Beasts of Beyond
WHAT'S A KING TO A GOD? | MEETING 5.20 - Printable Version

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WHAT'S A KING TO A GOD? | MEETING 5.20 - CAIN - 05-21-2018

[Image: Cads1fI.png]
Cain had mixed feelings about Axel's murder, one might say. He had been loyal to the man, that much was certain; he had been raised to feel loyalty and feel it deeply, and much as he had disagreed with his policies, Cain would have fought for him to the death. Axel had always had good intentions, a burning passion to take care of their own. It was a goddamn shame that Frederick was too cowardly to fight them outright, resorting to these ploys -- Axel had undoubtedly deserved better.

But... Well. He was a King. Cain had made it clear what he thought of the man's choice in position, arguing that they were leaving the monarchy, not looking for a new one. Blackfall was about rebellion, about abandoning those prejudiced royals and finding a space for where they could treat one another like equals. It was about solidarity and family, about the thriving connections they'd made on the black market and in the slums. They didn't need another monarch enforcing the old ways. No, they were past that, now. And he would make sure they never returned.

It was not questioned that he would step up. They knew him from the war, the young Commander who spent through the royal ranks viciously, without mercy; Harbinger of Chaos, who laughed in the face of their threats, who ensnared their minds and cut them down while they were still dazed from his ploys. And many of them knew him from before that, the military reject who'd been killed to the docks when his abilities came out. They knew him as Dreamwalker and Silvertongue, knew the sharp wit and deadly capabilities hidden beneath the kindness and easy personality. They had liked him then; Cain had little doubts about whether or not they'd like him now.

He stood on a stack of crates on the docks, watching as Blackfallen passed around him, continuing on with their lives -- trading, planning, discussing the news. He had no use for Axel's throne room; he could speak here, among them, and be just as at ease with his authority. A few had already taken notice of him, curious, and after a few minutes Cain called evenly, "Blackfall. I'm sure you're aware of the news by now; spread word, let everyone know we're having a meeting here, on the docks."

A quick hum of voices, of movement, but no one questioned him. He hadn't expected them to -- it wasn't like the King had a Crown Prince, anyway. He gave them time to join him, circling around the crates, his sea-green gaze flicking from one to next as they slid into the crowd. Running over names in his head, confirming who was here and who wasn't, analyzing reactions. Once he had determined that this was about everyone, he continued in that same measured tone.

"Today, we mourn Axel. The royals are cowards, and they killed him unjustly; they scoff in the face of our independency and would see us scramble without leadership. They want us to fail -- either to die out here on our own, fighting amongst ourselves, or to crawl back to them and their oppression. I don't think I have to tell you that we're not that weak." A hint of a smirk as he continued, "No, we will make them pay for this. We will survive, just as we always have, with or without the Crown. They push us down because they know that we're stronger and we're better, and soon, we will remind them of that. First, however, we have our own matters to attend to.

"Axel had no heir, which leaves me to step up in his place. I will not, however, accept the title of King. I will remain Commander, and abolish the King and Prince. We have no use for royalty in Blackfall. We are not Kalopsia, and we never will be; I will be to you what I always was, and you will be to me what you always were. We are in this together, and we're in this as equals."

Cain paused as he let his words settle, gaze flickering over the crowd once more. "Any opposition before I move on?" The words were level, easy -- he had no qualms with it if there was opposition, but knowing him he likely had already considered every counter argument and had a rebuttal prepared.
[Image: Yc7IJWv.png]

Re: WHAT'S A KING TO A GOD? | MEETING 5.20 - Thomas - 05-22-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]❂ ❂ ❂
Before the world had fallen into ruins, Thomas had been in line for the throne of his former kingdom. The blue blood of royalty coursed through his veins, and the young man carried himself that way. He couldn't help it; from birth, he had been taught to be proper and valiant and an overall good boy. And so he was. When his people needed him, he lead army after army to win wars alongside their soldiers. When the incident between his sister and parents occurred, he returned home to salvage what remained of a broken realm. Thomas had believed he was successful in his task, but the world had other plans for the young man that did not include sitting on a throne. Not that Thomas particularly minded, however, for he would rather be with his people than above them.

Perhaps that was why he felt more at home with Cain's words than Axel's. Cain promised the idea of not only equality but equity. A sudden sigh of relief escaped him as Cain explained all of this. Thomas' father would've keeled over, but Thomas was grateful for this. He was glad for this change of pace. More than that, he was glad to know he and Cain held similar ideas.

Cain's inquiry caused the lionhearted man to shake his head, the only thing that had mildly concerned him was the point of retaliation their new leader brought up, but his fears were quelled as the other said no action would be taken immediately. He thought for a few more moments, attempting to produce an idea worthy of speaking on though nothing sprouted.

"Continue," he said, voice strong, confident, and eager to hear more.

Re: WHAT'S A KING TO A GOD? | MEETING 5.20 - Amren - 05-23-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
And here came Amren, sauntering towards her new Commander with that signature devilish smirk of hers. She'd look towards Thomas and Octavia with obvious boredom before crossing pale arms and raising a black eyebrow. So Axel was dead? Interesting. If she was being honest, she didn't care who lived and who died and, more importantly, who was in charge. As long as she was never disturbed, she existed in a perfect state of apathy and, for the most part, kept away from the fools in which she lived among. Perhaps that would have to change. The Death Angel found fascination with Cain and the way he carried himself. She didn't care as much as she should, yes, but the girl could make changes to present herself different and as if she did. She'd been around forever and had never gotten involved with anyone save herself- maybe it was time to give these Blackfallen a try.

