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im truly fearless - open; newcomer + alex - Printable Version

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im truly fearless - open; newcomer + alex - rhosmari - 05-22-2021

Well, that had been pretty easy and getting him to let her tag along had been even easier. Well, she was the hero of the hour anyway. She had found the boy and got him out of that place. Although what was so bad about it she didn't know. They had a huge watering hole. What was there not to like? But still he said they had to go and so she merely snorted and followed after him. What a mess. She had to walk some more and her stomach was getting angry. Well wherever they were they better have some food or something. As payment. Yeah. She didn't work for free. Was this work though? Kinda. More like an adventure but she was more than happy to shift it to work and ask for payment. So she had followed him, watching the landscape change from beach to forest and almost back again.

This watering hole was like bigger than the last and her eyes widened, a cackle left her throat as she skipped over to the water. Peering down she swore she saw actual fish swimming around. Why was the water so clear? Usually it was all muddy and brown. She liked muddy and brown though, it was messy. Still this was pretty cool as they walked along the train tracks. Pausing she looked at the gate, slowly getting bored as she watched the other push open the Iron bars. The place looked kinda...well, not as exciting as she thought it would look like. Just a town with a... Her eyes snapped up and widened as she saw it. A huge looking structure she didn't even have a word for. "Wow....that's pretty sweet." The young hyena grinned and well her grin always looked like she had done something she shouldn't have before she walked through the gate herself finally.

"Hey! I found your boy!" She called out brightly as she flicked her short but fluffy tail as she shook her head a bit. Her paws pressed against the sand as she sighed before speaking again because she couldn't just give without remembering her payment. "As payment I would like at least one cow. Or a buffalo. Either works, and some bones. Plenty of bones."

Re: im truly fearless - open; newcomer + alex - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
The call of someone unfamiliar brought Vayne over, though the fact that Alexandre was trudging behind the hyena was... a surprise. Alexandre had disappeared briefly before she got captured, but she thought someone would have went and gotten him by now. Someone from the Typhoon at least and not some... stranger. "How did you even know he was missing?" Vayne asked, narrowing her gaze at Khalua. Maybe this hyena had visited before, she wouldn't know. But it was still pretty suspicious anyway, what with the girl demanding a payment. Vayne didn't reply to the payment declaration, not really wanting to say no, since she didn't know whether or not this had actually been arranged before. Either way, it seemed pretty fucking weird. "Who are you?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: im truly fearless - open; newcomer + alex - roan ; - 05-23-2021

Honestly, Roan hadn't been thinking much of Alexandre's appearance, as of late. It was far from the first time one of his siblings had disappeared, and considering there was no trail to follow, the soothsayer hadn't put much thought into any of it. He had his mama to focus on, considering she seemed dead set on getting herself hurt lately – of course he knew she wasn't intentionally getting hurt, but it really felt like she was cursed sometimes.

When he heard the call of an unfamiliar voice from nearby, the draconic feline paused and sighed, making his way over slowly. His tone was dry as usual as he addressed Khalua first, "I'm sure that my mama should be able to get you some bones. I don't know about cows or buffalo, though. We don't exactly have a lot of those wandering around here." Khalua would probably be better off trying Tanglewood if she was looking for those kinds of things. Or at least, for the cows. He couldn't really think of anywhere nearby where buffalo roamed freely. He then tilted his head to one side, echoing Vayne as he questioned, "I'm actually pretty curious about who you are as well." He made sure to keep close to Vayne in that moment, his dark tail hovering somewhat over her back as he waited for a response. Khalua didn't seem like she was in the mood to attack anyone, but he was... understandably wary, considering what had been going on. They had just gotten the privateer back – he wasn't risking someone else snatching her.

As for Alex's presence nearby? Well, he didn't really seem to react to that, at least for the moment. He honestly didn't know how he was supposed to react. There hadn't been any signs of a scuffle when Alexandre had disappeared. He had just been... gone. Roan had assumed that the other had just ditched them, so he didn't feel a burst of joy at the other's return. If anything, he felt a bit of annoyance that the other had to apparently be rescued by some stranger. Where had he even been captured? He hadn't been in the Coalition, and none of the other groups seemed like likely candidates. The entire situation just made the medic want to sigh and shake his head in disappointment, but that wasn't really a surprise. That was his reaction to most things, and Roxie's recent attack, along with the recent Coalition raid, were making him feel even more on edge than usual.
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Re: im truly fearless - open; newcomer + alex - rhosmari - 05-25-2021

"Because he told me, duh!" Came the hyena's bright and quick response to the question. Well, he hadn't exactly said that but maybe he would be a pal to her and not say how weird the whole situation had been. She had found him and that should have been well enough, right? After all she was sure that if she said she had seen him in her brain that would just be too weird. Regardless she glanced at Alex before then looking back at the other girl, trying to hold back her nervousness. A grin spread across her muzzle, nose twitching as she was asked who she was and she lightly tried to come off as cool. Cause like first impressions were important or whatever. "My name's Khalua Mahkiva but you can just call me Khalua, ya know. Or shorten it. Either one is fine with me and who are you?" The next one that spoke up made her odd colored orbs shift over to him and her expression seemed to get brighter at the prospect of having bones.

But it fell at the conclusion that she would not be getting a buffalo or a cow. Darn. So close. But so far away. Bones were a start though and she gave a light nod of her head. "Sure sure. I mean bones work just as well. They got meaty insides. Marrow is good for the chompers." Without hesitation the kid showed off her teeth as if they were the best things out there. Maybe she would hang around here and see what this place was all about. After all she had to play at least once in their watering hole.

Re: im truly fearless - open; newcomer + alex - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-26-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Well, that was... interesting to say the least, but at least Alexandre was back now, right? "My name's Vayne Cipher-Folie-Roux. Vayne is fine though." Khalua, alright. That should be easy to remember. "Are you wanting to stay here?" She asked next, before trying to shoot Alex a telepathic "Welcome back." in the meantime. "You can if you want, of course. Just wanted to make sure I understood what you wanted to do." She added, with a small, awkward laugh at the end of her comment.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]