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Set me free! | Roan - Printable Version

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Set me free! | Roan - Wavepool - 05-19-2021

As much as she could understand the order Roan had given her to stay and rest in the temple until she was healed, Wavepool couldn't help but feel that it was all a bit unnecessary. She would admit that perhaps she had been a bit stubborn at first, and that staying at least a day would be good for her health, but then that day turned into two and...well, she was starting to get a bit antsy. She had never been the type to sit around for long periods of time like this, and it admittedly left her feeling more than a little guilty to know that she was doing nothing but taking up resources that could be better spent elsewhere. Her ribs might not have been fully healed just yet, but they were well on their way to recovery and at this point there was no need for her to stay in the temple any longer, and despite expressing this to the Soothsayer, he had refused to budge.

Sitting on the pillow she had taken as her resting place, the tabby prodded at the fish laying at her paws, a deep frown stretched across her features. was such an utter waste of food, to be bringing her meals regularly, especially when she just needed the blood and none of the meat, but every time she went to tell Roan, that she only drank the blood, she...just couldn't manage to say it. She had never liked that about herself, her vampiric diet and appetites, and for most of her life she had strived to keep that particular fact about herself a secret. Selfish, it was so selfish of her, to waste all of this food, yet at the same time, if she didn't at least eat a little bit, then Roan would get suspicious, and...she didn't want to have that conversation, not now.

Sighing, she pushed the fish away from herself, hoping that she could perhaps convince someone else to take it off her paws, she could just tell the medic that she hadn't been hungry, it was an excuse she was using a bit more than she would have liked, but if it worked, then it worked. A sudden pain in her chest interrupted her musing, the tabby wincing for a moment before turning her head to the side to cough into a paw, grimacing at the few flecks of blood she spotted as she pulled back, quickly wiping the droplets onto the fish in front of her and praying Roan wouldn't notice. It was a horrible idea, an utterly awful one, trying to hide a serious condition like this, but when she was already taking up space in the temple, wasting their time and resources, she...didn't want to be anymore of a burden on them. It was silly, it was outright harmful to herself, but...she would be fine for now, it just made things a little more uncomfortable, she just needed to wait until she could get out, then she could tell him, then she could hunt for the herbs she needed herself, even bring back some extras to make up for what she had taken up during her stay here. She did just wish she could leave already though, three days was far more time than she needed, she was a medic herself, she could take care of herself just fine!

Re: Set me free! | Roan - roan ; - 05-20-2021

If there was one word that anyone within The Typhoon would use to describe Roan, it would be stubborn. Well... maybe that would be after a few other choice words, like dickish, or bitchy. But stubborn was certainly up there, as demonstrated by the myriad of patients that the soothsayer had confined to the temple until he thought they were ready to go. Wavepool was just the latest in a long line, and the medic had to admit that perhaps he was being a bit more of a hardass than usual. But, could you really blame him? Things around The Typhoon lately had been a shitshow, and Roan's last two patients – Danny and Alex – had both gone missing. Danny had obviously been taken by the Coalition, but Alex? Fuck if he knew, and that annoyed him. He didn't like it when patients were taken away from him, especially when that meant they were at an even higher risk of dying. He had seen enough death for several lifetimes over his many months as The Typhoon's soothsayer, and he didn't want to see any more. Hence, why Wave had been so highly restricted.

As for her vampiric tendencies... well, Roan probably wouldn't think all too much of those. After all, Diya and Alexandre were both vampires, alone with Michael as well. Hell, his mama was a cannibal. He really didn't have any right to be judging anyone for their dietary choices, even if it was true that his own diet was as regular as it could really be. He didn't have the vampiric tendencies of his step-mother, half-brother or uncle, nor did he have any desire to eat anyone, like his mama did. Not that he had ever really judged Roxie for that. Why would he? Not only did he love her, but he didn't really see the issue when thus far he had only seen her chow down on their enemies. Namely, Coalition members, who very much deserved the fate they had received. Besides, he didn't really think that his mama's "tendencies" were all that different than any of them eating the prey that they hunted and killed. His one adopted child had been a sentient squirrel, and yet he still found himself eating non-sentient squirrels all the time. So yes, he had noticed Wave's odd eating patterns, but he hadn't really said any about it because he didn't see why he needed to judge. As long as she was consuming something, he didn't really care what it was.

