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Three blind mice // 5/21 daliy plot event - Printable Version

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Three blind mice // 5/21 daliy plot event - jacob w.c. - 05-21-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE —//This event will run until 9:30 AM EST tomorrow! Initially I was going to say the goal was to get rid of all the mice but then I realized that didn't leave open the possibility of the clan losing/being damaged by the sudden attack. So, instead the goal is to get about one page of posts (14) and create tangible consequences. This might be your character getting sick later from being hurt or hurting the prey, it could be the prey destroying something else in the territory (such as herbs), or really whatever you guys want! I want to leave this as open as possible. The mice and rabbits are NPC so anyone can feel free to describe the attack. Remember that icly most, if not all, characters are currently unaware that bites from the prey and biting the prey or ingesting it in anyway can cause sickness (anything ranging from food poisioning to a long term illness, depending on how much you want to do to your character). 

When he'd gone out for a walk, as he did every morning, he immediately realized something was wrong. There was an odd smell in the air and some of the plants he'd been watching, waiting for them to reach maturity so he could harvest them to store as herbs, were now completely decayed. What could have possibly happened in the course of one night to make so many behave in such a way? Spring, while still cold in Snowbound, brought new life. That was what it did almost everywhere and he'd been excited to see what kind of herbs would finally pop up above the layers of snow and ice now that some of it was melting. Instead, he was only met with brown, shriveled plants but that didn't make any sense. Then he recognized the scent. He could remember it from the city but what was it exactly? Nothing good, he at least knew that much.

As he continued the walk, he suddenly saw a great many prey coming from the border. Most of them were just small animals that he was used to hunting or catching in his traps, like rabbits and mice. They all seemed to be focused on him and his entire body tensed. He didn't think he'd ever seen any of those sorts of animals be aggressive here, most of them just scurried around mindlessly, and they certainly never engaged a predator that wasn't currently attacking them. As he realized they weren't stopping, his entire body tensed as he waited for them to arrive. He knew he wouldn't be able to outrun them, especially when he'd barely been able to stretch his legs out. As the first few mice began to gather around him, he started batting them away with his paws. He could barely feel them but he knew if he let too many of them claw and bite at the bandages and sweater that covered his forelegs, they'd eventually break through. He didn't know what was wrong with them but he didn't want anything to do with it. He let out a snarl, hoping to scare them off but they continued to come in relentless waves. He hadn't even known there were so many prey in the area. "Help! 'S someone else out 'ere? We've got a problem!" the husky called. The creatures were swarming him now and some were running past him, towards the tunnels. He wasn't sure what was wrong with these things but he knew they couldn't let them reach the tunnels. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Three blind mice // 5/21 daliy plot event - valemon - 05-22-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Val had never seen anything like this before. He had yet to be able to hunt on his own, but even he knew prey usually ran away from predators. Now, it seemed the opposite. He wasn’t aware of anything going on until Jacob’s yell rang through the area. Spotting the husky, Valemon was surprised to see him swarmed with rabbits and mice. What was going on?

Soon, the creatures were upon him as well. Like Jacob, he too swatted some away, albeit a bit gentler. He looked around, confusion in his eyes as more and more came... and he didn’t notice until he felt a sharp pain on his paw that a mouse had latched on with its teeth. “Ouch!” the cub gasped, flinging the creature away from him. There were too many... Confusion turning to fright, Valemon continued backing away and swiping at the prey. He couldn’t just leave Jacob but every instinct screamed at him to run.
© madi

Re: Three blind mice // 5/21 daliy plot event - Luciferr - 05-22-2018

Hymn of Ruin
good thing snowbound recently had a veritable tank join them then no?

a swath of flame cut through the swarming creatures further away from the two before it guttered out and a large dark, heavilly armoured beast stormed over, curving to keep Jacob and vale in the curve of his tail as he swung round to claw away the creatures.

it was a thankful thing his heavy armour protected him from these critters - but there were indeed a great many.

and it seemed they knew to shy away from him and the fire - jacob and vale would be safe then with him, but the critters seemed to be heading for where certain rare herbs grew in snowbound or in that direction anyway.

the dragon eyed the swarms before glancing to the two he'd curved protectively around "are you both alright?" he asked, eyeing the dead around him, charred and burnt.

/ an NPC swarm is heading towards rare herbs growing /shrug/ ?
