Beasts of Beyond
FEELING A HEARTBEAT // ask out - Printable Version

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[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
//This is set a couple of days after the rescue raid!

Vayne never really learned whether or not Danny had gotten himself captured to save her, but the thought of that being the case made her heart flutter. And after talking with Lumia, Vayne learned that these feelings she felt... weren't entirely normal. At least, Vayne had been able to notice the difference she felt on the inside when around Danny as opposed to, say, Wavepool (or someone else her age and not related to the Roux, Cipher, or Folie-Mikaelson family). She had friends and that was no surprise; she seemed to get along with everyone. Danny, on the other hand, made her feel... jittery. Nervous. Excited. It was a lot of feelings all at once and it wasn't hard to notice the difference, but Vayne didn't really understand the difference before Lumia pointed it out.

And so, Vayne had a plan. She was extremely, extremely nervous, but she decided it was about time to get it over with. After all, she had written the note already and she couldn't just... throw it away. What would happen if someone else found it? Holding her breath, Vayne walked to Danny's home and slipped the note under his door. Hopefully he'll see it. If not, that was... going to be really awkward. Her nervousness of getting caught made her dart away towards the beach, where she waited for her friend, fiddling with a seashell bracelet.

Danny -
Please meet me at the beach when you see this!

-- Vayne

//Please wait for [member=17932]danny ![/member] to respond first! [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FEELING A HEARTBEAT // ask out - daniel - 05-22-2021

Very unlike Vayne, Danny was not the best at handling himself around company, making friends, or being social in any capacity. One might even say he was socially inept, in dire need of a confidence boost in the worst way. A coward. The notion stung of course, and the wolf wasn’t an idiot, he knew that it was a common opinion. How he had managed to not only make, but manage a friendship with Vayne was beyond him, perhaps beyond the understanding of many. Not that he would change that fact, although of course nothing could be easy for him, not for five minutes. Developing a raging crush on the local socialite, the captain’s daughter, how fitting for his stroke of luck. If he was a more confident man he would have perhaps admitted to it openly, but he was once again, a coward. A massive loser. Actually, doing such a thing came with an unbearable, unshakable fear that he would be nothing but a disappointment on her good name, as if he knew eventually someone more worthy of a title would cross her path and they wouldn’t be the vessel of anxiety itself. So he kept his mouth shut. And besides, he had done such a shit job at his one concrete insistence that he would come to her defense, not once, but twice. And the second time had heavier consequences. A capture and scars to bear. Great job, king.

Thunk, thunk, thunk. His head gently bonking against the wall of an almost empty room, with not much of sentimental value. Even from several feet away he could hear the sound of the paper sliding under his door, something curious enough to prevent his future concussion if he kept at his current activity.

He read the note, which should have been inquisitive if nothing else, but he felt his heart twist around in his chest as it beat wildly. And not in the fun way. Dread was more like it, a million and one reasons bashing together in his skull like frantic rabbits in a burrow that was currently on fire. Or something. He moved it, carefully, where it would be safe and not seen. And then he left, a little sick all of a sudden, but able to move his legs luckily. That wasn’t always the case, being frozen in place often a result of his anxiety, see.

Was he in trouble? Did she know about what he did? A chill assaulted his spine.

”I g-got your, um....your note.” The Privateer stuttered, voice cracking about halfway, nervousness evident in both his tone and expression. Despite not really being one for talking to other people, brown eyes darted around at the realization that this must have been important enough to be separated from the general bustle of the rest of camp. After all, she planned this out.
if i find some way out then i will stay, with heart split two ways down

Re: FEELING A HEARTBEAT // ask out - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-23-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Pawsteps were coming up behind her, and Vayne tried to push down the growing nervousness in her chest. Funny, how she found herself in Danny's shoes (paws?) when she wasn't even doing anything wrong. In hindsight, she supposed that the note might seem ominous, but it was too late to really do anything about it now. Hearing Danny's voice, the Privateer turned to face him with a smile. "H-hey, I wanted to ask you something." Alright, deep breath. No going back now. No going back.

