise? With Moth missing and… this? Though I suppose it's true none of you asked us for assistance, so perhaps it all looks worse than it is.” Her tail flicked, motioning to the recovering drought conditions all around the town. “I suppose Tanglers have always walked to their own tempo.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: stitching the tatters together // typhoon medic looking to trade - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-31-2021

you're the cause, the antidote ,
the sinking ship that i could not let go !
The way Rosemary's four eyes zeroed in on her was unnerving, to say the least and Atbash tried to force herself not to raise her fur in alarm. "We all planned on asking for assistance." Was all the savannah could really offer, recalling how Arrow had offered to go over to The Typhoon. Hell, the new Luminary hadn't even talked to her high positions regarding the decision to drop the pirates and she knew firsthand how well they tended to hold grudges. "The drought affected everyone hard, Rosemary. We did what we could, and traveling a long distance when we were weak wasn't something many of us wanted to muster."

Vigenere's attempt to comfort her was noted, but unfortunately it didn't seem to work. Atbash felt as if the air was being knocked out of her, a worry pricking in her mind as she replayed how Goldenluxury held a grudge for her for so long. The Typhoon as a whole, really, but mostly the former Captain.
female f1 savannah | shadow reaper [hp, deputy] of tanglewood | former hailcaller [leader] of snowbound | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: stitching the tatters together // typhoon medic looking to trade - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-31-2021

[glow=white,1,400]DO WE SENSOR OR DO WE FLOW ?。+゚.[/glow]
"What she's trying to say is," Vigenere added quickly added after his sister stopped talking, placing a paw in front of her in both a defensive manner and as a way to try and as a way to try and get her to relax. The savannah's head was high as he spoke to Rosemary, though his voice was not cold. "Arrow made the decision, apparently on a whim. I cannot confirm whether or not she talked to Elsweyr or the other high positions prior to the announcement -" Judging by how shocked Atbash seemed and Arrow's own comment during the meeting, it seemed like it had been a decision the Luminary made on her own. "- but since Arrow is our Luminary, we all have a duty to listen to her. The Typhoon was not dropped entirely, keep in mind."

The pirates weren't an enemy like they had been, back when Caesar was apart of the group and ironically the reason why Vigenere felt a small hatred towards them. But one that Rosemary seemed to override. "Neutrality does not automatically mean enemies and if anyone tried to treat you as such, I'd personally talk to them. The Typhoon has been valuable to us in the past, as I'm sure Arrow is aware of." It still didn't explain the sudden neutrality, but Vigenere had no doubt that The Typhoon could request alliance again, if desired.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]