What Roan did care about was any medical things that Wave was potentially hiding from him. He knew that Wavepool was similarly stubborn – hence her constantly asking him when she could go – so it hardly would've surprised him that she was hiding something. The fact that she was hiding something pretty damn serious, though? That would be enough to piss him off – or at least, annoy him greatly. The scent of blood when he walked into the temple was subtle, especially beneath the scent of all the little herb alcoves, but it still caused his ears to briefly flick back, flattening against his head. He glanced over at Wavepool, his blue eyes briefly narrowing in thought before he headed towards the back of the temple, depositing the various herbs that he had collected that day into their various spots. Once he was done with that, he dropped his satchel off near his "room," before wandering back over to Wave. Glancing down at the fish near her paws, a soft sigh left the soothsayer before he questioned, "How are you feeling today, Wavepool?" As he questioned her, he allowed himself a brief glance over her form, just trying to see if anything had changed. Any sign of exterior injuries, or perhaps something he hadn't initially noticed. That fresh smell of blood had to be coming from somewhere.
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Re: Set me free! | Roan - Wavepool - 05-20-2021

Had she not been stuck there for as long as she was, or been free to come and go as she pleased, she had a feeling she would have quite enjoyed staying in the temple. It wasn't exactly like the infirmary they had back where she had previously lived, but it certainly wasn't bad, in fact it was very similar to the temple the medics had lived at in her first home, the group she had been born to. She wondered how some of her most recent patients were doing right now, she had a few other medics working under her, none who were quite as experienced as her but...she knew she could rely on them. It didn't do much to help the ache in her chest though, that feeling of longing for what she had lost, her job may not have been an easy one, but it had been something she had truly enjoyed, to help and heal, to see her patients walk out of her care, knowing that she had made a difference.

It was getting to be a bit of a routine at this point, one that Wavepool was all too familiar with, considering she had done it day after day for months on end with countless patients herself, her ears flicking atop her head as the medic's voice called out to her. Her eyes brightened as she gazed up from her uneaten meal and up into Roan's own, a soft, only somewhat faked smile forming on her lips, head tilting to the side for a moment as if to ponder his question, though, she already knew exactly how she would answer. "Just fine, same as last time, but thank you for asking." Came her reply, an answer that had hardly changed since she had arrived, and one that she doubted would change at all over the course of her stay here. The quick glance over her the Soothsayer took wasn't missed by the tabby, and it was a struggle to maintain her smile with the knowledge that he obviously knew there was something wrong here. It was unfortunate that there wasn't exactly anything she could do about that faint scent of blood in the air, only pretend it didn't exist, or perhaps claim she opened up one of her cuts on accident, she did have options.

"So, am I free to go yet?" The tabby questioned, hoping that her query would, at the very least, distract him from investigating any further into the scent he had caught, though with luck, today could be the day she could get out of here. "My ribs are well on the mend, the pain is hardly even noticeable at this point, my bruises are all but healed by now, I-" Her next words got caught in her throat as a familiar feeling rose up from her chest, her smile quickly morphing into an expression of discomfort. Her head swiftly turned to the side, a paw coming up to cover her mouth as she gave a short cough into the limb, forcing back the urge to continue hacking up whatever was caught in her lungs as she turned back to Roan, ignoring the continued feeling of rising discomfort that came from the aborted action. "P-Pardon, as I was saying, I'm fine, there's really no need to keep me here any longer." she finished, paw quickly lowered to the floor to prevent the siamese from noticing the red across her white fur, hoping he'd simply come to the conclusion that this short bout of coughing had been nothing more than something being caught in her throat, or a bit of harmless congestion