Vayne held up the seashell bracelet she made, before quickly asking him, "Will you go out with me? L-like, y'know, boyfriend-girlfriend type stuff." God, she was making this more awkward than it needed to be wasn't she? Fuck, fuck. Vayne's ears flattened as she felt them getting hot, with the feeling going down her entire body. She wasn't embarrassed by any means, just afraid of being rejected.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FEELING A HEARTBEAT // ask out - LUMIA CIPHER. - 05-24-2021

When Vayne had initially come to Lumia to talk about Danny, the girl's aunt had honestly expected her to have figured out her feelings. She had assumed that the brightly colored feline had come to her for some kind of advice on how to confess, rather than to just ramble about her general feelings regarding Danny. Mia felt bad about it, but she had honestly struggled to resist the urge to laugh as Vayne had gone on about the canine, and how the other made her feel. Despite Vayne being the older of the two of them, she really was still very much a child in some ways. And sure, Lu had her own romantic things to sort out – regarding a certain scary woman from the Coalition – but at least she had been able to identify what she was feeling. Even if she had spent several days agonizing over those feelings, questioning why the hell she was having them for someone considered an enemy. They weren't focusing on her for the moment, though. They were focusing on Vayne and Danny.

After a long afternoon of conversation, Lumia liked to think she had gotten through to Vayne about what she was feeling, and what she could do about it. Still, she wasn't about to just force her niece to go and confess, so she had simply lingered around, doing her usual privateer duties while also keeping an eye out for the other Cipher. Eventually she spotted Vayne heading towards Danny's house, and she felt a flutter of excitement within her chest. This whole thing wasn't even her relationship, and yet still things felt like they were incredibly high stakes. So, she ended up trailing a little behind Vayne, watching as the girl slipped her note underneath the canine's door and headed off towards the beach. Lumia, of course, followed along, not wanting to miss what was about to happen. Once they reached the warm sands, she settled down near one of the huts, wanting to hear what happened but not wanting to interrupt at all. Plus, if Danny ended up hurting her niece, she wanted to be nearby to rip him a new one.

As Danny finally approached, Lumia dug her claws against the sand, listening intently to what was going on. Once more she had to bite her tongue to keep from chuckling a little, hearing the nervousness in Vayne's childish way of putting things. It really was sweet, though, and the privateer felt herself growing antsy as she waited for Danny's response alongside her niece.
☆ — something's going on underneath your skin

Re: FEELING A HEARTBEAT // ask out - daniel - 05-24-2021

He held his breath when she said she wanted to ask him something, a light headache tapping at the inside of his skull from the lack of air. He was mentally preparing for the worst, but the worst never came and he found that she wasn’t going to interrogate him after all. Actually, she looked more nervous than upset like he’d been imagining, which was rather new. And while new, uncharacteristic behaviors would normally trigger his fight or flight, he was just curious at this point about what could have possibly finally wrangled Vayne. Normally she was way more confident than this.

His head tilted at the bracelet, not unlike a inquisitive puppy trying to figure something out, admiring the craftsmanship in the brief time he had to do so before the point of calling him to the beach via note was gotten to. Once more, not what he was expecting in the slightest, but this time caught him completely off guard and he had no preparation at all for it, good or bad. Even fearing the absolute worst with no reason to left him with more planned steps in his head on how to respond and handle the hypothetical ends of the world. But this....yeah, he had nothing. Which was terrible in his own right because that meant he was acting instinctually and he had absolutely no hold on his emotions. In fact, it was probably glaringly obvious that his face was hot enough to spontaneously combust, a little tomato man beneath the mass of dark fur. There wasn’t any response from the wolf just yet, slipping the bracelet over his paw and shaking his wrist to make sure it stayed, the sound of the rustling seashells against his skin echoing in his ear beneath the sound of rushing blood. ”, dating, but, but us? Us.” Danny squeaked, the immediately booed himself internally, disappointed in the lack of suave responses. In retrospect, he probably should have asked Michael before this, just in case. He used a paw to nervously push back the scruffy mass of fur over his forehead, pressing it down and against his skull. Eye contact was hard. ”Of course! Of course, yeah....just...just don’t be all surprised if people look at you all weird. I think, I think their standards are, uh...higher. He cleared his throat with a sheepish smile, a joke to attempt to ease any tension, and to ignore the fact his heart banging against his ribcage was starting to hurt. Maybe he had actually died and this was like, Heaven or something. It made sense to him as to why Vayne would ask him out.
if i find some way out then i will stay, with heart split two ways down

Re: FEELING A HEARTBEAT // ask out - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-26-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
God, could everyone else hear her heart pounding, or was it just her? Danny seemed to be in shock at what she asked, but did she blame him? Not really, though maybe to others the signs were obvious (since Lumia already seemed to know she liked Danny at least). At the canine's acceptance though, Vayne went to hug him, relief washing through her. Still embarrassed at the way this all happened but incredibly happy. "I don't care what others think." The she-cat responded with a laugh. "All it matters is that I want to be with you."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]