Beasts of Beyond
A million miles | Open - Printable Version

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A million miles | Open - Wavepool - 05-19-2021

Water, it ebbed and flowed, rolled across the beach in such breathtaking waves, fell from the sky all across the world, be it as gentle rain, or monsoons. Water was everywhere, and when you could call on it, when you controlled those waves, when you were the one driving the rain, there was so much more that you could do, that she could do. Gazing down into the stream below her, Wavepool stretched a paw out, pointedly ignoring the now white fur on her limb, reaching out to the flowing body of water beneath her. There was no difference, the feeling that had been with her for so many years, in the back of her mind, it was gone, the same as it had been yesterday, and the day before that, and the past week. The stream didn't change its course, it didn't so much as ripple in a way that wasn't natural, continuing to flow on its path, reflecting the distorted visage of the feline above and the pained look that stretched across her face.

So...that was it then, it was just gone? The power she had held for over six years now, the ability that let her continue to fight for her home even when her body could not keep up, the power she had cherished and worked so hard on for almost all her life, it had just...been stripped away from her? She had been hoping that maybe it was still there, merely locked away, somewhere inside herself, that maybe training would bring it back, or that it might come back with time, but now she knew, it wasn't coming back. Another thing to add to the list of all the things that she had lost, that had been taken from her, all because of a stupid mistake. She shouldn't have gone out there on that boat, she should have just stayed home, spent the day with her husband, with her children.

Yet another thing she had done her best to remain hopeful about, and yet another thing that had only ended in pain. She didn't recognize any of it, any of the territories, any of the groups that laid claim to these lands, none of it, which meant that wherever this was, it was a very, very long ways away from home. Hunched over the small stream, the sound of her tears dripping down into the water below was barely audible over the sounds of the jungle, her quiet sobs echoing through the nearby trees. She felt so helpless, so much smaller than she had once been, weeks ago she had felt on top of the world, and now it felt like that same world only wanted to push her down. Just when she had finally found a home, after years of wandering the lands on her own, when she had finally settled down, given up her nomadic lifestyle, within months it was all stolen from her again.

"W-What...w-what am I su-supposed to do?" she choked out, gazing into the distorted, equally anguished face reflected back to her from the stream. What could she even do, in the face of this? It wasn't the first time this had happened to her, yet the previous time, the answer had simply been; nothing. There had been nothing she could have done, there had never even been any hope of returning, and it seemed like that might just be the same here. So...was that it then? Was she supposed to simply accept that there was no hope, that her husband, her children, they were all gone now, that she would never see any of them again? She couldn't accept that, she could never accept a fate like that, but in the end, if the situation was the same here, against such overwhelming odds, what chance did she have?

Re: A million miles | Open - roan ; - 05-20-2021

Powers. They had never played a major part in Roan's life, if he were to reflect back on things. He possessed elementals, yes, but he didn't consider his control of electricity to be a vital part of him. In fact, his electrical elementals coming to him were usually a sign of something bad that had happened or was soon to come. They had, after all, first manifested after a horrible nightmare, with him lashing out and not only hurting another Typhooner, but his mama as well. For months after that incident, he had been terrified about calling upon those same powers once more. After all, what if he couldn't control them? What if he ended up hurting someone else, or what if his powers got out of control, and he ended dying? Many questions had lingered on his mind in those days, but he had eventually gotten over his fears, learning to control electricity and bend it to his every whim. He had never gone so far, however, as to have it cover his entire body. He never imagined having a coat made entirely of electricity, like the one that Wavepool had once had – not that Roan knew about that. All he really knew about Wave at this point was that she had come from somewhere far away, and she had medical knowledge.

He had noticed her staring wistfully towards the sea, of course. He would've had to be a blind idiot to not notice the way she clearly yearned for what she had presumably lost. Still, he didn't mention anything about it – at least, not aloud. As the soothsayer of The Typhoon, he did have some responsibility to keep track of the mental health of his fellow Typhooners, but how could he help in this situation? It wasn't as if he could just drop her back wherever she had come from. He could fly, sure, but he had no idea of where Wave had come from, or how to possibly get back there. So instead, he just settled for keeping track of her physical injuries. He watched her carefully, making sure that her ribs and various other smaller injuries were healing in a satisfactory way. He couldn't do anything about her heart, but that was hardly all that surprising. Even with all of the medical knowledge in the universe, he wouldn't be able to just change or cure someone's medical condition. Instead, that was just yet another thing that he opted to keep an eye on, wanting to make sure that she was back to the peak condition that she could achieve before he allowed her to leave the temple.

