Beasts of Beyond
I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - Printable Version

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I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-26-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Aine and Gael left in the middle of the night, and Dante couldn't help but feel almost glad that the two of the were just up and abandoning the group. The hybrid didn't say anything to them or anyone that night, but if no one said anything by morning then he was definitely going to be doing something. So with a snort, Dante returned to his den to sleep.


Morning came and no one had bothered waking him for any announcements, nor did he hear any sort of call for a meeting. Well then. Kold likely didn't notice that Aine and Gael were gone, or at least assumed the two of them were coming back. If they're smart, they won't return. So with that in mind, Dante got to his paws and made his way towards town, soon running up the Black Temple. "PITTIANS. Get your asses over here." The hybrid called out loudly, long tail flicking for a moment as he waited for a small crowd to form. "Aine and Gael decided to abandon us in the middle of the night and I will not stand for it. Therefore." At this last word, Dante reached into the bag he carried with him, pulling out the skull of the fox he recently killed for his Blooding. It wasn't Aine or Gael's own skull, but one that would represent the Ardent at the very least. He placed the skull on the temple steps, claws unsheathed as he held it in place, a sinister grin on his maw. "I am taking over as Ardent. Speak now if you have any issues with this or fuck off."

//This is a staff-approved takeover![glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - Kold - 05-26-2021

Kold didn't know. They didn't think to find her, wake her up and tell her they were leaving. They didn't think to tell her? The idea, the thought of such a thing made her blood boil. At Dante's call, she forced herself up. The wolf snarled at his words. "I thought it would make sense for someone in a higher position to take up leadership. What gives you the right to lead, after the shit you've done?" But would she be alone now against the bloodshed? Or was she even against it? Her recent murder (feasting, feasting, not murder) surely pointed to something. But surely she wasn't for bloodshed for bloodshed.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Marauder of The Pitt - 1 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - VALE - 05-26-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ hyena
“Because we—Dante and I—saw the cowards for who they were while the rest of you licked their paws!”

The three-eyed crow hopped off Dante’s back. Before vis feet touched the ground, they transmuted into paws. The black beak crashed into the sands, oozing white sludge, and a hyena stood at Dante’s side. The menace chuckled to verself.

The hyena shrugged, scratched at vis face, and didn’t look surprised when fur and skin pealed away on vis claws. “Ugh. To think I could’ve avoided my whole side quest and heartbreak if I’d just laid low in the Pitt waiting for Gaelic Breath to prove me right. I fucking hate when lazy assholes do that shit. Be interesting and original, you know, not like… well, this stupid shit, choosing the water of the womb over the blood of the covenant.”

Re: I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - rhosmari - 05-26-2021

Well, things around here were spinning. Guessed he should make an appearance. After all he had done the work to become a blooded member or whatever. So there was no way he was not going to take all the benefits that came with it. Obviously. So the feline made his way over and he couldn't help the snicker that left his jaws. Well quite a takeover he guessed. Not like he was on anyone's side. That seemed way too much for him. The stress involved he knew he wouldn't be able to deal with given how he liked to take things easy. But hey, he was all in favor of Dante taking the reigns. He didn't see much of that Gael guy to make a good assumption. But Dante was like a roaring storm. Everywhere and doing what normal members were supposed to do. Defend their lands. Even if a kid was involved and truth be told they should have been glad the kid hadn't been eaten. Sighing the vampire looked down at his paws for a moment. Well he guessed he had to pick a dumb side.

"It's not always the best in show that wins the prize. Besides I want to see what old Dante has in store for us." He is curious, eyes gleaming with intrigue but dulled as he sat down.  This looked like a good time to him. But he wouldn't try and go crazy.

Re: I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 05-26-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Oh? Gael left? This was certainly news. "Hear, hear!" The panther would announce, an interested smile playing on his maw as he sauntered over to the pair and sat down next to Dante. Someone else with a history or violence on their paws was claiming leadership, how nice. "Well then Dante, mind if I redo my blooding and have my status again?" Strike whilst the iron's still hot. He'd give Vale a smile, it growing to a smirk as ve turned into a decaying hyena, sending a gust of air to blow away vis smell.

Re: I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-26-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah yes, Dante was expecting Kold to fight against this. She was a Marauder after all, a high position within The Pitt. But she allied herself with them, she did not deserve to step up in Gael's place. Dante's torn ear flicked as Vale hopped off his back, shifting and contorting for a moment as ve explained what was going on. "You groveled at their feet, Kold. Bowed down and listened to Gael's beliefs, but I've seen what you can do." Kold's little 'feast' was proof of this. "I won't cause unnecessary bloodshed. We will just be a bit more destructive when it comes to visitors who defy us. I have no tolerance for fuckers who think they can push us around."

