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THE END OF INFINITY WITH YOU / power discovery, open - Printable Version

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THE END OF INFINITY WITH YOU / power discovery, open - Margaery - 05-20-2018

[align=center][color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]
Margaery did not often nap. Sleeping was hard enough for her as it was and she refused to entertain her nightmares with another opportunity to torment her during the day. She always found something else to do in result, completely and wholly occupying her time so that her weariness, for the time being, was all but forgotten. It was easier that way and she cared not that, in the long run, it just succeeded in making her even more tired. She could deal with a perpetual sleepiness- she couldn't deal with the deaths and screams of her loved ones as she.. as she... No, she didn't even want to think about that.

But despite all that, that day had been different for some reason.

Unable to combat her exhaustion any longer, Margaery had actually taken to napping within her garden, hoping and praying to a god she didn't exactly believe in that her nightmares evaded her for only the few minutes she intended to sleep. She was confident that she would wake up rested and ready to continue her day and, much to her surprise, she did. Save the fact that roses had sprouted all around her. [color=#b14767]"Oh my," She commented softly, sitting up and blinking the sleepiness from her grey-blue eyes. She had seen this before... many times actually.

She couldn't convey how much of a relief it was to see the roses once more blooming at her feet.

[color=#b14767]"Some things never change," She continued, obviously bemused. Just to test that it was indeed her ability to grow flowers with every step, she paced around her garden a bit, mildly entertained to see the roses in her wake. Their presence was comforting, to say in the least, and she even giggled a bit at the thought of once more having the power that loved so dearly (though she often joked that she didn't).

It had been a long time since she truly embodied the roses she cared for so deeply but in that moment, as she sat cheerily within her garden watching the blossoms with bright eyes, it was obvious that she truly was the rose queen she fashioned herself as. She supposed the only question now was what else she was capable of doing. She and the Earth seemed to be so finely in tune. She'd have to explore the rest of what she assumed to be her newest power later on.

For now, she was content right where she was.

Re: THE END OF INFINITY WITH YOU / power discovery, open - ★ HAZEL - 05-20-2018

Hazel easily associated people with different things; it helped her define them and their personality. For instance, when she saw Suite, she thought of bedtime stories and mothers taking their children's place in battle to keep them from getting hurt. She also thought of sea glass and mint. When she saw Bastille, she thought of kids trying to figure out which path to take in life, campfires, skateboards, dry humor, and pine forests. When she saw Margy, she thought of flowers, royalty, glittering crowns, secrets, and the struggles of life that shaped people.

So it wasn't really an odd thing to see Margy pacing in her garden with roses popping up everywhere. In fact, it was satisfactory, in a way. Hazel wanted to make a flower crown (after figuring out how to make one) out of roses for her, but realized that Margy might look down on that.

"It's nice to see more roses in your garden again, Margy." Hazel purred. She knew Bastille had grown some in apology for burning most of them, but now they were everywhere, and the garden just radiated Margaery. It was nice to see the chocolate point smile again; it lifted Hazel's spirit just a bit, made her aura glow just a little more. God knew Margy deserved something like this.
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: THE END OF INFINITY WITH YOU / power discovery, open - Suiteheart - 05-20-2018

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Not once in her life did Suiteheart think she was ever so overjoyed to see roses. A large smile danced upon her snowy features as she stopped beside Hazel. Her dark eyes stopped momentarily on each new rose that bloomed in Margaery's wake. The flowers were simply gorgeous, perfect. The flowers were brighter than those that resided within her wife's garden, and their sweet fragrance carried farther. It made Suite think of all those months ago when her wife first discovered her ability. Those had been happy days. Today was no different.

"I never thought I'd get to see this again," the large polar bear murmured softly, voice and body radiating happiness. She had been hoping and praying for some light in her poor wife's life, and here it was, plain as day. It made Suite thankful and relieved and just so fucking happy. The smile on the chocolate point's lips reaffirmed the idea that Suite would always do whatever it took to make sure her wife remained that cheerful.

Her eyes landed on Hazel for a few ticks, and Suite was equally happy to see how pleased the young, golden girl was. She watched as Haze focused on the roses, and she wondered if the other wanted some (it was just a tad obvious on the sweet girl's face). Subtly, she motioned for Margaery to offered some of her roses to Hazel; the married couple sometimes seemed to have a secret, kid den language. She still wore a smile. God, she was so glad she woke up today to witness this.

