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it's not so bad - open; bone fight - Printable Version

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it's not so bad - open; bone fight - rhosmari - 05-27-2021

She had only been here for a couple days and things had gotten wild and also gotten quiet. She was curious, she was wanting to see what this place had to offer but boy was there nothing to really do. Licking her chops the hyena made her way along the shore of the beach, stepping in the water with a little kick every now and again. She always felt giggly when she was in water, didn't know why and couldn't explain it but she did and that was all she cared to delve into it. It was fun. Besides she knew how to swim so it wasn't like she was going to drown any time soon. As she came more onto the sandy shore she spotted someone. The new Captain guy. She still didn't know what the hell that meant, or what kind of crazy predicament they were all in. The only thing she saw in her laser sights was the bone he was chewing and and this also meant something to do. Some fun.

Jerking herself forward, paws stumbled and scrambled across the sand as she gave a high pitched cackle. Her body swerved like a racing care at the canine and she suddenly dipped her head. "COME ON! TUG OF WAR!!" She aimed to snap up the other side of the bone and begin to pull and tug at it with all her might. Even this could have a potential of catching Danny by surprise and giving him a bit of fright but she doubted it. He was the Captain! Sounded important!

Re: it's not so bad - open; bone fight - daniel - 05-31-2021

Contrary to popular belief, Danny was, in fact, just a dog at heart. A canine. A tail wagging creature of basic instinct. He didn't like eating the fish brought back from the salty water and he liked to chew on bones. That was pretty cut and dry, and up until this point, no one had really been relatable in that regard. Sure, Keona had been a direwolf for a time, but she lived most of her life to his knowledge as a cat, a tiny one at that, and besides, she was gone. So it didn't matter.

If he was being honest, he was using the bone in this teeth as stress relief rather than recreational fun, the sound reverberating in his ears as he broke little holes into the surface. Y'know, half heartedly and thinking about his new responsibilities. He hadn't even noticed Khalua because of that, and certainly wasn't expecting anyone to try and take his bone away from him. Guess there was a new kid on the block that he needed to be careful of, huh? Had been caught off guard? Oh, absolutely. Did part of him really just want to leave the bone and run? Totally. But that would make him look bad. And besides, nothing wrong with a little fun...right? Right? A brief but low growl escaped the wolf instinctively, jumping to his paws pretty quickly and pulling back in his direction. Game on.

Re: it's not so bad - open; bone fight - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 06-02-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Fish was one of Vayne's favorite pieces of prey, though that would be expected considering she was a feline living on a beach. She didn't mind the salt water for the most part, either, but usually the nasty-tasting water was gone by the time she got something to eat. There was a grin on the Dealer's face as she watched the interaction happening between Danny and Khalua.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: it's not so bad - open; bone fight - rhosmari - 06-03-2021

Yes! He was actually playing back! Now this was a Captain who knew how to have fun. A high pitched whining like cackle left the hyena as she wiggled her rump and was pulled forward from the jerking of the wolf. Her claws dug into the ground then and she tried her best to pull him to the side, her jaws clamping down harder on the bone. But she was having the time of her life right now. She was actually having fun in a foreign place and well, it was the first time ever where she got to be freer. Not being chastised for being too rough. Her eyes shifted to the side and she noticed that Vayne was watching them. Weren't they like a thing? Yeah, yeah. Well she was about to prove she was stronger than her boyfriend. Hah! She turned her attention back to Danny and let out a playful growl before she decided to do something funny or at least something funny to her. She suddenly let go of the bone in the hopes of the other still tugging and potentially falling on his butt. "Hahahahaha!"

Re: it's not so bad - open; bone fight - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 06-03-2021

While he was far from wanting to participate, Jotunhel could marvel at the sight of a fight over a bone. Not that he would find it weird, but instead something thrilling to watch. The wyvern settled, overextended wing curled close to his chest. "Looks fun," he mused to none in particular with a flick of his fluffy tail. If anything? Adorable he found it, smiling as he looked on.

jotunhel ._. wyvern ._. tags

Re: it's not so bad - open; bone fight - daniel - 06-04-2021

And fall on his butt he did.

Having perhaps pulled a bit too much on his end, the sudden lack of opposing force was a surprise. One that the wolf was not prepared for in the least, a look of shock replacing the previous one of determination to keep the bone as he felt his weight shift quickly. Uh oh. Of course, he had to look as stupid as possible, front paws flailing in vain as he ended up on his ass, back soon covered in sand with a thunk. But! He had not let go of the bone, and that was something, right? Blinking at Vayne, who he hadn't noticed beforehand, Danny smiled sheepishly at his upside-down girlfriend. Wait, no, he was upside down. Fix it, Danny.

"You're real funny." The wolf said, a touch disgruntled, wiggling and rolling to his paws as the bone was finally dropped from his teeth. The smile replaced itself with a pouty frown, shaking his fur out without the necessary warning. Hopefully no one got hit with sand.