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mamma fucking mia / intro - Printable Version

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mamma fucking mia / intro - GUNNLEIF - 05-21-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #091938; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #4ea1c2;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - APPRENTICE - TAGS
Was it the loud cry in the morning that would've woken most people up that identified Gunnleif? Almost always, it was. This time, he was on the beach, doing what.. looked like mad dashes, but in his mind, were very calculated sprints. He came to a stop, yawning aloud, which.. accidentally turned into a rather loud screech. He blinked, his ears flattening against his head, looking towards the huts sitting not too far away. He mumbled a curse to himself, turning and sitting down at the shore like nothing had happened.

Gunnleif Mikaelson-Folie-Roux. Perhaps an enigma itself in that name, but he was simple-minded, kind, and maybe a bit of a looker, but at all times clumsy and covered in a band aid in one spot or another. His wings fluttered by his side, their light blue color gently reflecting in the rising sun. He yawned aloud again, this time careful not to screech, licking his lips. Maybe he'd fish this morning.


Re: mamma fucking mia / intro - LUMIA CIPHER. - 05-21-2021

Loud... Lumia didn't really hate loud people, but even she wasn't too pumped about a screeching cry so early in the morning. It could be heard even through the walls of the Anchored Tempest, and the still healing privateer merely let out an unheard grumble in response. Part of her considered just rolling over and going back to sleep, but that wouldn't make for a very good start to the day. It might've been fairly early, but if she went back to sleep now, she wouldn't wake up again until it was at least past noon. So, the wheat colored feline stumbled out of her cot and onto her paws, shaking out her pelt before she headed up and off of the tempest. She figured she might as well see just what had so rudely woken her up. Or rather, who.

When she reached the beach, she was... perplexed by what she saw. The kid looked pretty familiar, but not because she knew him. Mainly because she knew several others like him. The family resemblance to Roxanne was uncanny, and Mia had to assume that this was just one of the captain's many children that she had yet to meet. Moving over to where Gunnleif was sitting, the privateer hesitated momentarily before she spoke, "Uh, hey there. Not sure we've ever met before, but my name's Lumia... what was it that you were doing just a second ago? It almost looked like you were chasing something." She didn't just assume that Gunn had been bolting around in circles for no reason. That was really a mistake, on her part.
☆ — something's going on underneath your skin

Re: mamma fucking mia / intro - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-21-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
You would think that Vayne would be used to loud noises, considering she lived with Roxanne and Diya for the longest time, with how many kids the couple had. But then again, they were all around the same age as her, so... she was probably just as loud as Gunnleif was being right now. That being said, Vayne didn't really appreciate being woken up by screeching, especially after being captured and just wanting to actually sleep. But alas, now that she was awake, she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep for a while.

So like Lumia, Vayne would be coming out of her home and walking along the beach, coming across her aunt and one of (Vayne presumed) Roxie and Diya's kids. The kid certainly looked a lot like Roxanne, at the very least. "Havin' fun?" Her question was mostly towards Gunnleif, though she was curious what Lumia's answer would be, because it looked like she just woke up, too.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: mamma fucking mia / intro - GUNNLEIF - 05-22-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #091938; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #4ea1c2;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - APPRENTICE - TAGS
His head whipped around as Lumia spoke, his fur fluffing up on end. He blinked once, and silently he was cursing himself. Rapidly, like fast fire type shit. Gunn hadn't meant to wake anyone up, but here he goes, fucking it up. He cleared his throat, standing up from the sand and shaking out his pelt- which was, of course, adorned with sand and leaves. "I'm um. Gunnleif. Diya's and Roxanne's kid." He said, his ears twitching.

He looked back towards the beach, and his head whipped back around. Innocence shined in those eyes, but a knowing grin was plastered on his face, almost sheepish but definitely not forgiving. "Just a uh.. A morning run." He said. While that wasn't completely a lie, Gunnleif had been doing a little more then just running amuck on the beach. He sniffed gently, rubbing at his running nose for a moment before looking towards Vayne. He gave her a tiny, knowing smile, an incline of his head- a yes at that. "It's a nice morning, after all, why not?"


Re: mamma fucking mia / intro - LUMIA CIPHER. - 05-23-2021

One of Diya and Roxanne's kids. Ah, that certainly explained the uncanny resemblance to the captain. Lumia couldn't help the soft laugh that left her at the other's reaction, having not meant to scare the other. Yeah, she had been annoyed about getting woken up early, but she could deal with it, and she wasn't about to shout at the kid just because he was full of energy. Instead she just shook her head from side to side, a smile on her muzzle as she spoke, "Nice to meet you, Gunnleif. Like I said, I'm Lumia, one of the privateers around here. One of your moms, Diya. She's actually my mentor." Mia couldn't help the way that her chest puffed out a little with pride as she said that. She really was delighted that Diya was her mentor, considering how highly she thought of the officer and her work.

As she settled onto the warm sand, Lumia glanced around before she nodded, saying with a hum, "It is a pretty nice day for a run. Certainly better to do it now, considering it's still fairly cool. Once it's summer and the sun is really beating down on you, running around will become a way to make yourself pass out." She was sure that summer in The Typhoon would be even more unforgiving, considering their more tropical climate to begin with.
☆ — something's going on underneath your skin

Re: mamma fucking mia / intro - Keona. - 05-23-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
A screech wasn't... Exactly what the dire wolf expected from the shore.  Ears flicking as the dealer stepped out of the tavern.  From the gentle clamor of voices in casual conversation, she knew nothing bad was happening.  No.  The screech sounded kinda of familiar, really.  Like she'd heard it a few times before.

Keona hummed softly as she padded over to the group, catching the tail ends of words spoken.  Gunnleif.  One of Roxanne and Diya's children.  Okay.  Reminded her a little of... Well.  Natyli.  Of course, if Natyli made a bunch of random noises while running, the fae had never heard them.  Thankfully.

The canine nodded as Lumia spoke.  Sightless hues flickering in thought.  Yes, the summer would make running more difficult.  He could always switch to nighttime runs though, she supposed, flicking an ear. 

"Aloha," she offered softly, brows creased.  "'m Keona, if you don't know.  If you've been at it for a while, don't forget to stop by the tavern for some water.  I don't think Roan would like you dehydrating yourself." Her brother had enough stress.

Re: mamma fucking mia / intro - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-23-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Gunnleif, one of Diya and Roxanne's kids as she suspected. Had they ever met before? Vayne didn't remember meeting him at least, and it felt extremely awkward. Pushing that aside though, Vayne chirped, "Vayne Cipher-Folie-Roux. I'm your adoptive sister." Something she was still very proud of, even if Aphra and Inferno seemed angry at it. Hearing Keona and Lumia's replies, the she-cat also nodded in agreement with them. "Roan definitely wouldn't want you getting dehydrated." He has enough to deal with right now.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]