Re: THE END OF INFINITY WITH YOU / power discovery, open - BASTILLEPAW - 05-22-2018

[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
Bastille wasn't quite feeling as in tune with the Earth that morning. Or with the sky, for that matter. Or the air. Or -- well, anything defined by the elements, frankly. He'd woken up to a surge of energy, chasing the tail-end of some past memory, and ended up plunged into darkness as the electricity in his room failed. After a cursory check, it seemed that only the room immediately next to his had been hit as well, but he'd been unable to coax the power to come back. After 10 minutes he'd given up and assigned it to be a problem for later.

Things only seemed to get worse from there.

By now, he was used to seeing cracks splinter under his paws when he stepped out of the Observatory. It seemed that within the structure, the metal and carpeted floors were safe from his destructive path -- with the exception, of course, for the lines imbedded in Hazel's floor. Outside, though? It seemed that the cracks that spread out where he walked were a permanent fixture for the time being, the spindly lines shooting out the second he made contact with the Earth. They seemed relatively minor at this point, not quite as pronounced as they were when he wavered on the brink of his control, which was... better, he supposed.

What he was not used to was being followed around by his own personal raincloud. Sure, sometimes he accidentally produced miniature versions of nature -- tornados, thunder storms, clumps of mist, and so forth -- but usually he could get rid of them relatively quickly. He'd patrolled the entire morning, trained, and gone hunting already, and this damned thing was still following him.

Bastille had elected to ignore it, and as he joined them he gave it absolutely no attention. It wasn't raining at the moment, as it had been early -- just swirly darkly behind him, like an over eager fucking puppy. Octavia had been intrigued by it for a while before she got bored and went to find something else to do. Unfortunately, Bast didn't have that same liberty.

He eyed the array of roses with some interest, and drawled idly, "Huh. Even your force-grown ones look nicer than mine. Maybe you do just have a better touch for flowers than me." That seemed to confirm his hypothesis, at these -- he'd wondered if it was the powers or if it was just him that made his roses less vibrant than Margy's.
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — cosmic general — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: THE END OF INFINITY WITH YOU / power discovery, open - Margaery - 05-22-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
As Hazel arrived and subsequently commented on the state of her garden, Margaery paused in her exuberant prance (which she had begun again after growing bored with sitting) to exuberantly beam - yes, she was beaming - at her. Happiness had so nimbly evaded the lithe chocolate point before this moment and yet, somehow, someway, she had still managed to ensnare it. A part of her feared that it was all temporary and would fade all too soon, but the part of her that was so actively living in this pure and bright moment relished in the fact that she once more felt bliss course through her veins.  It had been too long, she decided, and she deserved this.

[color=#b14767]"Aren't they lovely?" She inquired pleasantly, gaze falling to the ground to watch a fresh bloom poke its way through the earth and open before her - a crimson red that made that smile stretch even wider. [color=#b14767]"While I'm not familiar with power malfunctions, this one is an old friend of mine. It seems as if these roses will be blooming wherever I go now," Margaery continued with a small nod, tracing a circle into the ground with her forepaw and watching, in amazement, as a few roses sprouted in result.

Suiteheart's arrival earned a bit of an excited squeal of delight from Margaery and the starstruck guardian, undeniably eager, channeled her energy into making another type of flower grow- geraniums. They were her wife's favorite and thus a must. Though, she admittedly was surprised that the power cooperated with her enough to grow such. Often times, it was like pulling teeth to get anything but her signature roses to sprout. [color=#b14767]"Things are getting better," Margy observed, [color=#b14767]"I'm healing."

The contemplative expression that embraced her face for merely a second was once more replaced by happiness as Bastillepaw arrived. [color=#b14767]"Those roses will infinitely mean more to me," She confessed, stealing a glance at the ones he had planted following the initial destruction of her garden. He had been so thoughtful and considerate to do that and Margaery had been taken aback. No matter how big and beautiful the blooms of her own roses were, she'd never look at them with the same appreciative gaze that she did Bast's. [color=#b14767]"Thank you... again... That gesture meant more than I could ever convey."