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I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - Printable Version

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I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - daniel - 05-26-2021

How the hell did he get here?

Several prominent crewmates, vanished. Off the map. So much left open. Gone. Not once in Danny's life had he ever considered this position, he didn't want it, he didn't need it. It gave his social anxiety fuel for it's fire, and not in a way that was helpful. A way where the fire consumed him, paralyzed him. He was terrified. Danny was young, he was only a Privateer, he had crawled out of the depths of Hell to find everyone above him gone. He felt like a baby, a child who was given a crown and a realm to rule. He wasn't ready, and yet, he had no choice. There was no one else. Not even Keona would be here to help him now, she had left him. Keona left, Diya left, they all left him to his own devices.

And he was wounded from it. Hurt.

Hurt enough that it almost gave him the spite he needed to take control and rain hell down to prove he was not a stupid coward, if they intended for him to fail, he wouldn't. He wouldn't. Granted, he couldn't yell to get anyone's attention, and he wheezed and coughed when he tried. Instead, standing win front of the dome's entrance, Danny sent a long wolf's howl into the otherwise calm sky, the howl of an adult, the first adult howl he ever mustered. Call it metaphorical. Further to drive the point he wished to gather the remaining, he requested the help of some npcs to split off and carry the message. And then he went inside. He didn't feel proud. He didn't feel excited.

Was he even qualified to do this? He had waited, after all, searched for what was left. Nothing. Damned them all. Using his claim to the sea's throne through his ranking seemed unfair even to him, he wasn't the only Privateer. But beyond his own worries, a primal fear nestled in the chambers of his heart for the remaining Privateer. The pattern of Captains before them had been unkind, and he would rather suffer under his own weight and bear the inevitable curse than let any more preventable harm come to Vayne. Suspicious and superstitious, yes. But the gods had forsaken them all, he was sure. At least, they had forsaken him, and he could carry the weight.

What was this? An execution? He was as dramatic as always.

He wasn't claiming anything. He just needed people gathered. They just needed their stability back.

// already approved sneep snorp

Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - rhosmari - 05-26-2021

Frankly she didn't know what the heck was going on. First there were a bunch of people and then the next day it seemed they were all like 'aight, imma see my way out.' It was shocking to say the least and she had just freaking gotten here. What was the fun in that? Well. She guessed it would be more space to stretch her leggys out. To shoot the breeze and figure out if she was actually going to stay here or not. Though it did kind of make her having that adventure to find that kid kind of pointless to an extent. Oh well. The hyena sighed with annoyance as she lifted her head up at the sound of a howl. Big boy howl. Her ears pulled forward and she couldn't help the snicker that left her jaws. Sounded like he was summoning the whole place. So she got up and made her way. Bumbling through the forest and foliage with no regard to how much noise she was making.

When she got there she gave Danny a grin, sitting down as she looked around. Huh. This seemed all official like. Maybe. "Hey guy, I heard your call." Slowly she slumped down into the ground before rolling onto her side. Best to get comfortable since she thought they might be here for a while.

Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - Casphian - 05-26-2021

He hadn’t been here long and already so many had left. He wasn’t sure how to make of so many just up and disappearing but there wasn’t much of an opinion he could have. He didn’t know most of them so thus it wasn’t his place to say anything. He heard the sound of a howl, on to him that sounded sad regardless if it truly was or not. The lion found himself making his way towards the direction of the howl, a soft sigh slipping past his muzzle. He found himself in front of a dome, gaze peering up at it before finally stepping in.

Drachma himself would be soon following a group of NPCs to the dome, curiosity filling her at the sound of the carrying howls. He wondered who would be taking over and calling this meeting. That’s how he would find himself settling down inside of the dome, gaze flicking across the gathering group.

Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - Luciferr - 05-26-2021

Frankly his return home only to find half his family gone was...a tad disheartening, but well, he wouldn’t leave his home for anything,

Had, in fact, done everything to re-find his home again - and now here he was, being helpfully wheeled in by some NPCs who were kind enough to assist the land impaired Roux.

It was mildly embarrassing to need it but well life and lemons no?

Jaime swished his tail in the makeshift mobile tub, half of it lying out and waving in the air over the side, while his front paws gripped the front edge of his little water cart, ears perked forward listening to their new leader.

He felt bad for the sudden abruptness of it, it must’ve been so stressful - but well, Jaime was back home and he’d help any way he could (even in what limited capacity he had in this new form)

Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - ROSEMARY - 05-26-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Head down, Rosemary walked to the meeting barely looking up from the sand. She considered her feelings hypocritical—wasn’t she always the one who introverted for months at a time in her treehouse, neglecting her duties and family alike?—but waking up to find half her family gone gutted the witch. Her heart hammered in her ears. She didn’t even know how many Rouxes remained in the Typhoon today.

Biting her lip, she wandered over to Jaime. Her forked tail flicked. Her chest expanded, deep and slow, as she stared at her paws. She knew how to manage her social anxiety, but this? This dread destroyed her.