Pursing crimson-stained lips, Amren would absently tug at a stray piece of obsidian hair and continue to listen. [b][color=#414a4c]"Yeah go on, or whatever," She drawled, though it was obvious her attention had already been stolen by the gleam of a diamond situated on one of the NPCS near her. She'd bargain for it if they weren't smack dab in the middle of a meeting. It'd look much better glistening on one of her fingers then the weathered ones of its owner. Oh well, she had sapphires the size of her head in her possession- pieces that she loved more than anything else (though arguably not herself, Amren was vain in that sense) - letting one little diamond escape her grasp wasn't the end of the world.


An amused gleam entered her silver-white eyes at that thought. The world already ended... but not over diamonds. Feigning the urge to laugh, the woman would begrudgingly return her gaze to Cain, wondering idly what else he had to say.

Re: WHAT'S A KING TO A GOD? | MEETING 5.20 - CAIN - 05-24-2018

[Image: Cads1fI.png]
Cain hadn't really anticipated much dissent, frankly. What were they going to say, that they wanted a king, actually, and maybe he should reconsider tossing the title aside? Please. He knew his people, and knew the vicious spirit that burned inside them -- no, Blackfall was not a place for royalty. They were a militia, plain and simple, and they lived on the burning desire that had gotten them through the rebellion to to where they were now: away from the Crown and away from the discrimination they'd faced as mutants and as lower classes.

"Great," he drawled, a hint of a crooked grin shifting upwards. It was shark-like and carried hints of that darkness in his soul, but pleased nonetheless. "Back to business, then. We're scrapping the castle. I'm not sure that anyone even liked that place, but frankly, I hate it. We have no use for royal buildings. Feel free to beat the place up; we can use it as training grounds and let new recruits blow the damn thing up." He looked amused at that, and he was -- he was thinking of some of the mutants who had discovered their powers quite abruptly, and destroyed several old buildings trying to control them. A fitting fate for the damned castle, in his opinion.

"I'll set up a Command Center closer to the docks," he continued, motioning vaguely towards the sprawling buildings behind him. Many of the militia members lived closer to the docks or on them, anyway; Cain had always lived there, refusing to take up residence in the castle like he was supposed to, and he had no qualms staying close to the rest of them. "From now on, we'll host meeting either here or there. We'll also host war councils and meet about the Market operations in there, and so forth. If you ever need me or someone else, you can come to Command and find us.

"Naturally, I will need to restructure the commanding officers now that I've abolished the royalty. We'll discuss that this week and move forward with a new hierarchy after I've received your input. In the meantime, carry on as always; we have some changes to make, but I'm fairly certain we'll do just fine. It seems that progress has slowed down on the ships, but we can worry about that after we've shown Griffingate hell."

A pause. Cain considered for a moment, running through his plans -- he had a few things to introduce, more to go over, but then he decided that he'd save that for the next meeting. Let them settle with the changes he'd made for now and mourn Axel, first. He jumped down from the crates, gracefully, and supplied, "That's all for now, then. We have a funeral to prepare. We'll reconvene back here, on the docks, and send him off properly tonight."
[Image: Yc7IJWv.png]

Re: WHAT'S A KING TO A GOD? | MEETING 5.20 - Thomas - 05-25-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]❂ ❂ ❂
So, the castle was done for? Something about that saddened Thomas, and he wished it was not that way. He had grown up being protected by castle walls before he defended them in his late teenage years and early adulthood. Castles were, well, they were home. Their stones held secrets of the past and warmth of former and future kingdoms. However, his leader's words were law, and as a loyal member of Blackfall, he would not raise concern. He should not be worried at all. No, he should be glad for this extreme change of pace.

His hazel eyes left Cain to peer at the houses near them. They were not the castle rooms, but they were a hell of a lot better than the ground he had slept on in his travels since leaving his realm. He had traveled night and day and slept on frozen earth. Anything that had a mat he could sleep on was the best thing he would ever care to hear. Castle or not, he would be thankful for these rooms and houses. They seemed nice and cozy, anyhow. He knew he would enjoy them once he got used to them.

Returning to the Commander, he would nod at the other's words. There seemed to be much to do and discuss and plan. The work of budding communities were never quite finished, he knew. In his youth, he had helped set up villages, but that felt as though it were a life time ago. Leaving these thoughts of his old life behind, he focused on the here and now. He was eager to start these projects. He was eager to help get Blackfall up and running to the best of its ability.

He watched as Cain stepped down from the boxes he had been atop. "Noted." Crips, clear. Even with a single word, his far off accent was noticeable. "Thank you," he added, without meaning to. Ah, old habits died hard, did they not? He could hear his mother now: 'I am proud you remembered you manners, my son, but I did notice you almost forgot to use them! A good prince never forgets these things. Your little sister, Faye, can remember. Surely, you can too, love.'