Beasts of Beyond
You gotta fight! | Open - Printable Version

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You gotta fight! | Open - Onyxdreams - 05-23-2021

~ ☼ When it came to the friends that she had, Onyxpaw would stand by her statement that Sword was, and probably always would be, the best of them all. It wasn't really all that hard of a choice, sure she had some fun with the others, made a few jokes, had some good laughs, but none of them were as close to her as he was. They lived in the same house together, she had a room that was right next to his, and she was sure that had only helped to further the bond they had together. Not to mention all of the time she had spent with him, and she had spent a lot of time doing stuff with the shrimp, so many games, hours upon hours of good times and good memories. Er, her point was, she was pretty close to him, so obviously she knew a lot about him, what he liked to do for fun, his quirks, and...well, the fact that he was a complete pushover.

It was hard to miss it, the way he just gave in so quickly to pressure, it was just like he had forgotten that the word "no" existed, and even when he did fight back, he just gave up so fast! What would he do if someone was picking on him, or messing with him, just accept it? Absolutely not, she would do her best to protect him, to stick up for him wherever she could, but she couldn't always be there for him. He needed to learn to stand up for himself, to push back, or at the very least just not give in easily! That was the exact reason she had brought him with her to the end of the boardwalk, today she was going to help, today was the day that she was going to teach him to be more assertive. She didn't really know where to start, but...she could just wing it, and go from there!

"Alright Sword, lets have a bag of candy, right? So, pretend I just came up to you and demanded you give it to me, what are you gonna say?" The hybrid instructed, puffing herself up and stretching out her wings to make herself look more intimidating, focusing an intense glare down onto the younger discens. Start things out a bit easy, just some little scenarios like this, and then once he got a bit more confidant she could figure things out from there, just a few days of work and she was sure that Sword would be much better off!

(Please wait for [member=17939]SWORDSKIT.[/member] to reply before posting!)