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slow down and ramp it up // ximen vs bai shi - Printable Version

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slow down and ramp it up // ximen vs bai shi - XANTI - 05-27-2021

// this is a friendly spar between ximen and [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] your characters may observe, but pls do not have them interfere, thank you!

The planned spar between Bai Shi and Ximen wasn’t a secret; Ximen had issued the challenge in the open with nothing but an easy grin and gleam in his eyes. However, the two kept the exact location a secret between themselves, since nobody wanted an child or foolish apprentice getting underfoot when the fun began.

And, hell, did Ximen have fun planned. The bone knives strapped to his body were only the beginning; he’d wasted ten minutes (an eternity in naptime) hiding bone knives and bone weapons around the trees. All in preparation for fighting Bai Shi, since the sometimes-dragon had a fearsome reputation in addition to his physical bulk over Ximen’s slender physique.

Ximen was in the middle of double-checking his hidden weapons when he heard sounds in the distance.

Ximen’s ears twitched; his breath stilled. Bai Shi, characterized by their footfalls and scent, walked down the path to their designated sparring spot.

Fuck, no more time to think on strategy.

Taking the deepest inhale possible, his intangibility flickered on as Ximen stepped into the half-submerged boulder. He couldn’t stay here long—thirty seconds, maybe forty-five if he stayed calm and grounded himself—but the advantage of surprise never came cheap. He suffered the burning in his lungs while his ears strained to pinpoint Bai Shi’s exact location, a feat made easier, ironically enough, because solids transmitted sounds easier than the air; every footfall of the former leader rang sharply against his head.

When Bai Shi was finally in range, the ninja exhaled. Two bone knives (practice weapons, dull, not sharpened) hiding amongst the swampy branches zipped towards towards their target: the middle of Bai Shi’s back.

Ten seconds, he had ten seconds; he calculated projections. If Bai Shi dodged, then the dragon would most likely look up, towards the source of the knives, if not fly up directly. Ximen would need leave cover, catch his breath, and continue to stay out of the physically stronger opponent’s range.

His lungs burned for air, but he stifled the impulse to breathe in. Nothing but rock all around him. Nothing but rock. Wait, wait, wait. Listen, listen, listen.

Let's see how this rolls, Bai Shi, he thought to himself. Let the fun begin.