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fuck, shit, and other expletives / alexandre - Printable Version

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fuck, shit, and other expletives / alexandre - VALE - 05-21-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3-eyed crow
The sea breeze tugged at vis feathers like invisible hands. Navigating the islands proved challenging, much more challenging than Vale initially anticipated, and many of the murder had flown back to friendly skies. So Vale was alone, mostly, but Vale did not mind. Vale was always alone, even in a crowd, even in a murder, but loneliness only bothered the bored.

The little crow flew like the wind. Loud. Fast. Tearing up the place like a heat-seeking missile without a clear target. The crow ponders as ve turns on a dime, circling back to the lighthouse. A local mentioned the building housed books; while Vale meant the metaphor, ve appreciated a warm quiet place to mope.

Vale fought the wind until ve flew into the open doorway, and abruptly fluttered to the floor. Heart beating like mad, the crow shook vis head and fluttered vis wings. Ve ought to shapeshift into a bulkier form, perhaps even a flightless one, if ve planned on staying long… but when had Vale succumbed to practicality?

So the funky murder chicken strutted on the library like ve owned the place. What else was a goth parrot to do in a sunny place like this, right?


Re: fuck, shit, and other expletives / alexandre - Alexandre - 06-01-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
The days after his return were meek. Had he known that his mothers would leave shortly after his return, he would have fought harder for his freedom. Even so, the damage was done. Time moved on... even if he didn't want it. The truth hurt. Alexandre spent his time wandering and conversing in the meantime to fill the void in his heart nowadays, including within the library.

The Typhoon's library was lined with the finest of books and many scrolls looted from ships, but he was not interested in that. Instead, the vampiric feline stood stiffly in the back. His head was propped up against the edge of a bookshelf while his eyes remained closed. Pointed ears stood upright. They did not twitch per usual. Instead, his super senses remained dormant. Silence. For the first time in a long time, things were... soothing... private... quiet... fluttering... wait...


A slitted gaze shot open. Echoing, flapping wings filled his ears. Wide, orange hues scanned the horizon as a black bird soared in through the library and landed with a confident strut. Alexandre leaned forward and away from the bookshelf with an uncomfortable grunt, but his curiosity undeniably peaked. An unfamiliar face graced his vision. "You're new here," came his sly response. Maybe ve didn't know better. A trouble-maker, presumably? Leaving short assumptions for later, the feline continued on. "Who are you?" Claws tapped lightly across the wooden floor. A response should be prompt, concise, and allure him closer. Alexandre was truly interested.

Re: fuck, shit, and other expletives / alexandre - VALE - 06-21-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ three-eyed crow
The crow tilted vis head, allowing all three red eyes to bore into Alex’s. Well, not exactly. The blight concentrated on the feline’s dainty pink nose. It was either that or pick one eye to stare into, and how could ve decide left or right? So, it was the nose.

“New to you, Roux!” Four rhymes in four words! The crow chittered to verself, strutting closer and puffing out vis chest in a confident swagger.

“I search for a tome of forgotten lore.” Vale stopped between Alex’s paws, looking up at the kitty. Vale hadn’t blinked, not once, since landing in the lighthouse. Whether Alex noticed or not was no concern—nothing Vale did was for anyone, least of all little bodily functions.

Hopping in place, the crow tutted to verself. “Perhaps you’ve seen me before?”

Re: fuck, shit, and other expletives / alexandre - Alexandre - 06-26-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
Ve seemed to be a chatterbox. Touché. If the shapeshifter wanted to flaunt their own perks and brag that ve knew the Roux name, so would Alexandre.

The feline's bracelets jingled together as he sauntered closer. Orange orbs looked downwards at the crow's three eyes that remained between his paws. "Alexandre Roux," he offered back. "But who are you?" His rhyme was unintentional. Alexandre didn't necessarily care to reiterate their fancy way of speaking, but it intrigued him, so he would play along.

Lore? Well. That wasn't a great reason to cross the border... "If you're looking for some forgotten lore, I suggest you take a look at the-" A paw attempted to grab at the crow's head and turn it roughly to the side, pointing their beak at the rows of books that lined the walls. "-scrolls in the pile." Away from the splatterpunk, fantasy, and classics, a small portion of the library was dedicated to documenting the history of their islands and what happened within them. They laid on a shelf. The top of the pile was covered in dust, but the majority were preserved. Alexandre did not know much besides a few before his birth, what his mothers told him, and the events that happened during his lifetime. He would not be much help. Even so, it did peak his interest. Maybe there was some hidden gems (literally) around here.