Dante briefly looked over at Jormungand and Valhalla as they came over, voicing their agreement, with Jor asking about doing his Blooding again. The hybrid gave Jormungand a quick nod, before his gaze turned back towards Kold, a smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - VALE - 05-26-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ skullface hyena
Wiping the flesh off vis face, the hyena shook off the excess. Blood and sludge rained in a meter radius of the menace’s boneface. Now Vale had no need to fake a smile or control vis expression; the skull grinned at everyone.

“Oh, it will be fun,” Vale said to Valhalla. Vis grey tongue flicked out, split down the middle with a splatter of sludge, and licked vis left eyeball clean. “Gael made this place so boring.”

After Jor spoke, the hyena glanced at Dante, and privately agreed with the new ardent. Well, not so privately in a second.

“Heard about what happened.” Vale attempted to headbutt Jor’s muzzle. “Allowing another group to torture one of our own? Makes us look soft, don’t it? Hahaha! Gaelic Breath’s lucky I left when I did, ‘cause I would’ve brought a pyramid down, this time on his head.”

Huffing, Vale straightened up and leaned against Dante, looking over the ardent’s shoulder to the marauder. “You agree, don’t you? The faeries abandoned the Pitt, weakened us, destroyed out clout the entire time they hung on to leadership. Let’s take back our pride.”

Re: I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - Kold - 05-26-2021

Electricity crackled against her teeth as Kold stared down Vale. A snarl ripped from her throat as vey spoke. Idiot. They were all idiots, right? Right! So why did something within her pull toward agreeing with them? She pulled her gaze from Vale and ignored Jor, instead staring up at Dante. Her gaze hardened.

"You're right in that I followed my dad's beliefs.. but.." and images flooded her mind. The feasting, slaughter. And she sat down to breath. They abandoned the Pitt. Abandoned her. "They abandoned me." she said quietly. And then she said nothing else.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Marauder of The Pitt - 1 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 05-26-2021

Re: I'M ON ANOTHER LEVEL! || Meeting 5/26 + Takeover - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-26-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Good. Dante felt satisfaction ripple through his body as Kold went eerily silent, seemingly taking Vale's words into thought. "They abandoned us." The hybrid repeated, a growl in his voice. "They left us weak and suffering and then abandoned us when we could have used them the most. Gael and Aine are deserters." Along with anyone else who went with them.

"Now, with that being said." Dante was addressing the group as a whole now. "I have a few changes to make. First of all, everyone is our fuckin' enemy. No more of this neutrality bullshit. Do not hesitant to attack a trespasser, however if they claim they are joining, let them up. We will not deny anyone joining our ranks." They couldn't afford to. "Tanglewood is enemy number fucking one. I want shit to be done with them. Not immediately, but eventually. We need time to prepare in case they decide to fuck us over." If they heard he was the Ardent, there was no doubt in his mind that they would try to kill him.

"Next up. In case it wasn't obvious, Vale is allowed to stay here now. Ve is no longer exiled, but will be a Pale Blood until ve has done The Blooding." Should have been obvious, but he wanted to announce it just in case. He enjoyed having ve around, and didn't seem too bothered whenever Vale leaned against him. "Thirdly, I am reinstating the rank of Skald. It's basically a stepping stone position that says 'hey, nice fuckin' job. I like you.' Do shit to get noticed and it shouldn't be that hard to be promoted." A small pause before going on. "Speaking of which. Valhalla, Jormungand, and Hydrostatic. I'd like you to be our first Skalds within my leadership. Con-fucking-grats."

That was all Dante had to announce for now. Pretty fast changes, though nothing super important, he felt. "Dismissed unless anyone has any questions, comments, concerns. What have you."

- The Pitt has gone full warbound; no allies, no neutrals. Everyone is an enemy
- Tanglewood will be a major target of The Pitt from now on
- Vale is no longer exiled and is welcomed into The Pitt. Ve is considered a Pale Blood until they have completed The Blooding, of course.
- Reintroducing a semi-high position! This rank is called SKALD and its simply a stepping stone rank to show you have been noticed.
- [member=18247]VALHALLA[/member] , [member=18043]JORMUNGAND[/member] , and [member=18073]HYDROSTATIC C.D..[/member] are promoted to Skald, if they accept. Thank you all for being active and around the group!!! [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]