Beasts of Beyond
drawn by the sirens of titan ↟ "banshee" rabies encounter - Printable Version

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drawn by the sirens of titan ↟ "banshee" rabies encounter - teef - 05-23-2021

  -- TLDR & TW:; Vaughn hears a doe crying out and goes to investigate it, noting there was no scent of PG around him. Comes across a rabid grizzly bear he believes to be a banshee that kills the doe before noticing him and chasing him. He goes to get his spear and the grizzly catches up to him as he comes out of his house at the edge of the Twisted Forest. Gets wounded on left shoulder, manages to attack the grizzly behind its shoulder with his spear as it becomes distracted by an NPC. Vaughn throws the NPC out of the way and yells at the crowd to clear off before finally noticing its a rabid grizzly and is trying to figure out his next attack on it after it dislodged his spear and he runs at it again.
Mild mentions of gore! ///

cuir a dholaidh = to (be) put in an extremely difficult or impossible situation/fuck ////


The cries of owls overhead and soft chirps of awakening songbirds a background melody throbbing in ears that could not hear it. He was drawn by a different sound, a doe's bleating. The short cries of injured prey drew the predator on, shoulders rolling as he strolled along, drawn like a sailor to a siren's seduction. This kill was not his, nor did it belong to any of the other members of the Glades. Their scent did not cling to the air, no, it carried a sour note. His jaw spreading with a deep crack, tightening around the bone held in his jaws. Claws ticking softly against the branch that the haydeni crept across, the gnarled oaks of the Twisted Forest an asset to the beast. Eyes narrowed, tracking the scent of rot that reached him, releasing the bone he had previously been clenching in his maw.

A growl ripped out of him quietly, canid-like creature strolling along thick branches and boughs, red eyed stare locked onto the jittering form of a predator below. His ears were perked forward, listening to the odd shrieks and screams escaping the unidentifiable creature, such cries echoing throughout the woods in a hair-raising fashion. The scent of rot was coming from this very creature, the scent of death and decay clinging to it. His gaze momentarily flicked up to the doe that was trying to escape the creature, her leg badly injured and bloodied. Her bleats turned into shrill squeaks every time that the creature lumbered forward. Blood boiling in his body as he watched, getting an understanding of this creature.

He did nothing to stop the shaggy and dark furred thing from attacking the doe and massacring the corpse. His eyes remained narrowed, crouching on his bough as he watched the beast not bother to feast itself on it's messy kill. Tongue twitching over his lips, a sense of foreboding sitting heavy in his gut. It's shrieks were too similar, too loud, too close to those of the banshee. Swallowing as his jaws watered, gaze cutting around quickly for some kind of weapon. Fuck, there was nothing he could use here. It would be dangerous to draw it back to his home, where his spear was, because the woods thinned out there, and he didn't know if any of the Gladers would be there. Lips curling back, he snarled as he watched it lumber side to side, almost as if it was drunken. Instincts warning him that it was truly a dangerous enemy, whether the monster he thought it to be, or a struggling animal, it had him on edge. None of the Gladers should should foolish enough to enter the Forest but it's shrieks might have lured them close ...

Turning on his heel, he sprinted back along the way he had come, snarling as he heard the beast's shriek as it picked up on his movements over head. He had no choice, home was fastest and his weapons were there. His body told him that this wasn't something he wanted to fight with tooth and nail - he needed a weapon and preferably something with range. His spear was his best option. Gaze flicking down and back, seeing the lumbering beast on all fours. Lips curling, claws skidding across the wooden floor of his home, jaws clamping around the shaft of his spear, barging back out through the door. It was really fucking fast, and could only further set off alarm bells in his head. Yelping as a heavy paw came down on him as he escaped his house, the paneling of his shack suffering from the powerful swipe of a clawed paw. Barbed claws struck against his left shoulder, the pain not something he registered, or knew that he was bleeding, The Mad Dog spinning on his right front paw, planting a hard kick at the outstretched muzzle. At this range, he could tell that it was a bear, a grizzly bear if the height and strength told him anything.

He needed open space to tangle with the bear, and the closest clearing was a long distance away. Swearing in his head as he ducked another oncoming swipe, ears laying back as he back-pedaled. His ears stood up and his gaze flashed to the side as he heard an NPC scream in fright, rearing onto his hindlegs to avoid another crazy swing. Why the hell was the bear acting like this? He couldn't see the foam and froth at the corners of its mouth, but the snarls and growls it emitted were making him angrier and angrier. It was in his territory, and whatever was wrong with it, was endangering the others. Gaze locking on the bear as it switched attention from the big haydeni to the smaller NPC, he swore, "CUIR A DHOLAIDH! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE, KID!", shouting at the NPC as he launched himself at the bear with spear gripped tightly, aiming to impale it's shoulder. He couldn't let it attack an innocent, he'd been the one that accidentally caught it's attention.

Spear biting into flesh, he snarled, spear lodged behind it's shoulder, attempting to free it as he pushed against its body. Cursing as the ugly mug swung in his direction, gnashing jaws trying to reach the creature attacking it. Kicking off the bear, abandoning his weapon in a place that would distract the beast, sprinting towards the frozen-in-place NPC, snapping the feline up in his jaws as he put distance between the bear and himself. Half throwing the NPC towards gathering bodies, turning back. Could he lead it away?

He had no choice but to dispatch it here before it could leave the Forest's edges and lumber into Glades territory. He was mindful of those who watched on, shouting at them, "CLEAR OFF! GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!", he didn't want to be responsible for any stupid acts of heroics, when he didn't know if even he could drive this bear off. Eyes finally landing on the frothing mouth, ears pinning back. Fuck, he was in a really bad situation here. The damn thing had rabies! He had to be extra careful, this bad encounter with what he believed to be a banshee, could very well end up with him being next in the long line of rabies. The rabies certainly explained the extreme aggression and strange behavior of the bear, not that it meant anything better for him. Watching as the bear managed to dislodge his spear with an upward rear close to a tree, he winced as he pushed himself into a sprint back in it's direction. If he could get it on its back or get access to its belly without being mowed down, it was fair game.
-- speaks in #03254C -- the mad dog

Re: drawn by the sirens of titan ↟ "banshee" rabies encounter - SÉAMUS - 05-24-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
The Irishman has the distinct habit of running towards a commotion, rather than away.  He had been in the further reaches of the forest beforehand, scaling up a tree to quickly move through the canopy.  Hidden in the leaves, the wildcat muttered a curse under his breath as he saw Vaughn and a bear with a frothing mouth.  Rabies.  Feck.

Furrowing his brow, Séamus would hurl a strike of lightning directly at the bear.  Ideally it would severely disorient him or at least distract him.  The pirate had the high ground and he was small and agile -- he didn't mind serving as the distraction.

Re: drawn by the sirens of titan ↟ "banshee" rabies encounter - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 05-26-2021