Wiping the back of her face with a paw, the ocelot squared her shoulders. With Roan and Seabound gone—and Goldie still a sage—the crew needed her. She didn’t want to disappoint them, not this time. No matter how much she wanted to run away into the safety of her candle-lit treehouse, an oasis in the storm, dripping coziness while rain drizzled outside, she remained on the beach.

peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne and Diya leaving, along with most of her adoptive family, had hurt. A lot. While Vayne understood why they wanted to leave and after that rescue raid, they all needed a break. But Vayne couldn't leave Danny as the sole high position - not to mention that he was her boyfriend. She just couldn't abandon him like that. Of course, Vayne was there before Danny even howled for the meeting and as others came to the dome, the she-cat simply just tried to press against him. Mostly for comfort. She was hurt, understandably so, but she also didn't blame Roxanne, Diya, Roan, and all the others for wanting a break. Vayne wished them well, wherever they stayed.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - FOXGAZE. - 05-26-2021

[glow=white,1,400]HERE WE ARE, DON'T TURN AWAY NOW !。+゚.[/glow]
Foxgaze hadn't been here long; in fact, she hardly knew anyone here aside from Captain Roxanne and Roan. Suffice to say, the siamese was curious when she heard a howl echoing through camp and followed her crewmates to the meeting area - with Roxanne nowhere to be found. This should be interesting.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - daniel - 05-27-2021

He jumped at the voice initially, exhaling sharply to calm his nerves. Danny tried to offer a smile in return, nodding half heartedly. "Good, yeah..." At least he was loud. He felt like passing out, colors before him much too bright and the sounds banging at his ear drums making him feel like he would break out into a cold sweat, if he hadn't already. He cleared his throat beforehand, concerned his voice would break or he would totally lose consciousness. He bit at his own tongue, chewing on it until it stung, which was a terrible idea. It just made things that much more stressful, and Danny rubbed at his face with a paw. The more people that showed up, the more nervous he felt, until he was quite visibly shaking, looking around and and feeling a headache pound away at the front of his skull.

He couldn't help but lightly lean up against Vayne when he felt her presence at his side, aiming to wrap an arm around her shoulders and put his chin on top of her head. A further gesture of him needing comfort. The only thing worse than this situation was her sort of understanding a lot of things right now, being in the same boat so to speak. No pun intended. "Are you gonna be okay?" He asked, real quiet like, tail thunking against the floor beneath. He'd hate to let her slip and fall into the emotional void.

Right, the actual meeting. He wanted to groan.

"I'm s-sorry for this, it's p-probably, um, really con...[i]confusing, but-"
Danny started, praying for the chance to be able to spit out a single coherent sentence. Gods help him. No, no he could do this. He squared his shoulders, forcing his ears straight and not pressed against his skull. They needed him, what was left after the chaos and absolute destruction left behind. "Important people are gone, we have a problem on our, uh, out hands here. I'm not exactly qualified to do this by any means, but I n-need you to work with me...with Roxanne gone, I...I'm stepping into the position of Captain." Would that be taken well? Would be be demanded to turn tail and run, or that he was not fit? He had heard of Goldenluxury taking the reigns when she was young, but she was a good Captain in her day. Could he ever hope to do the same?

"We need to hold ourselves together, mend v-vulnerability. I...we need a replacement for Soothsayer, that's our priority now. Or at least someone just to h-help." He took a deep breath, gritting his teeth together, feeling his composure solidify itself. Somewhat. "Vayne will replace our missing Dealers...if she wants to. I th-think she's earned it. Any other questions? Oh! Oh, make sure to say h-hi to the new or returning faces....we have a lot."

- [member=16148]VAYNE C.F.M.V..[/member] can step up as Dealer
- hello to all returning and new crewmates ofc
- Soothsayer is now open, a thread to wrangle in a potential new one may be underway! c:

Re: I'M CRUCIFIED | MEETING 5/26 - ROSEMARY - 05-27-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Sighing deeply, Rosemary looked up. Her tongue circled her fangs, and the ocelot’s stress showed through despite her usually impassive expression. But she wasn’t alone, she knew that; she could read it on Danny’s body language, not to mention everyone else’s. Was she being selfish, allowing herself to drown in her own feelings?

Because, like Danny said, they needed a soothsayer. She’d been the head soothsayer in Pincher’s captainhood, but the pressure destroyed her.

“Goldie and I can handle the duties left in Roan’s absence,” she said, softly, and she didn’t realize she’d spoken them until she had. Then the witch flicked her forked tails and ducked her chin. “I doubt we will need an ally’s assistance to find or train a soothsayer.” She sighed, again; her mind selfishly retreated back to the familiar comfort of her treehouse.

Glancing over to Vayne, she gave the privateer—the new dealer—a nod. “You’ll do well.” She knew the kid. Well, knew her more as a kitten than as her grown self, but Rosemary trusted Vayne and her abilities.
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne appreciated the comfort Danny was trying to give her before he went on to announcements, giving him a smile as he asked if she was doing okay. Relatively. Is what the smile would imply, even if she didn't directly give him that message. It was moreso shock than anything else, something she would overcome eventually. Hopefully.

"Goldenluxury and Rosemary should be fine to handle the duties of Soothslayer until we actually find a replacement." Vayne spoke, mostly to Danny but she also didn't really mind if Rosemary or Goldie herself heard - or anyone else in the meeting. "Unless either of you want to go ahead step up in place...?" She glanced at Danny, to make sure he was okay with that as well; it was more so a suggestion rather than an offer, but maybe she should have talked with him about it first. Ah well, everyone was kind of out of it.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]