Of course, Roan's patients also had an unfortunate habit of being extremely stubborn people. And as a result, the medic was hardly surprised when he entered the temple that day, only to see that Wavepool was gone. A heavy sigh left him as he moved into his little "den," grabbing his satchel and slinging it around his waist before he headed off after her scent. It didn't take long before he reached the stream where she was laying, although he did freeze up when he noticed what was going on. She was... crying? That was hardly great, especially considering the siamese's earlier mentioned very rusty therapist skills. He couldn't just turn around and go, though. He had promised himself that he would keep an eye on her, and this was part of that. A soft sigh left Roan as he grew closer, voice dry as he spoke up, "Here you are. You know, I'm beginning to think you don't like my home very much." It was meant to be a fairly lighthearted joke, although it could occasionally be hard to tell with how deadpan the soothsayer's tone was.

As he sat down beside Wave at the edge of the stream, Roan reached out a dark paw to drag it over the surface of the water, muttering mostly to himself, "You can tell it's getting warmer... this was freezing for weeks." He then turned his blue gaze towards Wavepool herself, biting down on the inside of his cheek. What was he supposed to say, in a situation like this? Eventually, he just decided to answer her question, shaking his head from side to side, "You want to know what you're supposed to do? You're supposed to keep living. Listen... I don't know what the hell your life was like before you got here. But what I do know is that the world can be an incredible bitch sometimes. And the only way you can combat that is by keeping your head up, and being a bitch right back. Wallowing around in sadness... it's not gonna help anyone. Not you, and certainly not anyone that you left behind. They'd want you to be happy and thriving, I'm sure, wherever you were." It was hardly the most stellar motivational speech in the world, but it was trying. And that was really all you could ask from Roan in a situation like this.
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Re: A million miles | Open - Simon F.M. - 05-21-2021

「  H U R R Y  U P !  T H E  S U N  I S  G O I N G  D O W N !  」
[Image: diya_small.png]
"He's right, you know," Diya would say as she approached, pride thick in her voice as she came to a slow limping stop beside them, frowning at the ache in her side. Really, her wounds themselves hadn't been that extreme, just a few scratches down her side, the kicker had been the ah, blood bending. Squinting around Roan to the... feline? that sat on his other side. At least, she was pretty sure they were feline, they were a bit... light-colored, she couldn't tell which. Ah well, she could ask Roan later or maybe get a closer look at some point. Ah, absolutely the latter, if she asked Roan, he may question why she couldn't look for herself and that wasn't a conversation she wanted to be having. He'd fuss over something he couldn't fix and it would just be annoying and frustrating for them both.

Returning to the topic on hand, the feline would flick her long tail, humming lightly. "Others come and go and if we spend our time wondering what would happen if they weren't gone, we miss those that are here," she would add, riding off of what Roan had said. She would lean her head over, momentarily resting it against Roan's, a slight purr rumbling from her chest. "Every member of my family, except my brother who flits around like a ghost, are gone, disappearing into the waves or the wind. So, I moved on, I came here. I moved on and made myself my own new family. You can't..." she paused, finally lifting her head from Roan's and staring down into the water with clouding eyes. "You lift your head up and keep going, if not for your sake, then for theirs. Imagine the guilt they would feel knowing you break your heart for them?" She would tap a paw lightly against the ground, gathering her thoughts, trying to get to the point of it all. "Crazy things happen here, so don't give up hope. But don't let that hope hold you back, you have to keep moving forward." and okay, now that she'd got to the end of it, she realizes she really should have introduced herself. Yikes, it was a bit too late for that now, wasn't it?

Re: A million miles | Open - ROSEMARY - 05-24-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
The ocelot hung back, her ears flicking against her skull momentarily. She hated crowds when in the middle of a breakdown, but she didn’t want Wavepool to feel ignored. So the witch nervously looked at and then away from the maine coon.

“If you want to talk, my treehouse is always an oasis for anyone in a crisis.” Rosemary’s voice was soft; she would’ve been easily drowned out if she hadn’t waited for the others to finish. “I’m here if you need a low maintenance shoulder of a friend.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night