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churn a sorrow ._. joining - Printable Version

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churn a sorrow ._. joining - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 05-27-2021

"This is so exciting," His partner chattered as they landed on a small hill. He moved his body to stand over the other, protecting them from the harsh sun. Four golden eyes meet his own four blue ones, and he cannot keep a smile from his face at such an adorable expression. "[color=yellow]A brand new place for us! To rule, to kill, all that fun stuff! Oh, I can barely contain it!" Wriggling and pacing on four feet, tugging at the grass beneath their feet. As he settled down to rest, exhausted and hungry from the journey, their companion buzzed off to parts unknown.

The ocean could be cruel, and furious, and relentless. It erodes the sand, it destroys feeble structures, and the worst of natural disasters easily can swell from its depths. The ocean is also known for producing monstrosities in its depths. Few are the times that it spits up one of those monstrosities on the shore; not that he was such a monstrosity of the depths.

Discarded on the sand, passed out cold was a massive beast of a wyvern. Feathered body in hues of orange and grey and white, oily to shed water and gills along the long neck, and four closed eyes. Breathing, gills flaring, chest expanding, alive but unresponsive; thrown carelessly onto the shore by the cruel ocean waves. The long tail of the king fisher wyvern remained in the ocean, bobbing and being thrown by the more gentle tides that lapped at him.
jotunhel ._. wyvern ._. 5 years ._. male

Re: churn a sorrow ._. joining - bubblegum - 05-28-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Whatever had occurred exactly to the beast, the feline likely could relate in some capacity. The truth that the ocean was relentless was known all too well by Goldenluxury. One of her earlier memories had been of her deciding to take a small swim, of which resulting in a barracuda attacking her and her young body losing its life. She'd been aware that she was dying, but she couldn't remember ever feeling too particularly upset over it, just tired, perhaps a little sad she couldn't say goodbye. But it hadn't been her time, and thanks to the Gods she lived. Still, she took on sailing, she looks to the sea for guidance, comfort. Still, she will gladly allow herself to be swept by the waves, if they so choose it was her time. She trusts in them. The relentlessness of the waters were reliable, let her understand where she may go, how she may stay. The daughter of the sea, landlocked to the island she was born on. But she couldn't much complain about that. If she wanted to leave, truly, she would have done so a long time ago. There is much to do here, much for her to repay, much that she needed to protect with what little strength she had left.

To find the creature upon the shore was not necessarily the strangest sight, though the caracal would carefully approach when she'd spotted it. If they were a threat, then she didn't want to rush in blindly. Goldie isn't how she was - her powers are not so controlled, training only half finished, skill lost to her fragmented memories. Though, it became clear that they were unconscious. As she grew closer, she'd inspect them carefully, searching for any potential open wounds, paw reaching out gently towards it. It was much too large for her to carry on her own. Perhaps if she was still in her tiger body, she'd have less trouble, but she was much smaller. She would look around quietly for a moment, unsure. It was obvious, at least, that they should be taken away from the waves.

The fact that they were still breathing normally was a good sign. Perhaps they would wake up on their own. "Oi, big fella," she'd greet softly at first. "If you can hear me, 'm here t' help." The female would then assure, before perking her head up to look around once more. "Aye, can anybody help a gal out for a moment?" she calls out to any passing crewmates.

Re: churn a sorrow ._. joining - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-28-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
It was kind of hard not to see a large dragon on the beach - though Goldenluxury's call is what really drew Vayne over. The long-haired she-cat came running over, pausing for a moment at the sight of such a large creature. "Uh... yeah. I'll try?" Honestly, she wasn't sure how the two of the were going to move such a large animal, but... maybe something would work out.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: churn a sorrow ._. joining - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 05-29-2021

The wyvern has no ears of note; if they are present they are small and hidden by feathers. Regardless, hearing speech warranted one of the creature’s four eyes to open. Consciousness regained, snout twitched, a breath dragged in with gills flaring again. The open eye looked between the two that had arrived, and a grunt sounded to show he heard the words. Another eye opened, and the other two eyes followed suit. Half lidded, absently staring ahead in a blank and dazed mannerism.

Not species or people that he knew, he noted as a grunt escaped past serrated and sharp teeth. More like a puff of air, removing stale air from his lungs. No attempt to stand up was made, nor explanation given. The wyvern’s left wing was sprained, albeit hard to see through the thick and oily feathers. Laid awkwardly it was, in a position that no flying creature would ever consider normal.

Thank you,” came the surprisingly soft and quiet voice from such a massive creature, four eyes blinking anything but in unison. “’m Jotunhel. Or Jot.” Perhaps he did not realize an attempt to move him was being made, as another shaky exhale rattled the wyvern as he closed his four eyes once again.

._. Mobile

jotunhel ._. wyvern ._. tags

Re: churn a sorrow ._. joining - daniel - 05-31-2021

The ocean was terrifying indeed. Washing up creatures larger than anything he had ever seen, taking lives, knocking buildings over with barely as much as an afterthought. He would know, he liked to think. Granted, he was also afraid of his own shadow and was no son of the sea, so perhaps he just was speaking from a place of inexperience with the waters themselves. That should probably get fixed real quick, given his...accelerated status. But on the other hand, give him a break, a giant dragon thing just washed ashore.

"Hm." Danny had no words in particular to offer, just blinking brown eyes in surprise. His brain, already on edge and full of a whole lot, was not processing the sight before him, like, at all. He thought he was hallucinating at first, but Vayne and Goldenluxury seemed to be on the same page.