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TALK ABOUT A LANDSLIDE // junkyard search - Printable Version

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TALK ABOUT A LANDSLIDE // junkyard search - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-22-2021

you're the cause, the antidote ,
the sinking ship that i could not let go !
The junkyard wasn't a place Atbash visited often, though once again, just like the crater, her curiosity got the best of her. Fortunately though, this little journey wouldn't end up with her being attacked. The savannah went towards the junkward, just wanting to explore the place. Maybe she'd fine something here, too, who knows? She slipped under the barbed fence with ease, with her slightly smaller stature (compared to most first generation savannahs, at least) helping out here.
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: TALK ABOUT A LANDSLIDE // junkyard search - trojan g. - 05-22-2021

Moth didn't come to the junk yard or the crater that often, the last times she had been to either hadn't been the most pleasent memory for her. That had been over a year ago though, long before she had died the first time. That had been a different time with different members in Tanglewood however, and Moth was sure that no one here now would know what had happened. Aurum was dead now, and she was sure that Arrow had already been gone by that point. Atbash hadn't come back until later. Moth hadn't planned on going into the junkyard that day, but after seeing Atbash go in she had decided to follow, curious as to what the other female was doing.

Moth couldn't climb under the fence due to her large size, so instead she opted to fly over it the best she could, coming to the ground with a thunk, having not used her wings that often since she had gotten this body. "You looking for anything specific?" She would ask the other, head tilting to the side as soon as she had done so, soon looking out over the various items that the humans before them had thrown out. There were plenty of things here, a lot of it small enough for the Tanglewood members to take back into town if they wished, but there were still many other things that would be far too big and have no use for them, considering there was no need to drive broken cars around the island.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: TALK ABOUT A LANDSLIDE // junkyard search - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-23-2021

you're the cause, the antidote ,
the sinking ship that i could not let go !
Atbash hadn't been expecting anyone to follow her, but she certainly wasn't complaining about having company at the moment. She looked up at the sound of wings flapping, seeing Moth flying overhead before quickly landing. "Not really," The savannah admitted with a laugh. "Maybe a trinket or two? Some new jewelry to wear maybe, or something."
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: TALK ABOUT A LANDSLIDE // junkyard search - arrow - 05-23-2021

The junkyard. A place that was quite familiar to Arrow, buried in a part of her memory long since forgotten to time. She’d never been one for orthodox or even clean hobbies, giving others a notion she would perish to tetanus from all the digging she did among discarded metal. Of course, she didn’t, but that was a story for another day, or not a day at all, if she could help it. No one else needed to know, and she was sure only Moth and Vigenere carried the recollection of her demise. She didn’t like to talk about it.

Once able to simple crawl over or under the fence, now it took Arrow a running start and very careful leap and bound to reach the other side. She whistled, eyes drawn to anything that was shiny enough to catch her attention. A lot had changed in the territory over time, over the many different leaders, but this had stayed the same. Perhaps that was metaphoric. ”Man...still looks like it did when I was younger. I was a hell of a lot smaller though...used to climb these piles of junk.” A paw tapped one of the skeletons of the broken cars, ear twitching. Arrow glanced at the savannah, a grin crawling it’s way to her face. ”Maybe you’ll find a whole ass dead body in here, all skeletal n’ shit.”
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: TALK ABOUT A LANDSLIDE // junkyard search - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-23-2021

you're the cause, the antidote ,
the sinking ship that i could not let go !
Arrow followed next, joining Atbash and Moth in quite the blur at first (or at least, that's what Atbash saw). She watched the cheetah walk over to one of the old cars, noting that the junkyard hadn't changed at all. Interesting to note, actually, but Atbash didn't have time to dwell on it when Arrow brought up finding a dead body. The savannah's eye widened, shocked that Arrow would even say such a thing. "Arrow, what the hell!" Atbash exclaimed as a response to the statement. "I wouldn't want to find that."
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: TALK ABOUT A LANDSLIDE // junkyard search - XANTI - 05-25-2021

The “faux-cheetahcore” landed atop a junk heap with a loud beat of his leather wings. His nose wrinkled at the scent of decomposing human garbage, but he understood the benefits of salvaging outweighed the temporary discomfort, but he could still be a prima donna about it. When his paw squished into rotting furniture, he grimaced and shook out his wrist.

“A skeleton would be an improvement on the grossness in this shitheap.” He licked his lips, then immediately regretted the taste of grossness on his tongue. “At least a skeleton would be picked clean of all the nastiness.”

He stepped in a wet icky squish; his body shivered.

One beat of his wings later, he soared low in the sky. “Fucking wet trash is the worst. Anyone see anything interesting for Xi to investigate?”

Re: TALK ABOUT A LANDSLIDE // junkyard search - LUCINDER XIU - 05-26-2021


junkyard meant things. he liked things. "a dead body would be nice to find.." he mused, tip of his tongue flicking out to rest at the corner of his maw. "i call dibs on the bones, or any skeletons you may find!" he wasn't really sure what he liked yet so he slowly made his way towards an empty corner, all the fur on his back shooting up as he stepped in a wet puddle. "euuuurghhh.." he twitched, blinking angrily.
whatever, moving on. something shiny caught his eye and he trotted over, the wetness forgotten. it was a small mirror, pasted onto a book. "hey, uh, ma? can i keep anything i find here?" this place was so interesting, he should've brought a bag with him. pulled the book to him, blew dust off the mirror.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months