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YOUR HAPPY FRIENDS CALL YOU DEPRESSING;; return - trojan g. - 05-22-2021

Alia wasn't aware of what had happened within the Typhoon since she had been gone. Eight months. Eight months to the day she had been gone if she had done her math correct. The Cipher-Vantas child didn't know that her mother had left the Typhoon to go to the Coalition, she didn't know that her two sisters were now in different stages of their life. Vayne had been adopted by Roxanne and Diya, and Inferno had ran off to live with Aphra in the Coalition. It would all come to a shock to Alia when she found out.

She was no longer a child though, she was sure she could take whatever came her way. She knew that no matter how old you were when you left a place, by the time you came back there would be changes, and she was ready for those changes. In the middle of camp the bengal mix sat, ears pricked as she looked around in the hopes that she spot a familiar face.

//rushed but she's been in the Typhoon just kinda not around!

i think i bored my therapist while playing him my violin

Re: YOUR HAPPY FRIENDS CALL YOU DEPRESSING;; return - roan ; - 05-23-2021

Alia. That was a name that Roan... sort of knew. He had never been particularly close to the Cipher-Vantas girl, but he had known of her existence. Knew about her relation to the rest of the family, and cared for her just as he cared for everyone else in The Typhoon. When she had essentially dropped off the face of the map, it was a shame, but also something that the soothsayer was painfully familiar with. Sometimes people just disappeared, and he had accepted that a long time ago, even if he hoped that Alia was alright, wherever she was. He might've caught glimpses of her here or there if he were living a different life, but his duties often left him so busy that he couldn't afford to check in on everyone. He'd probably end up collapsing if he even tried.

With all of this in mind, Roan had a somewhat neutral reaction when he noticed Alia sitting in the middle of camp, looking around. His eyes widened just a bit before he made his way over, questioning, "Alia...? Is that really you?" She had certainly grown, but that made sense. Eight months was nothing to sneeze at, and he had changed pretty drastically in a time period even shorter than that. After a moment of hesitation, he continued, "It's Roan, in case you don't remember. Where have you been?" How have you been was probably a fairly good follow up question, but he refrained for the moment. Had she been keeping herself cooped up inside? She didn't seem to have any injuries, which was a relief for the exhausted medic – not to mention it mostly ruled out capture. Maybe she had just been a bit of a recluse – he could certainly understand that, being the hermit that he was.
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne had noticed her sister missing; it was hard to, when Alia was really the only one who she really had a bond with. Sure, there was Inferno of course, but Inferno always seemed like a hit-or-miss in terms of emotions and how she felt about Vayne and the rest of her family. Aphra had dragged Vayne off, hence why the Privateer had been gone for... three months? Something like that, and she returned on her own. Aphra attempted to drag her back with her to the neutral lands, where Diya and the rest of The Typhoon defended her and chased Aphra off - in which Vayne would later learn Aphra became apart of the Coalition, and Inferno seemed to follow.

Suffice to say, Vayne was not expecting that familiar blueish-spotted pelt. At first, Vayne stared at Alia in the distance, blinking multiple times, thinking she was hallucinating her sister. Eventually realizing that it was actually Alia, given the fact that Roan approached the figure, Vayne came running, aiming to tackle her sister in a hug. "Alia!!" She exclaimed in pure happiness, tears already threatening to form.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOUR HAPPY FRIENDS CALL YOU DEPRESSING;; return - trojan g. - 05-24-2021

Ears pricked as Roan came forward, a familiar face and she was glad for it. He had been different in the time that she had been here last, but that was no matter - she could recognize that face anywhere, not to mention the smell of herbs clinging to his fur. "Yeah," She would begin, a short answer in response to Roan as to if it was her or not before she was suddenly tackled and a purr erupted from her throat at the site of Vayne.

"I've been here in the Typhoon but days got kinda blurry and I zoned out I think. I'm not too sure. I feel okay though." She added that last part in so as not to worry anyone who was there or might come over to listen to what she was saying. She quickly returned the hug that her sister had given her before looking around for a moment. "Is Inferno still here? Or mom?" If not that was fine she guessed so long as they were okay, Alia and Inferno had never really gotten along in the past anyway. "I missed you a lot Vayne." She would say at last, head rubbing against the other's.

i think i bored my therapist while playing him my violin