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I WILL STAY BY YOUR SIDE && p, Valemon - Printable Version

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I WILL STAY BY YOUR SIDE && p, Valemon - tristitia - 05-20-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
A beginning to a chapter, is what she thought this was. She no longer had people that she would call close friends at her side, nor did she have much family around. She would not feel her mother's rasping tongue around her ears. She would not feel Luke's warm embrace, their chatter about the Force. And her father... Well, maybe spiritually. But not physically. She would not feel the embrace of his hand, or the protectiveness he had.

Well, Sekai had one thing to be grateful for. Her brother, Valemon. He would always be around her, keeping her way, bringing a smile to her face. If only she could do it for him as well.

The muddy-colored lioness had an idea of going to his cabin, which she needed to find quickly, because she was freezing her tail off. Almost, literally. Luckily, an NPC had pointed out his cabin and she moved quickly towards it, knocking gently against the door. “Valemon? It's me, it's Sekai.” She meowed, waiting for him. She was trying to be patient, but she felt cold.

© madi

Re: I WILL STAY BY YOUR SIDE && p, Valemon - valemon - 05-21-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Looking back on his life, Val realized there would be a lot he would miss. His father, especially, although he knew Anakin’s presence would always be around. And, his cloak provided comfort as well as a gateway into good memories... such as the time Lessa had started painting Anakin’s mask and invited others to join in. The swirls of color Val added had looked great on the pure blackness of the armor. There was also Padme, whose warmth and loving attitude would forever hold a special place in his heart. He’d been unsure about Luke after what had happened. Anakin’s death had been devastating... it was easy to put the blame on his big brother. But, he also liked to remember the times before, when he’d watched Luke meditate, questioned him about the Force, and got tips on how to have good manners (that he sometimes forgot). As much as it was great, it was sometimes sad to look back on these things. That’s probably why Valemon had thought getting away from everyone he’d been close to would be the answer.

But, reuniting with Sekai and Lucifer had shown him just how much he’d missed them. He decided he needed to spend time with those he loved, because he would lose them one day. Now was the time to make the most of it.

And, he was excited to start by spending time with Sekai today. As soon as he’d heard her voice outside, he’d almost jumped for joy. Almost immediately he opened the door to welcome her in.

After spending the first few days in Natasha's cabin, Val had easily tracked down a small one down for himself. Containing one room, it had all the necessities: a large bed, a wooden table, and a shelf against the wall. On the table were a few cups of hot cocoa an NPC had just brought over. Apparently, they loved that stuff here and Val wasn’t complaining.

“Sekai come in to warm!” he said with a bright smile. The cold was by far the worst thing about this place, but Val had always tried to look on the bright side. There were friends, fun, cocoa, Lucifer, and now Sekai, too! The cold was nothing compared to those.
© madi

Re: I WILL STAY BY YOUR SIDE && p, Valemon - tristitia - 05-21-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
It appeared that the two would have missed the same things. Family, friends, and so much more. But their reactions would be vastly different. He appeared to be sad, but she felt bitterness and anger churning inside of her. Not at them, but at herself. She couldn't make them stay, and she felt like she wasn't important enough to make them stay. It would wear down on her eventually. And the snake prowls, almost like a lion, waiting those for vulnerable and weak, to strike. Well, it hadn't happened yet, but power was an alluring force.

A laugh escaped her as she saw how happy Valemon was. She was pretty happy, too, but it was difficult for her to show it. She came in, smiling. One room, huh? She looked around it. Considering it was her outgoing brother who spiffied it up, it looked nice. “Yes, Val. Thanks for letting me warm up in here. How've you been?” The inquisitive lioness asked. She already felt warmer!
© madi

Re: I WILL STAY BY YOUR SIDE && p, Valemon - valemon - 05-22-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Through their bond, Val unknowingly felt some of the anger from his sister. As he sometimes struggled to understand his own feelings, he wasn’t aware of what exactly was happening.

Right now, things seemed alright, though. And, that’s all that mattered. “Great!” he said in response to Sekai’s greeting. It was substantially warmer in here, something he was thankful for. If he had to be cold all of the time, he probably wouldn’t stay. “Sekai settle in good?” he asked in return.

But, before he’d even given her the chance to answer, he jumped up and scurried over to his bed. Shifting the thick blanket, he revealed the stuffed lion Sekai had gifted him. “‘Is name ‘s Coco!” After hot cocoa, despite the fact ‘Coco’ might be a more feminine name and this was definitely a lion plush. “You like?”
© madi

Re: I WILL STAY BY YOUR SIDE && p, Valemon - tristitia - 05-23-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Her sapphire gaze watched her overly excited brother. And, it appeared they agreed on one things: their bodies were not meant for the cold. If they had to stay put in it for long times, they would’ve said goodbye to this place. At his question, Sekai gave a warm smile. It was so nice of him to check in on her. The muddy-colored lioness wanted to reply but was cut off.

“Er... yes, Valemon. I’m settling in just fine, thank you for asking.” She had told him when he was still on the bed.

And then he had jumped off. He appeared proud of something, at least. Seeing as to how he wasn’t getting off of the bed, the cub moved in front of it when she got a surprise. She fell back against the floor, not expecting a lion plush to be revealed to her. Ow... that hurt a bit. She smiled as she had gotten up again and nodded. Sure, if was more of a feminine name, but was she going to tell Val that? Of course not! Sekai would allow him to have fun. It certainly didn’t sink her boat, so she didn’t need to sink his. “Oh, yes! I like that name. It’s the best name for that lion, it fits.” She told him gently, smiling even more.
© madi