Beasts of Beyond
RUNNING ERRANDS / hunting - Printable Version

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RUNNING ERRANDS / hunting - WEEPINGSHADE - 05-27-2021

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Perhaps it wasn't the most interesting use of time, but Weeping had always quite liked hunting. The boy had been eager to try it when he was a kit, and considering it was a productive use of time, he saw no issue in spending lots of time doing it. Today, he has opted to head towards their cliffs, wanting to catch some birds if he could. They planned to visit the Typhoon soon to properly introduce themself, and they wanted to make a good impression. Considering the pirates also lived on their own beaches, they figured catching fishes and crustaceans would probably be fairly boring. Bird, on the other hand, would bring in some spice they might desire.

So, the calico steps carefully along the peaks, holding himself close to the more rocky surfaces in order to blend in better. He has his eyes on a small peregrine falcon. It was large for him, but it would make a good meal on its own, so the feline took his time with it. Paws silently and slowly pushing himself forward, he waited as it grew distracted with something it seemed to find on the ground. Once it dropped its head down, they would lunge towards it, claws unsheathed and they managed to grip onto the falcon tightly. Its wings would spread quickly in response, frantic moving to get him away, beak turning towards them. They dug their teeth into its neck, successfully taking it down before their eyes were pecked out. He would let it sit on the ground for a moment before letting go, lifting his head to look down at the catch. That was one less thing to worry about now, fortunately.

Re: RUNNING ERRANDS / hunting - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 05-28-2021

[glow=white,1,400]CLINGIN' TO INSANITY !。+゚.[/glow]
Out of all the things to do, hunting was probably one of Drayden's least favorite activities. Not because he didn't want to provide for his clanmates, but mostly because of the strain it put on his paw. Of course, considering so many members had gone though, it was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it meant there weren't so many mouths to feed, but on the other... it meant that he would have to go out more often.

"That was a good catch for someone your size." Drayden chirped as he approached the new Legate, a friendly smile on his face. It was quite a feat at least in his eyes; Weepingshade was small compared to the avian and they managed to catch it without any major injuries so hey, that's a plus.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: RUNNING ERRANDS / hunting - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 06-01-2021