Beasts of Beyond
NOTHING PERSONAL! || Blooding + Nights of Solitude v2 - Printable Version

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NOTHING PERSONAL! || Blooding + Nights of Solitude v2 - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
TRIGGER WARNING: this post contains gore in the fifth paragraph

Alright, Dante had mused Gael's 'Pale Blood' punishment for long enough. Although must didn't really change with his demotion, Dante didn't really appreciate being a Pale Blood and so, the hybrid intended on doing his Blooding again. This time, he was prepared and wasn't going into the desert with withdrawals - there were no rules stating he couldn't bring his drugs along, to keep him sane during all of this. And if it was suddenly a rule, he would definitely call Gael out on it.

So early that morning, Dante headed out into the desert with his bag of 'supplies' with him, should he ever need them. This time, unlike his first Blooding, the sharkcat had a plan. Maybe it was subtle, maybe it wasn't, he didn't care, but he did want to get his frustration and anger out towards Aine and Gael. But of course, of course he couldn't lash out at them despite both of them doing it to him. Claws sunk into the sand as he walked along, a snarl on his face as he thought about the Ardent and his daughter. No, of course I would be in the wrong if I attacked them. A shake of his head, a dark chuckle. They would absolutely chase him out if he did that, even if within the laws of The Pitt, fighting amongst clanmates was allowed. Albeit with a higher-up watching, sure, but Dante had a feeling that Gael would overlook that. Lazy-ass prick. Neutrality gets us nowhere, get some balls and grow the fuck up.

This would start the first night of his solitude. Rather eventless, as Dante walked as far away from camp and into the desert as possible. The heat and sand started making his gills feel dry and scratchy, making the hybrid cough, but other than that, everything was fine. Dante had no worry about these Nights of Solitude since this time he had his drugs with him should he need a crutch. Speaking of which, he needed to get some nicotine in his system; a headache was starting to form, so the hybrid stopped for the night on a rock slab in the desert, reaching into his bag and grabbing a cigarette and lighter, soon taking in a breath and exhaling as he felt more at ease.


The end of the week and Dante was doing fine. A few scratches here and there from fights he had gotten into, but nothing serious or life-threatening. There was one thing the hybrid intended to do before he officially headed back though, and that was to capture and kill a creature for his Blooding. And of course, he already had a plan on what he wanted to target. It took hours for him to be able to find an NPC, but eventually Dante came across a fox traversing through The Pitt's desert. A loner, by the looks of it. Dante's tail flicked for a brief moment before he got into a hunting crouch, soon exploding after the canine. The fox shrieked as it noticed him, snarling and biting at his arms as he pinned it down. Briefly, the image of Aine flickered into the hybrid's vision, her eyes wide and fearful. Dante grinned at this, satisfaction rippling through his body before the image of the Fleshweaver was interrupted as the fox tore at his nose.

Dante pulled his head back for a moment, letting out a snarl before using one of his front arms to force the fox's head back, quickly digging his claws into the smaller creature's chest and biting into its throat. The fox's wails of pain were caught off suddenly as Dante swung his head back, ripping open the fox's throat. Blood sprayed onto his chest, the fox twitching for a few heartbeats before it went still. Dante licked the blood of his teeth, staring down proudly at his kill. Once again, the image of Aine came into view, her life pouring out in front of him just as the NPC had done. Her mouth was agape in a wordless screech, eyes wide but dull. "Where's your father now?" Dante spoke darkly to the image of Aine, chuckling for a moment before picking up his catch.


"GAEL." Dante let out a sharp call for the Ardent as he reached camp, dropping the dead fox at his paws without a care for it. "I have completed my Blooding and Nights of Solitude." Again. He added silently, piercing gaze searching for the Ardent.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: NOTHING PERSONAL! || Blooding + Nights of Solitude v2 - westley h. - 05-24-2021

In truth, it is spite that draws the clouded leopard towards Dante.  He knows it to be immature, but the other frustrates him.  It was clear he did not care about the Pitt's current goals and held onto the past.  A past Westley had no interest in supporting.  Trade and deal-making happened to be something he enjoyed, as opposed to reckless warfare.  And kicking children.

Even though he knows it's a waste of his time to poke the bear and he can do something more productive, the paleblood snorts quietly as he watched the hybrid's loud return.  "You know, I don't think this is going to restore your status," the leopard calls cooly -- the statement feeling matter-a-fact to him.

Since Dante lost his blooded status as a disciplinary action, Westley knew he would hardly give it back to him for simply completing the blooding again.  If they already know he can do it, why should it be enough?  Much less when it is obvious the hybrid is vengeful; the dead fox is hardly discreet. 

The only question was who it is meant for; Gael or Aine?  Of course, in the latter case, he knows if Dante ever acted on such a threat and raised a single claw against the fleshweaver, his head would be on a spike.  Westley would happily put it there himself for injuring someone who heals others.  Not the prettiest decoration...

As though bored, the leopard stretched, flexing his claws.  "And the quiet was so nice," he laments, shaking his head.
**morosis (n.) —-- westley hawkins / paleblood / penned by petrichor

Re: NOTHING PERSONAL! || Blooding + Nights of Solitude v2 - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-25-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Westley was a guy that Dante didn't particularly like, nor care for. It was obvious that Westley was apart of that pacifism and neutrality that Gael tried to enforce, which automatically made Dante dislike the clouded leopard. "Ain't no rule stating I can be denied." And if there was, he certainly hadn't heard of it.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]